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Slash commands

Started by Codewalker, July 09, 2015, 02:22:02 PM


Paragon Chat mostly tries to mimic the traditional COH slash commands that we're used to, but in some cases there are differences. It also has a few PC-specific commands that are new.

/tell, /t, /private, /p, /whisper
/t @somebody, message here

Sends a private message. This shows up as a tell to other PC users, or as a direct instant message to someone using a standard XMPP client.

/say, /local, /l, /s

Local chat. Sends to people within a 100' radius. This is implemented behind the scenes as multicast direct messaging, so it does not show up to people who have joined the zone's broadcast channel using XMPP.

/e, /me, /em, /emote

Either performs an emote animation if the name is found in emote.cfg, or sends to the emote text channel which functions exactly like /local but with a different chat bubble graphic.

/yell, /y, /broadcast, /b

Zone-wide broadcast chat.

/request, /req, /sell, /auction

Request channel. Functionally identical to broadcast, but is a different color and can be sorted into a different chat tab.

/gfriend @global

Sends a global friend request to the specified user. Paragon Chat users will get the familiar popup. XMPP users will be prompted in an application-specific way that someone wants to subscribe to their presence.

This command does work with character names, too, if the character has been in zone with you recently enough for your client to remember their character name. Note that since character names aren't unique, you might not be friending the right person if there's a duplicate, so I recommend always using global names if possible.

/gunfriend @global

Removes a global friend without prompting.


Joins or leaves a global channel. These are actually client-side commands, but listing them for completeness.

/chan_send, /send

Sends a message to a global channel that you are a member of.


Sends a global channel invite. Not really very useful right now since Paragon Chat doesn't process incoming invites. Standard XMPP clients might, though.

/costume_change, /cc

Changes costumes to the specified number.


Instantly moves to a different map, see the wiki for a list of map ID numbers.

/ignore, /gignore

Adds a player to your account-wide ignore list.

/unignore, /gunignore

Removes a player from your account-wide ignore list.


Teleports you back to the zone entrance point.


Manually sets the username, password, and optionally xmpp server to connect to. If no server is set, the appropriate server for your JID is determined by an SRV lookup, or failing that, a direct connection to the domain part of the JID. Setting these affect the next connection made by /xmpp_connect.

These are normally not needed as this is handled automatically by the login form when you start Paragon Chat.


Disconnects the active XMPP link. This will result in all other players disappearing and chat no longer functioning, though you can still use /mapmove and local-only features like tailors.


Connects the XMPP link. Useful if you get disconnected.

/xmpp_add_global @global jid@domain

Manually associates a global name with a JID, overriding the automatic global name assignment, and saves it in your local database so that the JID always gets mapped to that @global.

/xmpp_forget_global @global

Removes the JID associated with the given global and removes it from database persistence. The next time the associated JID is seen, automatic global assignment will be used.

/xmpp_set_muc_service subdomain.domain

Sets the name of the MUC (conference) service that Paragon Chat uses. This is normally automatically discovered for the xmpp server that you log into, but can be manually set if your server doesn't support discovery, or if you want to connect to a MUC on a different server than you logged in to. Does not take effect until you /mapmove to another zone. For advanced users only.

/xmpp_chanjoin "channelname" jid@domain

Similar to /chanjoin, but allows you to manually specify the full JID of the XMPP room to associate with the channel. Possibly useful on servers with s2s federation enabled.

/xmpp_chaninvite "channelname" jid@domain

Sends a channel invite to a full JID, otherwise works the same as /chan_invite.


I am not finding a list of map ID numbers on any Wiki sites.


Quote from: perdman44 on July 09, 2015, 07:21:44 PM
I am not finding a list of map ID numbers on any Wiki sites.
Really? You're not? Are you looking on the only wiki that matters, the one on the Titan Network? :p Because I know for a fact there's one there. Because I put it there. :p
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



I went to Paragon Wiki but I did not know or see that Paragon Chat was embedded in there.  It does show up if you use the search function.  Anyways, found it and thanks :)


Quote from: perdman44 on July 09, 2015, 07:32:16 PM
I went to Paragon Wiki but I did not know or see that Paragon Chat was embedded in there.  It does show up if you use the search function.  Anyways, found it and thanks :)
Yessa! I am tinkering with the front page atm to add the newer stuff. Ya'll will see a new quadrant soonish!
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



There is only one City of Heroes wiki that was ever maintained and worth the time to bookmark:


Quote from: duane on July 09, 2015, 10:43:27 PM
There is only one City of Heroes wiki that was ever maintained and worth the time to bookmark: was also pretty good ;)

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Aggelakis on July 09, 2015, 07:33:36 PM
Yessa! I am tinkering with the front page atm to add the newer stuff. Ya'll will see a new quadrant soonTM!

Sorry Ag, I couldn't resist.


Quote from: perdman44 on July 09, 2015, 07:21:44 PM
I am not finding a list of map ID numbers on any Wiki sites.
can someone post all the map numbers so it is eazyr to get around


I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


Quote from: ziguzanuzoon on July 10, 2015, 10:51:53 PM
can someone post all the map numbers so it is eazyr to get around
You read to the point where someone asked your question, but didn't read any further, like, LITERALLY ONE POST, where someone else (me) answered that question...then you quoted it and asked the question again? What?? LOL
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: Aggelakis on July 11, 2015, 12:59:31 AM
You read to the point where someone asked your question, but didn't read any further, like, LITERALLY ONE POST, where someone else (me) answered that question...then you quoted it and asked the question again? What?? LOL

Technically, perdman44 has yet to ask a question.  Also technically, no one has answered ziguzanuzoon's question, because the answer to that question is "yes."

(Its practically impossible to miss the answer to this question if you are looking for it: its in the very first post in Codewalker's FAQ thread, its in my Common Questions and Problems Guide, its been posted at least once in almost every Paragon Chat discussion thread.  I understand that people often just want their question to be answered and treat the forums like an Oracle, but we should encourage people to actually read the forums for information whenever possible, because there's a reason these posts don't autodelete every day.  Reading is 50% of participation.  Reading tells posters that you're as willing to put effort into finding answers as they are in writing answers.  I think it matters a great deal to most knowledgeable people on the forums when people are willing to meet them half way.  Everyone here is a volunteer.)


I don't know who came up with those map#s, but I'm sure glad they did. I was going crazy trying to find Faultline until it occurred to me to do a search for mapmove.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


If you want to get to Faultline 'legit', the easiest way is to go to Pocket D and use the manhole in the heroside lobby.

The only other entrance is on the south side of Skyway, which is kind of a pain to get to without trams.


Hi, does anyone know the commands for Costume Changes with effects?

I've seen a few people initiate them. I was just curious if this was something we could all do with some kind of command like in the original game or is it some kind of editing workaround.



Quote from: Havoc on July 11, 2015, 05:30:47 AM
Hi, does anyone know the commands for Costume Changes with effects?

I've seen a few people initiate them. I was just curious if this was something we could all do with some kind of command like in the original game or is it some kind of editing workaround.


Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but some people have been working on costume change emotes:,11104.0.html

A lot of people are experimenting with Paragon Chat right now, and I strongly suggest people interested in seeing what's possible look at the various Paragon Chat forums to see if someone is posting about something you're interested in right now.


Thanks Arcana, I found this earlier was just about to edit my post with that link for others to check it out. I appreciate the reply. Tried it out, pretty amazing to see some kind of "powers"
even if they're superficial.

Quote from: Arcana on July 11, 2015, 05:55:21 AM
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but some people have been working on costume change emotes:,11104.0.html

A lot of people are experimenting with Paragon Chat right now, and I strongly suggest people interested in seeing what's possible look at the various Paragon Chat forums to see if someone is posting about something you're interested in right now.


Is there a way to toggle (hide) the "main menu" so it's not visible?  I've used /toggle to get other things to not display (such as /toggle powers)--just wondering if I can do the same for this one.  I can remember such things as backslash, nav, chat, so this UI box has little use for me :)


Quote from: Tipsycakes on July 11, 2015, 11:20:12 PM
Is there a way to toggle (hide) the "main menu" so it's not visible?  I've used /toggle to get other things to not display (such as /toggle powers)--just wondering if I can do the same for this one.  I can remember such things as backslash, nav, chat, so this UI box has little use for me :)

That window is set untoggleable. You can try /disable2d 1 to clear all the windows, and disable2d 0 to get them back.


Are there any slash commands to change the focused "channel members" list?  i.e. if I'm listing the default channel "Paragon Chat", switching to another channel member list without mouse clicking.