Paragon Chat Development Roadmap and Wishlist

Started by Codewalker, July 13, 2015, 04:14:25 PM


Updated road map noted. ;)

QuoteTarget Milestone: 1.2
Estimated Completion: A while

Private instance support using arbitrary maps

GM abilities in private instances

Costume change emotes

NPC spawning in private instances


More base love!

I have been base building, having fun with that...and encouraged others to do so...even given them help on how to do various aspects of it.  I've gone for the sewers look on private and oriental look on global...  Furnished with World Globe and Book Cases...and a Cosmic Cube.

While enjoying the 'now' I am, and have been, really looking forward to the 1.2 update.  It has intriguing features on it.  Such as...

Private instance support for arbitrary maps...  I can't escape the feeling that the work done on the 'back end' system for Bases/Building/Editing will be inextricably linked to this feature...  GM 'abilities' in said 'private instances' sounds intriguing.  What could that mean? :D

The NPC spawning in private instances also something I've been really looking forward to, along with the 1.2 update.  (Be nice to have some 'NPCs' in your private SG Base too...?  As a further feature request...)

'More base love!' is welcome.  It falls into that all important category, giving people something 'to do.'

It will be nice to have the supergroup 'Blue Text Club' feature but will be busy base building in the mean time...  (You can have your team mate look around your base any 'good as...')



QuoteTarget Milestone: 1.3
Estimated Completion: Longer than a while

To be determined.

Such a tease. :D



Not really teasing on purpose, all the stuff I had on the roadmap for 1.3 ended up getting shuffled around and moved to other milestones. So that left me with an empty milestone that I now have to figure out what's going to go there.


Re: Global message of the day...

Are they going to be plucked from a book of Confucius sayings...?

One idea I had for that was a bit line the community involved in rewriting the plaques.

Could tender the GMOTD from a bank of messages from the PC community randomly selected each day.

Just a thought.


Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Codewalker on August 03, 2018, 02:18:57 PM
Not really teasing on purpose, all the stuff I had on the roadmap for 1.3 ended up getting shuffled around and moved to other milestones. So that left me with an empty milestone that I now have to figure out what's going to go there.

How about bringing back that blimp that flew over AP?


Aye.  The Blimp.

One of the last sounds I remember hearing before the servers closed.

I was sitting on top of the Atlas globe, having a cup of it rumbled by...



One thing I'd like to see is a way for servers to customize their environment.

Specifically, I'd like for Paragon Chat to treat all of the .cfg files as being "per-server" instances, such that when it connects to a server it queries that server for any special .cfg files that go with that server and it automatically downloads them into an appropriate folder and prefers those .cfgs while connected to that server.

If I'm running my own server and someone joins up, they'd download my strings.cfg and when they joined Atlas Park, they'd be greeted by Liberty Belle instead of Ms. Liberty. The Top Dog badge on my server would be named 'On Top of the World!'.

I'm assuming this could be accomplished through a pub-sub node.

Streetwise Hercules

Gosh, I hope this is the right thread... It'd be awesome of Team Captains could set an in-zone Waypoint for the entire team! Love the continuing awesomeness! Thank-you all!


Not sure where to put this.  But I've just seen the Kalistri Wharf 'Twitch' stream (how did I miss it two months ago...) on Leandro's YouTube channel.

The work on Rikti Warzone was impressive.

But the work on...Kalistri Wharf?

Stunning.  An absolutely beautiful map.  Like a cross between Atlas, Founders and Independence port - the coming together of the map maker's potential.  It would have been the gleaming jewel in Issue 24.

To put that together from the 'force fielded' area I saw in Icon?  Impressive work.

I also noted that it was said that it took two years to put the Super Base work together to the exacting standards of Codewalker.  Impressive.  Very impressive.

If Paragon Chat can one day have a 'map builder' like the SG Base builder sitting on top of Paragon Chat?  That will be a dream come true.  Add that to private instancing and RPG controls such as NPC spawning and you're cooking.

I noted too, the subtleties.  The guy putting together the extended Portal and Rikti WZ Stuff.  The 3D modeller that did the Statesman statue for Kalistri Wharf as well as Leandro bolting together the Wharf.  Code walker the mystic code engineer who's making it all possible.  There's a team right there...and others, I'm sure, under the radar.

Quietly going about their business.  Putting the infrastructure in place in a low key way.  To the point where it will only need to 'switch' on the combat 'one day.'


PS.  As this is a development thread.

LUA scripting IS mentioned on the timeline.  1.2?

My mere suggestion.  As implemented in SEGs?  You need to learn coding.  But if the LUA could be put into a shell GUI for non-programmers as a kind of button generator.  Eg.

1. Contact.
2. Mission.
3.  Interior Mission Map.
4.  Zone.

They could be a series of variables for each one.  ie.  a bunch of contracts.  A bunch of 'go here/come back' missions.  All the interior maps.  All the zones.

Put a dice generator next to each one.  (You know, like next to the costume generator....)  And you could randomly generate the content (from a list of possibilities) for each one.  Allowing 'non-programmers' to create content quickly while the 'real' programmers use LUA to take it to the next level.



Quote from: Azrael on January 16, 2019, 05:11:43 PM
LUA scripting IS mentioned on the timeline.  1.2?

My mere suggestion.  As implemented in SEGs?  You need to learn coding.  But if the LUA could be put into a shell GUI for non-programmers as a kind of button generator.  Eg.

1. Contact.
2. Mission.
3.  Interior Mission Map.
4.  Zone.

They could be a series of variables for each one.  ie.  a bunch of contracts.  A bunch of 'go here/come back' missions.  All the interior maps.  All the zones.

Put a dice generator next to each one.  (You know, like next to the costume generator....)  And you could randomly generate the content (from a list of possibilities) for each one.  Allowing 'non-programmers' to create content quickly while the 'real' programmers use LUA to take it to the next level.

The plan in my head I've had for a long time with regard to LuaMission consists of two pieces:

1. A fairly low-level API for controlling encounter groups (spawn points), receiving events, setting mission objective text, sending chat window text and progress meters, etc.

2. A standard library written in Lua built around that API geared toward providing pieces that work like "standard" missions. Something along the lines of allowing a single ObjectiveDefeatAll("Vahzilok", "Defeat all the baddies!") call to set up the variables needed for a mission. A GUI editor that looks similar to the in-game AE interface - or maybe the AE interface itself - could be fairly easily built around these pieces.

Beginners could fairly easily create missions in notepad by copy/pasting examples that use the library (or a GUI editor if someone builds one). Advanced designers could bypass parts of the library, or not even use it at all, do to more interesting things and create nonstandard game mechanics.

I haven't looked at what SEGS is doing in a whole lot of detail, but from what I've seen of their Lua API so far -- it's a fairly unique take on Lua and not how I would have done it. So while #1 will likely be quite different from the SEGS implementation and not compatible, there's no reason that #2 couldn't be ported to work on top of whatever they decide on.


Quote from: Codewalker on January 16, 2019, 09:54:00 PM
The plan in my head I've had for a long time with regard to LuaMission consists of two pieces:

1. A fairly low-level API for controlling encounter groups (spawn points), receiving events, setting mission objective text, sending chat window text and progress meters, etc.

2. A standard library written in Lua built around that API geared toward providing pieces that work like "standard" missions. Something along the lines of allowing a single ObjectiveDefeatAll("Vahzilok", "Defeat all the baddies!") call to set up the variables needed for a mission. A GUI editor that looks similar to the in-game AE interface - or maybe the AE interface itself - could be fairly easily built around these pieces.

Beginners could fairly easily create missions in notepad by copy/pasting examples that use the library (or a GUI editor if someone builds one). Advanced designers could bypass parts of the library, or not even use it at all, do to more interesting things and create nonstandard game mechanics.

I haven't looked at what SEGS is doing in a whole lot of detail, but from what I've seen of their Lua API so far -- it's a fairly unique take on Lua and not how I would have done it. So while #1 will likely be quite different from the SEGS implementation and not compatible, there's no reason that #2 couldn't be ported to work on top of whatever they decide on.

1.  Sounds good to me, like it covers most bases.  API/Hooks for the elements of missions?

2.  A command that links all the 'variables' or 'Jigsaw' pieces to generate a mission?

That satisfies my curiosity because I wasn't sure what LUA on the Dev' timeline specifically meant.  But having a LUA library of elements that you can copy and paste from, like a very simple and basic 'text' command that can be copied into a notepad, that plugs in the variable elements to create a mission sounds cool to me.

What I like Paragon Chat so far, is that it honours the pick up and play aspect of the 'original' and that things are implemented with a perfectionist zeal.

If LUA can be implemented alongside a map editor (I'm presuming the kind of 'back end' work on the SG bases may be transferable to other stuff?  To help to plug in other stuff like a map editor, that the powers, as so far implemented are also part of some 'back end' lego-brick modules that plug into Paragon Chat?) that is as well implemented and easy to use as the SG Bases then it will be a day long remembered. 

Imagine that.  ...the CoH community being able to create their own mission and map content from 'lego-bricks' - the possibilities would be endless.   8)

Paragon Chat, SG Bases & the Kalistri Wharf map (and the other 22 maps in progress!) offers a tantalising glimpse on the horizon where the community modify the original and take it forward...and where the outrageous 'sunset' of the original is consigned to history and CoH may live and breath again with it's legacy assured.

Thank you for the reply.  Much appreciated.



People seem to be topping out at 479 badges these days. This is only 21 badges from getting the you-got-500 badge. I'd like to see enough more badges, you don't top out at frustratingly close. :)


There was work being done on the History Badges. Not sure where that is. One day...
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


I think we're at the point of having the texts, but still needing the badges. So... those would work. :)


History plaques were part of a community project to make text for the plaques themselves so we're not reusing the COH IP.  Unfortunately, there is no ETA on when this will be ready.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


What is the future of Paragon Chat, now that private servers are likely?
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


Unchanged AFAIK.  It still has utility as a private RP service if you install OpenFire on your own server.  Should NCSoft go for the nuclear option, it's still distributed.  Anyone with it installed today can still reach others via XMPP with a different server.

And it works as an offline base editor, so if other servers can import bases in the future it makes sense as a tool in that regard.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I would love it if Paragon Chat could import bases that use the i25 items. :)
@Sheyon - Virtue Server (Played from 2008-2012)
Markel Smythe, Operative Trent, Jacob Weiss, Israel Umbra, et all.


Quote from: Sheyon on May 06, 2019, 01:18:35 AM
I would love it if Paragon Chat could import bases that use the i25 items. :)

Amen to that.  Some really AMAZING new I25 base items and tools !