How can you enter new Powersets into Mids ??

Started by HEATSTROKE, July 09, 2015, 02:29:03 PM


Id like to add the stuff that had at least some info on it from City of Data like Wind Control, Martial Assault, Radiation Armor stuff like that but I have NO idea how to do it..

Thanks for any help in advance.


See some posts in these two threads. If you have any more questions, reply and I'll go into more details.,11046.msg185919.html#msg185919,10353.msg164170.html#msg164170

I do have a Mids database with the following powersets added: Wind Control, Martial Assault, Bio Armor, Rad Melee
And parts of some new Power Pools: Sorcery, Experimentation, Force of Will, Gadgetry, Utility Belt.

I could email it to you, but if you did any editing of your own, you would lose that.