Author Topic: I need to get something off my chest  (Read 1126 times)


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I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 03, 2012, 02:52:43 AM »
Ms. Ultra on Virtue (@RedWood) (Inv/SS Tanker)

I'm having trouble coming to terms with CoH's closing. I watched this video and started to tear up:

What I don't understand is why I care so much for a video game I can't play any more.

It's not like I was the most decicated fan; I doubt anyone here remembers me.  I couldn't participate in the forums as a non-VIP member. I started playing at Issue 3 or so, had a good time, got to 50 and moved on after two years.  Once the game went F2P I came back, made new toons and spent some money on powers and costume slots.  F2P only works if at least some of the players put some money in, so I wanted to do my part.

I started playing CoH with my 2-year old daughter on my lap when I came back.  We did last year's Winter event together.  I'd steer and she'd control the spacebar for "The Jumping Lady" as she called my toon.  We Foot Stomped mobs to get presents and try to summon the snowman to follow us around.  We went to Striga Isle to listen to the Singing Wolves (Warwolves), swim in the ocean and see the volcano.  Now I have to explain to her that we can't play The Jumping Lady any more and she doesn't really understand.

I don't undestand why I feel like I just lost a friend.

I don't know if I loved the character I made, or the memories of playing real life friends online or with online friends in the Paragon Elite back in the day.  (There were a lots of similar names in the register.  Mine was with Nuclia, Alter Doc and Wing Chun Li among others)  I loved running around the city with Superjump.  I'd find interesting places to log out just for the view.

My highest achievement in the game was hours before shutdown on the last night.  I joined Ms. Liberty's TF (Statesman) and we had a great time!  I was the only tank, so I got to go toe to toe with some of the biggest villains in the game.  It was a tough slog at times, but we bashed in Recluse's face and I got my first Hami-O and the "Saved the World" badge.  The achievement was bitter-sweet.  Someone on the team was going to post a video of the TF on youtube.  I check for it a couple of times a day, but I don't know if it will make it up there.  I'd love to have that as a memento.

So, I wanted to write this down in the hope that I can exorcise some of the sadness I'm feeling by letting it out. 

I'm going to miss this game.


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Re: I need to get something off my chest
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 03:04:40 AM »
You aren't alone, CG; many of us feel this way, and I think with good reason.  Some have shared their feelings about this here:,6503.msg80701.html#msg80701
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Re: I need to get something off my chest
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 03:41:46 AM »
CG, you already listed all the reasons for feeling your loss. Just the time you spent with you little girl made wonderful memories for both of you to keep. (The Jumping Lady will remain a special name in your family.) The game was a fantasy world where you could express yourself, have fun with others who felt the same and do things impossible in real life. Those of us who immersed themselves realized it was more than just a game, and it made a little place in our hearts. It still had a few good years in it. The players might not have owned the game, but it was ours...we made it that way because of the customization. Your sadness is totally understood by all of us in the community.I only wish it could have hit the 10 year mark, at least.
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