How about a mobile MMO?

Started by Inkblaster, September 01, 2014, 06:14:30 PM


Sort of a plan Z, some of you may have played some mobile MMOs.  There is a studio called Spacetime Studios out of Austin Texas, who basically have an engine that they copy and paste MMOs on to, they have a couple of fantasy ones, a vampire one, a sci-fi one.

They're not the only ones I'm sure, if anyone knows anybody who works for these studios, maybe put a bug in their ear about this genre. 

I've played the MMO Arcane legends on my Galaxy S4, it plays really solid, and I could totally see them porting the engine to a Superhero game, almost like how the old X-Men Konami game played in the arcade.

CoH came out in 2004, it recommended a Pentium 4, Geforce FX 5500(270Mhz), and 1gb of ram.  My Galaxy S4 has a quad core CPU at 1.6Ghz, seperate GPU at 533Mhz, and 2GB of Ram, so the computing power/graphics power could just about run the initial CoH.

They may not have the full gambit of powers and costume options, but to have a little City I can carry around in my pocket, I think, would be great.

What do you all think?  The chat may suffer a little, but no worse than playing DCUO.(oh slam!  Yeah, I went there)


Quote from: Inkblaster on September 01, 2014, 06:14:30 PM
Sort of a plan Z, some of you may have played some mobile MMOs.  There is a studio called Spacetime Studios out of Austin Texas, who basically have an engine that they copy and paste MMOs on to, they have a couple of fantasy ones, a vampire one, a sci-fi one.

They're not the only ones I'm sure, if anyone knows anybody who works for these studios, maybe put a bug in their ear about this genre. 

I've played the MMO Arcane legends on my Galaxy S4, it plays really solid, and I could totally see them porting the engine to a Superhero game, almost like how the old X-Men Konami game played in the arcade.

CoH came out in 2004, it recommended a Pentium 4, Geforce FX 5500(270Mhz), and 1gb of ram.  My Galaxy S4 has a quad core CPU at 1.6Ghz, seperate GPU at 533Mhz, and 2GB of Ram, so the computing power/graphics power could just about run the initial CoH.

They may not have the full gambit of powers and costume options, but to have a little City I can carry around in my pocket, I think, would be great.

What do you all think?  The chat may suffer a little, but no worse than playing DCUO.(oh slam!  Yeah, I went there)

I actually wanted to make a MMO whose minimum memory and processor requirements could run on a phone, it is possible with mariokart/ mariokart64 like graphics but I don't want to start with that. (think 40 MM's on screen with 5 pets each and attack effects, yep now your poly/texture budget just got really small for a smart phone, ad we haven't even counted enemies yet.. oh yeah, ok maybe SNES mariokart graphics)

besides the main drag of making a mobile game is you need to make a Java emulator for all game functions and I do not know Java. other than that if you want to put it on say iphone, you can't, the phone itself will refuse to run it as an app without it being downloaded from apple's store. and to get it on apple's store is... beyond difficult, and invasive, plus then apple demands part of the profits.

final outcome? I've not sure what the plan Z developers feel, but I probably wont be developing for apple phones, or phones in general until my java gets better.

in regards to phone specs, you need to calculate overheat into the equation, they just aren't built for heavy use. most phones don't even breathe or have ventilation the chips may be powerful but a RTR would probably melt it's chips unless you like; use one poly for the head and tell it to change the image based on rotation and always face the camera still the animation rigging might over do it unless all the characters are one poly prerendered sprites.

Edit; unless you mean one of those 2D MMOs.... I was typing on behalf of a 3D one.
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.

Power Gamer

Would certainly take advantage of a niche market, that is growing btw.  ;)
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Burnt Toast

Even with my Note 3 I wouldn't want to play an MMO... I prefer a nice size screen for MMO play. Even if it were COH itself... I wouldn't play it on my phone :(

Power Gamer

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


I do not believe that you can play a true CoH-style game on a tablet, much less a smart phone, because the UI is necessarily complicated. At top level you often have 3-4 power bars completely filled up, so you need to have 40 different input areas for the powers... even if you use some limiting options (remember that CoH did start and play with only 2 bars available, so you could have a base bar and then tab through the optional 2-9 bars), you're still looking at 20 or so input areas. Plus movement, team statistics, opponent statistics, and we're not even looking at the actual play screen yet.

There are too many options to play such a complicated game on a tablet.

Now, it may be possible and reasonable to play a limited CoH-style game, where you limit the characters to Level 20 or so, you only have one bar at the bottom of the screen, limit the team to 4 members and the spawns to 10 or fewer, and then you might be able to handle it on a small screen. I still wouldn't want to try it on a phone, but a tablet should be able to work with that. Call it City of Henchmen... or maybe Suburb of Henchmen ;)

Power Gamer

Yeah, cuz

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
--Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899  ;)
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


Not a MMO... not sure if there are any mobile superhero MMOs... but Captain America: Winter Soldier kind of gave me a CoH feeling for some reason. Middle Manager of Justice was a lot of fun too. I stink at runners but Ultimate Spider-Man is fun too.

I'd love to see a superhero MMO on iOS though. :)


Order & Chaos online runs just fine on Android. It's a full fledged MMO that looks and feels like WoW.  Power choices would be limited but superhero MMO is possible


ive played mobile mmos before and they typically come off as rail shooters
or facebook games. the other players may as well be npcs.
while single player games like dragoncity/sims freeplay/mini fallout shelter look just as good as full mmos but are single player.

be funny if wayway down the line someone figured out a way to make an app of city or even paragon chat. where you can have a dressup option like the imvu phone app  and be able to stroll around.
but that may run into the legal issue paragon chat avoids by not affecting the software.

perhapse just having a Xmpp chat that just has city themed backdrops for chatlines. it may be better than the iphone options monal and boogiechat are buggy as all get out.


Mobile MMOs seem to be improving a lot of late. There is a mobile version of Forsaken now which seems pretty comparable to the desktop version (been awhile since I played) and Order & Chaos 2 was just announced and the graphics seem pretty great. I also enjoy Taichi Panda though it is more like Marvel Future Fight than a MMO I guess... at least from what I've played solo. Not sure what the group part of it is like (yet).

I think Marvel Mighty Heroes has multiplayer, but not sure. Supposed to be more for kids but heard it is fun.


Id be very interested in a moble mmo, if it could keep the social aspect of  the mmo. The moble mmos that ive played you could walk around bash mobs but there was no social aspect to it at all you could barely say hi to people. sims freeplay felt more social..

be funny if somone could make a phoneapp for paragonchat as well
would basically be a jabber client  with dressup option that told the game what you were wearing and where to put you on other people's screen and maybe showed you a simplified view of where people were so it could let you place yourself and then you could access chatwindow  to rp/emote maybe if somone was clicked on you can see outfit/bio


Quote from: Vr2Lrose on August 19, 2015, 12:43:41 PM
Id be very interested in a moble mmo, if it could keep the social aspect of  the mmo. The moble mmos that ive played you could walk around bash mobs but there was no social aspect to it at all you could barely say hi to people. sims freeplay felt more social..

be funny if somone could make a phoneapp for paragonchat as well
would basically be a jabber client  with dressup option that told the game what you were wearing and where to put you on other people's screen and maybe showed you a simplified view of where people were so it could let you place yourself and then you could access chatwindow  to rp/emote maybe if somone was clicked on you can see outfit/bio

That's a cool idea. I suspect some of it is doable in theory, but I'm not a coder so I don't know. At the vary least, I bet you could get an XMPP web-based client to pull a costume file, and send it, along with a set location, to people running Paragon Chat.
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