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Sharing My Builds

Started by Burnt Toast, September 25, 2014, 05:53:17 PM

Burnt Toast

So in the hopes of the return of CoH I have been working on a lot of my builds for when the game returns. I plan on posting all of my main toons that I want to create in this thread. Due to the nature of the return and the likelihood that Purples, Superior ATO, and PVP enhancements are going to be very hard to come by in the beginning... I have not included any of those in my builds. 

Feel free to copy these..modify them..or critique them as you see fit :) I will only be posting builds I actually plan on making into toons in this thread. If you see something you like but would like a modification (primary/secondary/etc) and would like me to do a build for that...please feel free to post in the "Request A Build" thread.


I am starting with my main toon... a Fire/Time/Power Corruptor. This is the toon (a variation... see above "rules") that ended up being my main when CoH was live. I did EVERY TF at least once (Had most MO tf and trial badges) and had every Very Rare incarnate power. Things I love about this toon:
Capped defense to everything
Soft control with Distortion Field
PBU+Chrono Shift+Farsight= win
I felt like I provided support with this well as could handle my own in any situation.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

Here is my Dominator: Earth/Psi/Psi. This was one of my favorite melee toons. I used to farm BM with this toon easily on +4x8. Whenever people ask me about dominators... I always push this build :) I absolutely love Earth control...I think it is one of the best sets out there due to all of it's... control ;) While it may not be as damaging as Fire makes up for it in my opinion in it's utility powers like quicksand...volcanic gases...and earthquake. I love having Indomitable Will for when I first start missions etc if Domination is not up yet...I still get a lot of protection against status effects... it's also great for facing AVs etc... While it's not capped to any defense... it has decent defense to everything...that plus the ability to lock things down...and "defeat" things relatively fast... makes for quite a sturdy build.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

This toon was my main for probably 5 years... Earth/Kin/Stone Controller. I farmed A LOT with this toon.. A LOT! While everyone else had their Fire/Kins for farming... I used my Earth/Kin... was it as fast... well No, but to me it was a lot more fun and I could do +4x8 farming at a relatively fast speed. I had a Fire/Kin for about a year but I just didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I did this toon. I had a dual build for this toon with only one power difference... Increase Density instead of Earth's Embrace. I used the build with ID when I was teaming and the other when I would solo. At one point in time I had 5 different Earth controllers: Kin, Empathy, Radiation, Storm, and Ice....I only every kept the Kin.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

This is one of my Defenders... My Trick Arrow/Archery. I absolutely love Trick Arrow. I had this toon from the day TA was released until sunset. I know some people gripe about it not being the strongest at X, but what it can do is a Swiss army knife of things that benefit a team immensely. This build is SLIGHTLY different than the build I had on live because... no pvp I had to make a change to OSA. Previously I had 5 Ragnarok in OSA and the other slot went to Tough with the Glad PVP + Def Proc. This is my most "Ranged" toon...utilizing hover to stay out of the mix and just Debuff and fire pointy things :)

Edited: Changed some of my build after looking at it more. Wanted to make this as Heroic of a toon as I that meant getting rid of Scorpion Shield...which I am fine with. So I needed to up my Ranged Defense some to get to soft cap. Also took 5 slots from previous build that were in Entangling Arrow (Dropped it completely) and instead chose Stunning Shot for better soft control. With this build I also have Conserve Power which will allow me to well...conserve power...which will come in handy when I use EMP Arrow to help offset the 15 second endurance recovery penalty of the power easier.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

This was my favorite scrapper of all time...sadly I only got to play him for a year since EA wasn't given to scrappers until Issue 21. Prior to Issue 21 my scrapper was a Martial Arts/Invul. I kept my MA/Invul scrapper and played him quite a bit, but this build was my favorite and my most played melee toon aside from my farming brute. The changes to EA in Issue 21 made me love the set... I also had a Staff/EA scrapper, but was not impressed with Staff (always felt weak to me for some reason). I will definitely be making this toon once CoH relaunches. My old MA/EA toon name was "I Know Kung Fu."

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

And here was my Brute farmer. I say he was my farmer but he was way more than that...I had did almost every single TF with him. He had all the main accolades and just under 1000 badges. His defense on live was a little higher due to the Glad +Def Proc, but basically this is the exact same build minus that, a purple set, and the Superior AT IOs. His name was: I'm A Hot Mess.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

I have decided to post some of my concept toons and miscellaneous builds :)

This is a toon I am actually considering making. Now I have basically always been a min/maxer so this is a step away from that. I thought it would be neat to have a fire scrapper who ONLY had attacks that emanated from his hands. Lemme just say... I always hated the look of fire sword circle/greater fire sword. I never wanted a fricking sword. So I decided I would make a toon without those (yeah yeah I know...losing an aoe and a good ST attack... but damn it I don't like fire sword LOL. I wish the sword was an option as well as a no sword option for both.

Anyway.. Here is my build. :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

This is my Water/Dark Corruptor that I had. It was a really fun toon and the more I look at the build the more I want to re-roll it. My toons name was: I Wet The Bad.

WHEN CoH returns I plan on re-rolling him, but like all my other toons... I have decided to use a different naming style than I did back in the day. I used to name all my toons "I **did something**" like: I Burnt The Toast, I Forgot My Prozac, I Drive Stick, etc....

Anyways.... here's the build :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Quote from: Burnt Toast on September 25, 2014, 05:53:17 PM
So in the hopes of the return of CoH I have been working on a lot of my builds for when the game returns. I plan on posting all of my main toons that I want to create in this thread. Due to the nature of the return and the likelihood that Purples, Superior ATO, and PVP enhancements are going to be very hard to come by in the beginning... I have not included any of those in my builds. 

Feel free to copy these..modify them..or critique them as you see fit :) I will only be posting builds I actually plan on making into toons in this thread. If you see something you like but would like a modification (primary/secondary/etc) and would like me to do a build for that...please feel free to post in the "Request A Build" thread.


I am starting with my main toon... a Fire/Time/Power Corruptor. This is the toon (a variation... see above "rules") that ended up being my main when CoH was live. I did EVERY TF at least once (Had most MO tf and trial badges) and had every Very Rare incarnate power. Things I love about this toon:
Capped defense to everything
Soft control with Distortion Field
PBU+Chrono Shift+Farsight= win
I felt like I provided support with this well as could handle my own in any situation.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Like the look of this Corruptor  :D When & If the game returns will look at making one of these, looks like they could be a lot of fun.
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"

Burnt Toast

Fire/Time/Power is a fun and VERY sturdy combo. This toon quickly became my main right after Time was released. I plan on uploading other builds I felt were fun as well...especially Corruptors as that is what I mainly played.

Quote from: Saint Sanguinor on April 02, 2015, 06:58:48 AM
Like the look of this Corruptor  :D When & If the game returns will look at making one of these, looks like they could be a lot of fun.

Burnt Toast

I wanted to get away from the fire blast for awhile so I made this toon... An Ice/Ice/Power Corruptor. I did get Ranged soft cap that was cool. I didn't put much in the ally shields because well... it's not a "support" toon more so meant as a "Yeah I can team as well as solo."

Lemme know what ya think... If ya like... feel free to use/modify as you see fit :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

Here is a build I have been working on:

Controller - Earth/Dark/Stone

I would play this like I play my other earth toons... very melee. This toon has really good defense to everything (capped to melee), really good recharge, and decent team buffs.

As always it's an Earth toon so it already has great control, but even a lil more control with Dark Affinity.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

Here is something a little different from me. I always wanted a "Ninja" and I think this build fits thematically. I never ran a /regen anything on live, but this one I am seriously considering.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Burnt Toast

My first tank was an invul/war mace tank. Not sure what it is about war mace, but I love it. my favorite weapon design was my Rularuu Hammer:

I decided to tinker around with different war mace builds and here is what I came up with:
War Mace/Shield Brute :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Of course if you are going to use the Rularuu hammer you have to use... the rularuu shield :)

Burnt Toast

Was messing around in Mids just thinking of a random controller build. I decided to go with Gravity because it is a very fun set. I like that you have two AoE stun/holds in Wormhole (stun) and Gravity Distortion Field. Gravity also gives you two "attacks" in Lift and Propel. Combined gravity with time because I thought thematically they fit well together. Time is a great set that allows you to heal, improve regen/recharge, cap defense, and has some light control as well.

So here's the build I came up with :)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


 Just a thought. You should post your builds so they can be seen without having Mids. Post the build and the data links too.