Author Topic: The right to play  (Read 20615 times)

Victoria Victrix

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Re: The right to play
« Reply #100 on: December 13, 2012, 02:58:56 AM »
I solved the problem ahead of time by contacting then-Cryptic and giving them a written blanket permission for anyone to name any of their characters after any of mine as "fair use."  I counted it as fan-fiction.  When NCSoft took over, I reminded them I had done so.  By the time NCSoft spun off Paragon Studios, so far as I know it had become policy with regard to my work.
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Re: The right to play
« Reply #101 on: December 13, 2012, 03:15:28 AM »
OK, you guys are really destroying my naive notion that these kinds of scenes read like an Aaron Sorkin teleplay!   :'(
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: The right to play
« Reply #102 on: December 13, 2012, 05:57:57 AM »
re: Kickstarter.

Read it here:

The project can't fold, or the project holder is going to be in hot soup.  Not only is their reputation down the toilet on *any* future ideas, but the money is supposed to be fully refunded to those who want it.  Now whether that can happen or not... I dunno, IANAL, but it's in the agreement, and there is a good chance someone who donates could either a) be a lawyer, or b) own enough money and be irritated enough to hire a lawyer, so that c) that project dude/dudette is not going to be very happy folding up. 
Also, it could be that d) Kickstarter doesn't want the bad pub, and will actively go after whoever tries to not refund, so as to continue Kickstarter's "good feels about this? donate here, people!" thing going.

The thing is on this, once funded, it is supposed to be a no brainer, can do it, will happen thing.  Otherwise, don't bother using this service, go get VC like any other startup/idea shop..

And the other side of the coin is that there has to be enough people to say "Oh, yep, I believe you will do that when you say.  I like you.  You're shiny, here's a dollar."  If there's not enough, then the project is a no-go.

Convincing enough people is the key, and that means credibility in pullin' it off. 

That... may be a lil' difficult to achieve with this project, but I am no way sayin' it can't be done.

thanks that answered my question about that portion. I just been wondering what happens to the money for a while guessing that not every single kickstarter program makes it and some may fold due to not hitting target and or need more funding than it could gather.