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Started by Eoraptor, January 22, 2015, 07:45:22 AM


Found a pic of my old Homage character, a Kinetic Brawler "Drake Mallard"

anyone else?
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
-Lex Luthor

The Fifth Horseman

Two, though the references were much less direct.

My first toon, Silver Spartan (Energy/Energy Blaster), was intended as an Iron Man analogue - basically as close as I thought I could get away with without sending someone's infringement sense tingling.  The name was reference to the Silver Centurion armor from the comics, though the bio just took the SPARTA thing and ran away with it (while dragging in references to Halo, 300 and a Cracked photoplasty contest entry just for kicks).

Booster Angel (Beam/Energy Blaster) was a transplant from a story that is basically one big homage to Bubblegum Crisis. Her armor ws a homage in concept, but not execution (author appeal for transhumanism and transforming mecha). Setting "*ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE*" as her battlecry was also roundabout reference to BGC, specifically to the opening song from the first episode:
We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


Unfortunately, I lost all my pics in a HD crash.  Well, two actually.  I managed to rescue everything off my PC after a house fire resulted in my PC residing in a flooded basement for nearly a week, only to have the external HD they were rescued to have a bad transport mechanism that killed any chance of getting anything off it.

But, I had a few homage toons...

Silver Beetle was an homage to, duh, Blue Beetle... and The Beatles.  Three of his costumes were silver and black versions of the three Blue Beetles' costumes.  The 4th was one of my own design.  His secret identity was Jean-Paul George Ringo.  Plus, he worked for the law firm of John, Jacob, Jingleheimer, Schmidt (which I just thought was funny)

Mister Dynamo started as an homage to... Power Girl.  I thought a male version of her costume would be funny.  Over time I morphed him into an homage for DC's Supernova.  He also had a costume to match Captain Marvel Jr

Wendigo = the public domain golden age Dare-devil, The Black Terror and The Crusader.

Aracari = Robin

Wombatman = Batman

Gryphus = Hawkman

Doctor Moonlight = Doctor Mid-Night (duh), Obsidian, The Shadow and Moon Knight

Scott Comet = Adam Strange

Zoinks = The Great Gazoo

Wihtikow = Deathstroke

Abe Vigoda = Abe Vigoda

Ace Andrews = Nick Fury (specifically the Jim Steranko version)

Electrotechnotic = Mister Miracle, Booster Gold

wei yau

Clicking on the image will bring you to the larger original

Here are my Saturday Morning Heroes

And here is Justice is Magic