Cloning powersets across ATs

Started by Hedgefund, July 05, 2015, 02:44:43 PM


A couple of formalities before I begin.

1)  I looked back 2 pages to see if this topic was brought up and I found nothing.  Apologies if this was discussed prior to that.
2)  I definitely did my due diligence trying to answer the below question before this post.  To the tune of a couple of wasted hours.

With that, I was wondering if it was possible to copy a powerset from one AT to another.  I got an itch to make a few theoretical MM builds with Cold, Rad and Kin, just 'cause. 

It looks like it should be possible using Options>Advanced>Database Editor>Main Database Editor.  From there I've selected MM Buff and tried to add a new set, but that new set never shows up in that listing.  When looking at the list of powers, I've selected Clone but then that opens up an Edit Power box that has none of the attributes of what I'm trying to clone. 

The closest I've come to succeeding was in editing an existing powerset (I chose FF to modify for Cold since there is some similarity) but even that had its perils.

So, my question to Mids pros, what would you suggest I do to accomplish my goal of porting (or adding if need be) a powerset from one AT (Controller/Corruptor in this case) to another (MM)?  If nothing, that's fine too, then I can stop engaging in what may well be the biggest time wasting activity I've undertaken in quite a while - making builds that can't exist for a game that doesn't exist.


That would be a waste of time. However, modding a build program for a game that no longer exists so that you can make builds that don't exist for a game that no longer exists sounds like a worthwhile effort.

You may just have to be satisfied with the knowledge that those MM combos would be ridiculously OP :D


It is possible to add new powersets. I've added Wind Control, Bio Armor, Martial Assault, maybe one other or two, that already had stats for their powers determined.

You're in the right area, probably just not setting the flags properly for the new powerset to be visible in the MM list. Remember to set the new set's attributes to be "MM" and "secondary" from the drop boxes when you create it. After creating it, save the database and exit Mids, then restart... it may need to reload the database in order to properly display.

And make sure that you're starting the program using Run as Administrator so that you're not running into "not allowed to save database files" issues, just in case that's blocking edits without giving proper warning.

If you do create the set properly, then manually add 9 new powers to it... I think that Cloning doesn't actually create a new power, it just copies the stats from power A to power B, so you would need to have powers B1 through B9 in your new set in order to clone the powers of an existing set.


Holy cow blacksly you are an incarnate level hero.  Exiting and restarting was what I needed to do.  After creating the powerset and exiting, restarting then copying the powers from Controller buff was remarkably easy, basically 9 different copy/pastes.

Now I'm sitting here making that Thugs/Cold of my dreams.  Ridiculously OP as Vee says?  Exactly!


I really don't think that /Rad would be OP on a MM, unless /Dark is OP now. Rad and Dark are pretty comparable in output, and in fact, I think that /Rad loses a bit for MMs since the +Recharge bonus from Accelerate Metabolism is not as useful to them as for other ATs, since the henchmen cannot benefit from it.

Kinetics should also be fine. While it's strong offensively, it has little to offer on defense other than a good heal, and that causes a couple of problems:
1: Henchmen need to stay grouped up and near the enemy in order to benefit from that, which is sometimes difficult
2: MMs using reactive healing as their main defense for their henchmen are going to have an issue when the Tier 1s get 1-shotted, or if the heal misses.

The only issue would be /Cold. Cold is a bit strong overall in its stats, but it's balanced by being so weak soloing at early levels. But for a MM that's not relevant, since the MM gets to use the ally shields from Level 1. I'm not sure that Cold really IS OP, since MMs get Storm and Storm is reasonably comparable... weaker on defense, but stronger on offense. I would rate Cold as stronger because MMs get such a benefit from a fire-and-forget defensive set like /Cold compared to /Storm's use of Hurricane and spamming O2 and Gale for defense, but I don't know if it's all that much above Storm that we can say that /Storm is fine, but /Cold is OP. For a good player, they're about as good, and for a weak-average player, Cold is just easier to use. So in the end, I think that /Cold is not OP as much as easy to use.


I was never much of a MM player but I'd take dark over rad and storm over cold anyway. Kin would just be bananas though. What it might lose in pet survivability it'd gain in sheer hilarious chaos. I might've become a MM player if kin had been available.