Stalker min/max Question: Energy Aura, VS Ice armor

Started by Waffles, February 03, 2015, 06:18:06 PM


This is my last thread of the day, I promise! ;-;

Basically, I've settled on making a STJ stalker, and i'm trying to figure out the best secondary to go with it.

1: Which armor did better leveling?

2: Which armor did better without IOs?

3: Which one did better when IOed to the max?

Thanks in advance.


An interesting set of questions.

Just as an observation, I would think that

1. /Nrg aura would level up better because of Disrupt. Using STJ as your primary you can go into groups and stun bot the boss and the minions leaving only lts as possible opponents for you to assassinate.
Note: Chilling Embrace in /Ice is significantly better than many think it is.

2. Better with IOs would be kind of a wash with stun botting /Nrg being slightly better early and /Ice being slightly better after level 38.

3. I would think that it would be fairly easy to say /Ice would be better with an IO monster build. Getting the tier 9 (Icy Bastar... Bastion) closing in on half time would be a huge advantage as you can get yourself into trouble and easily endure with all of it's goodness.
The tier 9 on /Nrg is ok, but you have a level cap to deal with that kind of limits it's effectiveness.

Personally, I'd go with Elec/Ice or maybe Thorn/Ice. Thorn for aoe and -rech, and Elec for boom and -end. 
Cogito, Ergo... eh?


Can't speak to nrg armor but my elec/ice was one of the most fun toons i ever had.


I would agree with the above, purely from min/maxing in mids as I never made an /energy stalker. Ice was fantastic with some good IO investment and truly a monster with serious investment. I honestly would pair it with any primary.