Did anyone play Beam Rifle to high level?

Started by Ankhammon, August 15, 2014, 10:18:26 PM


I've been plotting and planning my first char for if/when... and I am almost decided on a NA/BR defender.

On paper it has a pretty weak aoe. Is this true in reality though?

My reason for questioning this is due to disintegrate. You can spread this to up to 3 other baddies (with 100% chance if using the snipe power... assuming memory is correct) at a time.
I guess my real question is can you then spread the disintegrate from one of the mobs to which you had just spread it?
For example: if you hit a boss with disintegrate and then snipe, it will then spread to three others... say Lts for this. If you then hit one of the Lts with a power can it trigger another spread to 3 minions?

If this is the case, then you would have a much better (if slow spreading) aoe capacity from the set. Remember, disintegrate allows your other powers to hit harder.
It makes sense code wise that this was indeed the case. Otherwise, you would have to have a different form of disintegrate present on the mobs you just spread it too. If you remember, when the spread occurred the word disintegrate appeared over each enemy as it was infected.

I've looked around youtube and other places and can't really find an answer for this.

Anyone remember?

I know, I have months at best to figure it out but it's "bugging me out, man".
Cogito, Ergo... eh?


I soloed +1 x8 at level 41 pretty comfortably. It was -very- easy to perma hasten it.

My primary problem with the set lied with it just being too slow to set up, and slow animations.


I got my beam/storm fender to 50 but the end of days came before i could IO it out. I'd echo what waffles said w/r/t animations and set-up. The novelty wore off pretty quickly tbh and it always felt like the set needed some tweaking. It really felt like a middling single target set to me and the spread never seemed powerful enough or consistent enough to make that much difference.

As far as your specific question I don't recall either, but even if it did have a chance to spread from targets it had spread to I wouldn't count on that as much help AOE-wise. Hard targets were really its bread and butter.


Thanks for the replies guys. I know Beam was never gonna be an aoe set really, but sometimes a small improvement makes a world of difference.

I had one who only made it to his early 20s back in the day and so I understand some of what you guys are talking about.

I know the set had some issues with tempo but man did it hit hard when set up on the single target.

When I posted this I was looking at NA/BR, but he's really been replaced with a BR/Poison rupter. It'll be a busy set, but I really like think it'll be good in the long run. Frustrating as all bleep until it gets some IO lubing but I think the journey will be worth it. I'm hoping for a "sum of his parts" kinda character when it's all said and done.
Cogito, Ergo... eh?


redraw might be rough, though poison wasn't as busy after the much-needed changes.