Author Topic: Global warming?  (Read 1437 times)


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Global warming?
« on: November 22, 2014, 02:36:22 AM »
pollute this thread with all the global warming stuff instead of in the TF hail mary forum.

I will comment on Ironwolf's to start

I think he is pointing out as I did earlier that there was also climate change (warming) on the other planets at the same time as we were warming. It would seem to point to a single cause. I did try to get a response from NASA on the timing of the warming however - they did not reply back to my emails.

I also wanted a report on current climate changes on Mars and Venus as if they are also cooling now it tends to support my theory. I will try and do some research and find some white papers on this - if I do I will be sure to open another thread in General and I will note the changes whether they support me or not. I think people if given the facts can make their own decisions.

Sun spots and solar flares are linked events, one happens followed by the other, no sun spots, no solar flares, solar flares were blamed for the desolation of mars' atmosphere long before global warming activists came up with their pollution tripe. Solar flares move slowly from the sun to earth and beyond, so even though there are no sunspots, previous bombardments of solar flares may be on the way to give us a warm day, every aurora is fueled by solar gases getting caught in the electromagnetic barrier around the poles and burning up.

The Sun flips once every 11 years, after this flip there are usually a lot of sunspots in fact Nasa is counting on them and if they don't show then we could be in for cold weather. Recently they were a no show after a big hole was seen in the sun during the most recent flip, Nasa scientists have not jumped to conclusions but suspect the phenomenon could be related.

my comments, Global warming: it's definitely related, the solar flares from before the period have just arrived and influenced our temperatures, new solar flares have been made and will continue to bombard us raising temperatures slightly each time.

not global warming;

The Sun: is a mass of highly dense gas where the density causes electromagnetic action which at that density can cause nuclear reactions, and it does, many millions of times a second. but what happens to the used matter? 2 things can happen;

1: the healthy star  :) it gets recycled through a process I call 'solar alchemy' (I think that's a more appropriate description) and the process begins all over again.

2: the unhealthy star  :-\ :'( the matter doesn't reach the correct density to reform another atomic particle and goes 'cold' sinking to the center of the star as dead matter (a huge black mass in the center of stuff it can't explode or burn any more). - commonly observed in red and white dwarfs.

our star just like many of the inhabitants of it's 3rd planet is unhealthy in fact it's got a bit of a digestion problem looks like it's been going on for a while without us noticing.. "is Mr. Sun going to be ok Mr. Joshex?"

Nasa: don't worry our sun isn't a red giant, blue giant, red dwarf or white dwarf it's a one of a kind S-s-supah-stah.

me; it's a glorified obese white dwarf. It had two ways to end, healthy digestion a long life and a explosive death followed by a nebular rebirth, or poor digestion a short life and becoming a dead globe. I'm sorry to say but the evidence of so much dead matter built up says Mr. Sun is going to die. When? not sure, but it doesn't look very good, I seriously think Nasa should focus their efforts on reclassifying our star and redetermining it's suspected lifespan. - like that will happen in a million years due to corruption, just hope our sun has that long left.

no sun spots means our sun doesn't have enough nuclear reactions going on to get anything out of it's gravitational pull as sun spots are created when a flare emerges, this means it's weakened severely,  even now it's struggling to get solar flares out (though there have been a few), however it would probably be better if it didn't have flares as each flare is less burnable gas for the star! but if it does come to that point sadly it means our sun will just start burning out, entering it's dieing phase.

Nasa: but it was healthy just a few years ago!

me; nah it was rotting on the inside, we are just now seeing it, if you mean 11 years ago during the last flip, yeah, you're right so... 11 years and it's now suddenly weakened and possibly bordering a dieing phase? I'd look into that, sounds serious and if 11 years for the last significant change to happen is any indicator things could be going downhill soon.
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Re: Global warming?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 08:06:42 AM »
This forum isn't for topics that tend to get heated. You can do that somewhere else where people who care about that topic can babysit your arguments.
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Re: Global warming?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 10:01:40 AM »
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