DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

Started by FatherXmas, May 14, 2015, 06:58:26 PM

Super Firebug

Quote from: CG on May 17, 2015, 12:53:27 AM
It remains to be seen how exactly Gideon works.  It's possible that as a relic of the future, it changes with changes to the timeline based on the present.  Somehow Thawne seems to be protected from this, or he exists regardless?  When Barry lost his powers and there was no record of the Flash in the future newspaper, shouldn't Thawne have ceased to exist since the future timeline was altered?

We can't really do anything other than speculate at this point until we get more information.  Hopefully the writers have thought all this through so that a repeat viewing of Season 1 will all make sense still.
Cisco referred to the Gideon room as the time vault, and, when they were tracking it down, his detector picked up a lot of tachyon activity there. My guess: the room is somehow time-shielded, protecting Gideon's knowledge of the future and allowing her/it to project what future the current events would lead to.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


I think T. O. Morrow should show up in this... just because.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


Quote from: CG on May 17, 2015, 12:53:27 AM
It remains to be seen how exactly Gideon works.  It's possible that as a relic of the future, it changes with changes to the timeline based on the present.  Somehow Thawne seems to be protected from this, or he exists regardless?  When Barry lost his powers and there was no record of the Flash in the future newspaper, shouldn't Thawne have ceased to exist since the future timeline was altered?

We can't really do anything other than speculate at this point until we get more information.  Hopefully the writers have thought all this through so that a repeat viewing of Season 1 will all make sense still.

In the comics RF only existed because of Barry Allen's Speed Force so he could never kill him or change his past as that would stop him from existing as the RF.

In the Flashpoint story - the Reverse Flash had become an anomaly, existing outside of time or something. So it didn't matter anymore what he did in the past as HE could no longer be affected. So he could kill Barry or mess with his history and he would still exist.

Maybe the same happened to Thawne.


Quote from: Nos482 on May 16, 2015, 10:53:10 AM
Also, Shayera... I hope her personality will be close to the JLU version of Hawkgirl.

Based on the casting... probably not? Kendra Saunders with incarnation issues is who she is.

Quote from: Super Firebug on May 17, 2015, 02:02:32 AM
Cisco referred to the Gideon room as the time vault, and, when they were tracking it down, his detector picked up a lot of tachyon activity there. My guess: the room is somehow time-shielded, protecting Gideon's knowledge of the future and allowing her/it to project what future the current events would lead to.


But Gideon was with Thawne when he killed Barry's mom... which doesn't invalidate your theory, but she would have had to be put in there after it was time-shielded, so... I don't know where I'm going with that. I'm concerned that her knowledge could have been compromised before she got time-shielded.

Quote from: doc7924 on May 17, 2015, 12:37:35 AM
He must have some sort of contact with the future though

This is true - he referenced Rip Hunter as the guy that built the first Time Sphere.
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Super Firebug

Rewatching the trailer, I've realized that we see effectively nothing of Heatwave, outside of the footage from the fight-club promo. Since Robbie Amell hasn't been announced as being on the show, I'm wondering if they have a way for Heatwave to become the other half of Firestorm in Ronnie's place. Given his reaction to Firestorm in the fight-club video, I'd imagine that he'd jump at the chance.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.

Super Firebug

Also, I am really, REALLY amped about the fact that the CG technology's advanced to the point where they can now do a live-action Hawkgirl. I can't wait to get a better look at that.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


Super hyped for this show, can't wait.

And I think the reason R. Amell isn't a regular, Firestorm is just too powerful. He's a flying, nuclear, flame throwing guy who can also transmutate stuff, going to be hard to write credible threats if they have him around all the time.

Super Firebug

"Rip Hunter. I'm from east London...oh, and the future."
You kind of buried the lead, there, pal.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


It was Rip Hunter that really sold me on this show.  Its Rory Williams as a time traveling hero!  Think of all the possible Doctor Who/superhero cross overs that could be done!

Doctor: Rory, I'm going to need to drop you off for a bit in America.  There are these.. people... meta human people that I heed you to keep an eye on and get them focused on a common goal.

Rory: Well why me?  What sort of goal, what do I need to get them to do and where will you be?

Doctor: they need to work together and I need someone there to make sure they make they leap off the perverbial cliff when the time comes.

Rory: how am I supposed to get them to jump off a cliff.  And you still haven,t said where you'll be.

Doctor: its a metaphorical cliff, Rory, try to keep up. 

Rory: and what am I supposed to do, just walk up to them and go, Hello, I'm Rory Williams from east London... ?

Doctor: well yes... no..I suppose you could use a better name, something tough sounding that will demand respect.  Like Rip. That makes you sound tough, that you could rip things...

Rory: Rip?  Who calls anyone Rip?

Doctor:  yeah, Rip... Rip Hunter that will make you seem all... huntery. That's cool right?

Rory: that's the silliest name I've ever heard of....

Doctor: and say you're from the future... they'll Iike that, being from the future is always cool..... maybe you should wear a bowtie

Rory: you still haven't told me where you'll be..

Doctor:  I'll be the one setting up the cliff.

Now that'd be something I'd want to watch. :)
Some men were born to greatness, others had it thrust upon them.  Me?  I punted. - Col Cranston Snord

Blow things up! Blow things up! Blow things up! Blo... wait, not that!! - Jammers everywhen


Latest trailer is up.


Looks fun.  Rory Rick has a sweet ride.

Looks like the setup for it starts on Dec 1st.

Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


So, I didn't think Hawkman would be as big a part of LoT as the trailer seems to imply (that is, I didn't expect him there at all).

It's nice to see Ray's Atom suit working well as opposed to last year's "working out the bugs".

I hope Firestorm's comment is because he's going to do some matter manipulation in addition to just fireballs.


Quote from: CG on November 24, 2015, 02:12:57 PM
So, I didn't think Hawkman would be as big a part of LoT as the trailer seems to imply (that is, I didn't expect him there at all).

It's nice to see Ray's Atom suit working well as opposed to last year's "working out the bugs".

I hope Firestorm's comment is because he's going to do some matter manipulation in addition to just fireballs.

Between this and Agent Carter (on the Marvel side) we're gonna have some awesome comic geeky TV this winter.  YES YES YES!  Fangasm!

But this Hawkman still looks a bit silly.  They'll never get a live action version to look as awesome cool as he does in the books, I guess.  Love how the wings actually work now, though.  The whole "fake wings" thing was always stupid.  Sure, he can strap them on, but once on they should "meld" with his body and work like actual wings.  Wonder if the new TV version will be just a guy with weapons or if they'll add the powers the comic version seems to have gained over the past decade (Hawk-like senses and faster reflexes and a healing factor which was strong enough for him to return from "dead" and grow a new arm in the Stormwatch comic)


Quote from: hurple on November 24, 2015, 03:22:06 PM
Between this and Agent Carter (on the Marvel side) we're gonna have some awesome comic geeky TV this winter.  YES YES YES!  Fangasm!

But this Hawkman still looks a bit silly.  They'll never get a live action version to look as awesome cool as he does in the books, I guess.  Love how the wings actually work now, though.  The whole "fake wings" thing was always stupid.  Sure, he can strap them on, but once on they should "meld" with his body and work like actual wings.  Wonder if the new TV version will be just a guy with weapons or if they'll add the powers the comic version seems to have gained over the past decade (Hawk-like senses and faster reflexes and a healing factor which was strong enough for him to return from "dead" and grow a new arm in the Stormwatch comic)

I thought the Hawkman they did in Smallville wasn't bad. I liked he had the same pissed off attitude as Batman.


Quote from: doc7924 on November 24, 2015, 06:24:44 PM
I thought the Hawkman they did in Smallville wasn't bad. I liked he had the same pissed off attitude as Batman.

He wasn't bad, but the chestplate looked about two sizes too big and the static wings looked silly.  I mean big fake wings strapped to a guy's back are always going to look like big fake wings strapped to a guy's back, no matter what they do. 

I like how they look to be working around that this time.

Although, I will give kudos to Smallville... Dr Fate, Stargirl and Booster Gold were all AWESOME! 


Quote from: hurple on November 24, 2015, 08:51:27 PM
He wasn't bad, but the chestplate looked about two sizes too big and the static wings looked silly.  I mean big fake wings strapped to a guy's back are always going to look like big fake wings strapped to a guy's back, no matter what they do. 

I like how they look to be working around that this time.

Although, I will give kudos to Smallville... Dr Fate, Stargirl and Booster Gold were all AWESOME!

I never really liked Smallville but I did catch those episodes with the JSA and the ones with the Legion.

The cost would probably be too high for sets and effects to do a proper Legion live show, but I bet if CW did it would be awesome.

When does this Legends actually start anyway?

Super Firebug

At the end of the most-recent trailer, the date given is Thursday, January 21st. So, we'll have The Flash on Tuesday, Arrow on Wednesday, and Legends of Tomorrow on Thursday. Add Gotham, Supergirl, and Agents of SHIELD into that, plus those that are streaming-only, and it's a great time to be a comic-book-hero fan.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


Quote from: Super Firebug on November 25, 2015, 05:18:17 PM
At the end of the most-recent trailer, the date given is Thursday, January 21st. So, we'll have The Flash on Tuesday, Arrow on Wednesday, and Legends of Tomorrow[p/i] on Thursday. Add Gotham, Supergirl, and Agents of SHIELD into that, plus those that are streaming-only, and it's a great time to be a comic-book-hero fan.

And don't forget Agent Carter coming back!

The only other good super hero  time was in the late 70's when you had the Hulk and Wonder Woman. Maybe the Spider-Man but that didn't last long.
And I wont count those Captain America travesties. Though I did get the DVD with both of them for like $3, just to have them.
The only other good one was the Doctor Strange TV movie/pilot and that didn't get a series.


Quote from: doc7924 on November 25, 2015, 06:21:32 PM
And don't forget Agent Carter coming back!

The only other good super hero  time was in the late 70's when you had the Hulk and Wonder Woman. Maybe the Spider-Man but that didn't last long.
And I wont count those Captain America travesties. Though I did get the DVD with both of them for like $3, just to have them.
The only other good one was the Doctor Strange TV movie/pilot and that didn't get a series.

Ever see the first Captain America movie?  The one so bad it was dumped straight to home video and never in theaters? 

It had a few decent moments, like right after he's thawed, some FBI (or CIA or whatever) agents are transporting him... in a Volkswagen, and he goes ape-$h!t bonkers on them thinking they're nazis... Ha Ha Ha!


Quote from: hurple on November 25, 2015, 08:38:54 PM
Ever see the first Captain America movie?  The one so bad it was dumped straight to home video and never in theaters? 

It had a few decent moments, like right after he's thawed, some FBI (or CIA or whatever) agents are transporting him... in a Volkswagen, and he goes ape-$h!t bonkers on them thinking they're nazis... Ha Ha Ha!

I had the laserdisc for the 1990 film and now have the special Blu Ray with a special documentary on it. All I can say is that the fight scenes were good. And they made the comic book costume not look stupid. on screen. Other than that......

I am just a huge Cap fan, which is why I own even the crappy stuff. Like the movie serial.

Super Firebug

Quote from: doc7924 on November 25, 2015, 06:21:32 PM
[snip] Maybe the Spider-Man but that didn't last long.[/snip]

I remember that series, with Nicholas Hammond. As I recall it, they gave it a pretty good effort, and their hearts were in the right place as regards respecting the source material. But the special-effects technology wasn't nearly up to the task, yet. (For the curious, type the words "spiderman" and "hammond" into YouTube's search, and they have the hour-and-a-half-long pilot episode.)
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.