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A question about Hide

Started by Prism Almidu, June 18, 2015, 11:30:26 PM

Prism Almidu

So I was playing around in Mids, and while I have noticed some odd things like certain abilities not updating totals correctly for AOE defense set bonuses, those are easily found and figured out with a calculator, given that defense boosts are additive (as far as I know, feel free to correct me). However, In playing with a Claws/SR Stalker, hide was giving me about 8% defense in melee and ranged, but 56.7% in AOE! Am I simply using an older, slightly bugged version of Mids that doesn't enjoy properly calculating AOE defense? (v1.96) Also, does Hide's defense buff still function after you've triggered a fight? Never played a Stalker when the game was up.


it's not outdated, mids just shows the unsuppressed numbers. when i'd plan my build for stalkers I'd do so with hide unclicked and just let the extra 1.whatever suppressed number be a bonus on top of my softcap to account for part of any debuffs that might come my way.

Prism Almidu

Hmm... I suppose that makes sense. Still not sure why occasionally some set bonuses aren't figured into the View Totals. For instance, in this build (yes, I've been designing builds based off of Homestuck characters :P), the AOE defense in totals does not change whether I have 5 pieces of Scirocco's Dervish in Innocuous Strikes or merely 4: I know that isn't a Stalker build, wasn't quite done with Nepeta when I started this thread, so forgive me if the thread needs to be moved.


The 56.7% defence in AoE is correct.  It was to help prevent stalkers from losing hide status from nuisance AoE attacks when playing in groups.  It allowed them to use assassin strike with a smaller risk of interruption.  Single target melee/ranged did not matter as stalkers would not be targeted if they were not seen.

There's a Rule of 5 where builds could not get more than five of any one type of set bonus.  Click the "View Active Sets" button and it will list where you have gone over your limit.  You have six 3.13% AoE defence bonuses (4 from Aegis, 2 from Scirocco's).

Prism Almidu

Oh, you're right. I'd completely forgotten about the rule of 5. This is what happens when there's no immersion for 3 years lol.


Quote from: Vee on June 19, 2015, 12:35:39 AM
it's not outdated, mids just shows the unsuppressed numbers. when i'd plan my build for stalkers I'd do so with hide unclicked and just let the extra 1.whatever suppressed number be a bonus on top of my softcap to account for part of any debuffs that might come my way.

You can turn on "attacked" suppression in Mids'. Options => Configuration => Effects & Maths => Suppresion => Check "Attacked".


Damn, wish I'd known that when the game was actually running lol. Stalkers were easy enough to work around but some of the other suppressed stuff that'd be super handy.