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SG Base Model

Started by Lupur, September 17, 2014, 08:52:49 AM


After the big reveal ( potential buy announcement ) I have completely lost interest in any of the games I've been playing.

One of my friends who I've been complaining to, suggested that I do something creative after me bragging about the super efficiency of my SG Base ( Vigilante Basement - Justice ).

He led me to a little program called Sketchup, which seems pretty damn cool.

All I'm doing is drawing lines and circles, but I'm sure it can be used for much more than that >.<

The reason I say my SG was super efficient, was that it was build on the 2nd smallest plot ( 8 x 12 ), had 8 Salvage Bins, 2 Crafting Stations and 3 Big Teleporters which left about 3 Zone Beacons that were not connected ( they were on the wall next to the back Teleporter so I could quickly switch them as needed :P )

This is my progress so far:

The whole base:

The Entry:

Currently working on the Oversight Centre.

Need to figure out stairs, a bridge across the doorway, a recipe storage bin, book cases, a bar, more chairs, tables, meeting rooms, banners and probably more stuff I've forgotten.

This is actually more fun than I actually thought possible :D

Progress :

Edit: Update
Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .

Power Gamer


My bases were no where near as compact or efficient.
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


Very nice  :)

I wish I had taken screen shots of our base before shutdown.  I've been pondering trying to make ours with Sweet Home 3D- actually I've thought about making the base that our group would have had if we would have had a full range of room types and styles (and lots more items).  We always dreamed of having a full kitchen to go with the well stocked wet bar we had set up.
"And I, of course, am innocent of all but malice."
- Princess Fiona of Amber


Quote from: Power_Gamer on September 17, 2014, 11:35:50 AM

Thanks :)

I was actually so tight on Energy and Control ( I seem to recall about 5 of one and 3 of the other left ), that I didn't include a fridge in the bar area, as a little in joke with the guy who first showed me how to build bases :P

Quote from: Tacitala on September 17, 2014, 02:45:09 PM

Hehe, I'm working totally from memory due to HDD dying 2 weeks after the world did :(

So, obviously I noticed a mistake in room placement 5 min after I posted up the pics :/

Control room needs to be 1 space up so that the Doorway is in the top right hand corner of the Oversight Centre, allowing for a 2 square meeting room along the wall :p

Meh, I'll put up some more pics when I get home. Gotta try and find a pic of the Arcane Control unit that like 3 pillars and some glowy balls around it. then gotta figure out how to make balls :D

Cabinets and Sunken Chairs for everyone :D
Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .


Ok, fair bit of progress in one night. I've even added in the roof for these shots just to give a sense of space :)

The blue walls / roof are basically 'one-way glass' by making them transparent on one side and a different texture on the other ( probably should have mentioned this is the first post :P ).

This is what the layout of the base currently looks like. I'm pretty sure that this is right, but I was wrong last time >.<

This is what the entrance looks like with the roof:

This is the entrance to the Oversight Centre:

Spoiler for Hidden:

These are pictures from upstairs:

Spoiler for Hidden:

So far so good, still so much to do just in this room alone >.<

Awsome thing though is being able to just make individual components ( eg stairs, bridge, platforms ) and save them to be able to import as many as I want later. This is SUPER important, especially for the teleporter room :P

Again, if anyone has a pic of the Big Arcane control unit that is pillars + glowy orbs, or pics of the Big Arcane Teleporters, it would be appreciated muchly.

My memory is a bit fuzzy, and as far as I recall my base was the only one I saw that went with Arcane over Tech :(
Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .


Quote from: Lupur on September 18, 2014, 11:41:21 AM
Again, if anyone has a pic of the Big Arcane control unit that is pillars + glowy orbs, or pics of the Big Arcane Teleporters, it would be appreciated muchly.

You mean the Orbits of Control and the Raid Teleportal?

Spoiler for Hidden:


Haha, well don't i feel quite silly :P

I spent a lot of time googling images and watching videos, it never occurred to me to check the wiki >.<

Thanks yee muchly o7

err.. also I don't think I'm quite up to the spiral details just yet >.>
Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .


Huzzah, moar progress!!

This is what the Oversight Centre looks like currently.

Just needs the reading area, table and chairs for meeting room, enhancement storage upstairs and a couple of tabes & chairs for the bar area.

Fresh photos of the entrance, 'cause I think the 'feel' of the room is coming together :)

View form upstairs.

Photos from behind the bar.

Aaand photos from upstairs looking out towards the platform, and down the stairs.

Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .


I am ridiculously impressed by this. Not only by the base itself, but by the fact that you're quite accurately recreating base components in SketchUp.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame