Can't click icons to enter chat?

Started by Wraithkiller, July 27, 2015, 11:03:37 PM


Just looking for a work-around or thread but can't seem to find it.

However, the problem exists that I downloaded Tequila, registered with titan, etc and everything seems fine. However, when entering the main page with the city of heroes logo screen past the tequila launcher, I can't seem to click on any of the tabs for entering into the chat interface. I can use the tab key to move to the password line, but when it moves to the next screen for "Accept, reject or cancel"... just won't allow me to click on accept for whatever reason.

Any ideas?

Paragon Avenger

mouse driver problem, I had that once.
I remeber running CoH windowed and that fixed it, I think.
But mouse-driver, that's the problem.


I am having the same issue today, when logging on, only about half the buttons work in mouse over, and when it comes to the Players Agreement screen, none of the buttons work.
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This is still an issue, since .98d I have not been able to loggon, the CoH loggon screen size at launch is larger than my desktop (1920 x 1080) and the couser doesn't activate the buttons until somewhere below the buttons. On the Players Agreement screen I can't get the mouse low enough to activate the accept button.

Back when we used the launcher I could set the screen size in the launcher, but I cannot find a way to do that with Paragon Chat. Is there a way to change the default screen size at launch?

It was not an issue for me prior to .98d. . .

Is it a bug or an issue with my machine? I reinstalled mouse drivers so that wasn't the problem.

Running Win 10 with Nvidia 960 graphics. 
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Try hitting ALT+ENTER, which should shift your screen from full to windowed, which should allow you to log in. Then you can fix settings in Options.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



You should be able to access the settings from the CoH login screen. Alternatively, press alt+enter to put the game into windowed mode.


Quote from: FloatingFatMan on August 12, 2015, 07:30:28 PM
You should be able to access the settings from the CoH login screen. Alternatively, press alt+enter to put the game into windowed mode.

Same issue, I cannot get the mouse courser low enough to click the settings button.
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Quote from: Aggelakis on August 12, 2015, 07:29:45 PM
Try hitting ALT+ENTER, which should shift your screen from full to windowed, which should allow you to log in. Then you can fix settings in Options.

Bingo! Thank you very much!
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