Any one tried the Meek Hero planner on the App Store?

Started by Rejolt, September 21, 2014, 12:20:56 AM


If you do a search on the app store for city of heroes you'll find Meeks hero builder. It was last updated May 29, 2012. It includes staff fighting and the newer darkness sets. It fuels my mids addiction on the go. Downside: it shows you powers but you can't build a toon and store it. I usually clown around with builds on scratch paper.

There were two versions (paid and free, both the same but one allowed for donations for further updates).

The main reason I'm asking is does anyone have plans to make an App for city of titans, city if heroes or any of the other successor products in the future?
Rejolt Industries LLC is now a thing. Woo!


I'm attempting to learn android development in my free time (what free time I have, at least) and was planning on trying a build planner for COH as a first app. I'm a very long way from doing it, but I still plan to. If I get that working reasonably well, I was going to switch to an iphone version.

Power Gamer

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


I bought the meek version and full version. They both suck. It allows you to choose an archetype along with primary and secondary power sets, fill in your powers and slots, and then slot them with enhances. However you can't see totals or anything useful. You can just look at your build just like if you were in game viewing your slots/enhances without being able to see any set bonuses.


It's horribly limited, but it's the only one on the app store. I only got the free version (I thought the paid one was the same).

The ipad one is slightly different and a bit better but both are unfinished.
Rejolt Industries LLC is now a thing. Woo!