Pictodan Character Portrait Kickstarter

Started by Risha, February 21, 2015, 07:03:13 PM


Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Since this is a solo topic, I may as well post what I said in the giant thread you first mentioned this in: $100k seems a bit high. I think they'd have a better time selling it with a pitch like: "Want to create 3d characters, but don't have the time to learn to use fancy sophisticated modelling programs? Get Pictodon! We do all the hard work, you just make the character!"
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lore_AMA/Sorted Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


Sorry, missed both replies, and, yes I thought $100,000 was high, too.  And they aren't going to get 1/10th of that.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance