Battle of the map zones #10 : Steel vs Hollows

Started by Paragon Avenger, April 24, 2015, 02:55:34 AM

Paragon Avenger

This one I heasitate doing because it is so cruel.

Steel Canyon vs The Hollows


The Hollows for me, as previously mentioned it brings back fond memories, more so than Steel Canyon.
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


I never felt any particular attachment to SC, other than the icon mission. In fact, I probably preferred Skyway to Steel. So yeah, Hollows.
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti amen


Steel Canyon.  I loved (before they made everything too easy) when you had to change trams to go to other parts of the city.  That thrill of trying to stay in the middle of the roads so as not to aggro any baddies was pretty awesome.
If I was a Jedi, there's a 100% chance that I'd use The Force inappropriately.


Steel Canyon was my favorite city-scape in the entire game.

Not sure why.


Steel Canyon. The Hollows never really did it for me.


Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyooooon. Yeah.. Steel Canyon wins every time for me :P

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Steelhelm on April 25, 2015, 12:26:27 AM
Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyon Steel Canyooooon. Yeah.. Steel Canyon wins every time for me :P
Methinks he liketh Steel Canyon, unless it be a ruse.

Paragon Avenger

Steel Canyon kicks the behind of the Hollows across the street and then does a victory dance.

(of course, maybe this is just a deep felt resentment I hold for the Hollows.)


Quote from: Paragon Avenger on April 26, 2015, 02:43:05 AM
Steel Canyon kicks the behind of the Hollows across the street and then does a victory dance.

(of course, maybe this is just a deep felt resentment I hold for the Hollows.)

But... but... but... PUMICITES!! And ATTA!! And the Cavern of Transcendence...!! And that curious, little radio tower at the top of the hill in the SE corner... I always wanted there to be a mission in that little building...
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti amen

Pearl Dragon

Steel Canyon, and the Hollows would be a tie for me. Love them both!

Paragon Avenger

This was fun, too bad certain people got all, "Hey man too many battles of like dude"
But I do have a talent for running things straight into the ground.



Ah, those fond memories of me (slowly) killing Frostfire... while my whole team was running back to the mision. ;D
I'm bad and that's good.
I'll never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me.

...unless I could be Batman, of course. Everybody wants to be Batman.


I agree that the Frostfire mission was fun and had one of the great maps. But, I had a lot of fun fighting fires in Steel Canyon -- it is such an iconic theme element of being a superhero that I have to give my vote to Steel Canyon.

Paragon Avenger

Frostfire was cool, at level 10 to 12.
Of course, he's powerset broke the rules, but A/V's make their own rules.

Ok the Hollows wins!!