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Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor

Started by rebel 1812, January 19, 2015, 10:30:38 PM

rebel 1812

Hello all,

I noticed some people were talking builds again and I think that is a great way to pass the time until the game gets back up and running.  I didn't play the game long only about a 1-2 years.  I usually ran melee heroes since that was more my play style.  I did make a couple blasters but I never made a defender or a corruptor.  I want to try to make a corruptor before I make a defender since it is halfway between a blaster and a defender.  I choose Archery/Trick Arrow since it seems to have synergy and trick arrows provides numerous aoe debuffs.  Here is what I made on midis.  I didn't put the IO's since it will be a while before I get those anyway.  I plan to use one that has fire proc to help with oil slick.  Feel free to chat and provide advice.  I already noticed I shouldn't put 3 slots in assault since you can only change the end cost.

Burnt Toast

Here is my build for my Archery/TA Corruptor.
Maybe it will give you some ideas.

Not sure why you didn't take either the stun or the hold powers.

Anyways... here ya go :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

rebel 1812

I had to skip some powers and those were not aoe.  So my rationale was to focus on the aoe debuffs and etc.  I noticed you got hasten; are the cooldowns really that long.  I say you got both toughness and weave; why?  The set doesn't really have melee powers so I'm planning to kite for defence and rely on the team to tank.

Burnt Toast

I took hasten because I want my debuffs as up as quick as possible. "kiting" doesn't work as well when your defense and resistance are low. I prefer to focus on my ranged defense with this toon...stay back some...and unleash the awesomeness that is TA :)
This toon is good for teams or solo the way I built it (This is basically a copy of my build I had on CoH for about 3.5 years).
**Just looked at build..nothing major.. but I did change my stealth unique to place it in combat jumping instead of super speed... not sure why i had it in SS in the first place.

Quote from: rebel_1812 on January 21, 2015, 01:01:21 AM
I had to skip some powers and those were not aoe.  So my rationale was to focus on the aoe debuffs and etc.  I noticed you got hasten; are the cooldowns really that long.  I say you got both toughness and weave; why?  The set doesn't really have melee powers so I'm planning to kite for defence and rely on the team to tank.