Purchase Attempt: Wake me up when there's news!

Started by Codewalker, February 17, 2015, 08:58:38 PM


From time to time I see people looking for the latest news about the independent group that is attempting to purchase the IP and/or lease the game binary. They often become frustrated that there isn't anything new, and post that it is impossible to find anything in the mess of meandering conversations that go in in the interim. Or worse, become misinformed due to taking the hypothetical discussions that often happen as fact.

Leaving that aside, it comes to mind that it might be useful to have a way to be notified of any official updates, without having to regularly poll the boards looking for info (and asking the same question that gets asked many times a week).

So here it is! This thread will be immediately locked to prevent any off-topic replies. In the event of concrete, verified news that is germane to the effort and is not hearsay or rumor, a moderator or admin can reply to this topic despite the lock. That means that you can request notifications on it, and get email updates if and when something is posted. Or you can just sit on the thread and hit refresh every few minutes for the next 6 [redacted] or so. Your choice, whatever works!

How do you get email updates? Simply scroll to the bottom of this page and hit the 'Notify' button. It looks like this:


Now, stop trying to click that one. The real button is at the bottom of the page. Once you've registered, you'll get an email in your inbox if and when any replies are posted! Easy enough!

If you want to double check that you haven't turned off email notifications, hit the profile link at the top of the page to get to your settings. On the left side, look for Notifications:


Inside of those settings, just verify that the box is checked, and it's set to notify you instantly:



Latest status: As of 5/1/2015 Nate has commented in the comments section of this article* that the group negotiating for the IP rights is still at it, but is proceeding very slowly. He surmises that it's due to Nexon drama but does not seem to be definite on that. No mention was made of the game image.

Not really any change or new information.

* Their permalink to comments seems to be broken, can't link to it directly...

Archived info 2/17/2015: Nate Downes' update on October 2.

Archived: He has since hinted through unverified channels that he, along with the others involved, are under NDA, but of course cannot divulge the specifics or even confirm that there is an NDA.



Quote from: TonyVThe Titan Network is in talks with NCSoft regarding a community-run City of Heroes server. Things are looking positive, so stay strong. We don't have a timeline right now, but we'll provide more updates as soon as we can. #SaveCoH



We’d like to thank you all for your patience over the past few years, and we’re incredibly thrilled to announce that it’s paid off: NCSOFT® has officially granted Homecoming a license to host City of Heroesâ,,¢.
