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Community => Forum Games => Topic started by: Paragon Avenger on May 28, 2018, 09:17:37 PM

Title: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on May 28, 2018, 09:17:37 PM
Programming bugs look under their beds for CodeWalker.

Data streams wait for CodeWalker.

There are 10 types of programmers on the net, CodeWalker and everybody else.

In CodeWalker's code, there is such a thing as 2.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on June 04, 2018, 03:49:13 AM
CodeWalker doesn't make syntax errors, the compiler needs re-writing.

CodeWalker once asked HR for an assistant.  They refused.  He simply wrote one.  Half the executive assistants are now out-of-work.

New CSS property:  In CSS the last code or closest style wins; an override is to use !important.  To override even that, use !CodeWalker-said-so

    div { color: blue;}
    div { color: red !important;}
    div { color: black !CodeWalker-said-so;}

All div elements will be black.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on June 20, 2018, 01:17:05 AM
CodeWalker and a debugger could clean-up the net, and the debugger wouldn't need to be taken out of the box.

CodeWalker once spent 20-hours working on a program, it brought the internet to its knees.

CodeWalker + a case of Jolt = CodeWalker2

CodeWalker re-wrote the JCL interpreter, now the mainframe can dance.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on June 22, 2018, 02:57:35 AM
Large Occupacy Vehicles move out of CodeWalker's lane.

CodeWalker doesn't wait in-line for lunch, the line waits for CodeWalker.

XMPP was happy that CodeWalker decided to use it for Paragon Chat, (Super Fire Dragon's Fun House of Chat).

Super Fire Dragon gives CodeWalker cheese.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Captain Electric on June 22, 2018, 11:11:49 AM
If Codewalker ever decided to dupe a rare, it would be Unique Dragon who was gone to the Americans.

Chuck Norris and Blue Steel almost killed each other when they first met and mistook each other for adversaries, but in the nick of time, they found out that both their moms' names was Codewalker.

Codewalker only needed thirty minutes to collect all six infinity stones, not some big long movie.

When Codewalker finally had all six infinity stones crammed into his mouth, he was able to pronounce "chubby bunny" with ease.

When codewalker duped the infinity stones, we all know what happened to Unique Dragon.

When Codewalker snapped his fingers at the end of his thirty minute "Infinity War", he simply doubled the amount of resources in the universe.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Van Allen on June 22, 2018, 04:15:38 PM
Codewalker straightened out an endless loop.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: TonyV on June 23, 2018, 05:03:05 AM
Codewalker's line numbers step by one.
Codewalker can use expressions in the LHS of an assignment.
Codewalker doesn't use hexadecimal, he uses base 256 (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Proposed-hexadecimal-digits-and-their-ligatures-for-base-256-digits_fig2_318392719).
Like some people, Codewalker has a photographic memory. Unlike other people's, Codewalker's is 32-bit 1200dpi.
Speaking of which, Codewalker's JPG files are stored at 120% quality.
Codewalker once wrote a sentient self-replicating program. Things started to get out of hand, so to fix the problem, he wrote a sentient cannibal.
Codewalker once drove cross-country using only a Karnaugh map for navigation.
Some people play chess blindfolded. Codewalker plays Cuphead blindfolded.
Codewalker wrote a compression algorithm that reduces all files to one byte. Asked how he can tell the files apart, he simply said, "intonation."
Some hackers use back doors to get into protected systems. Codewalker uses second-story windows.
Remember that game show Password? Codewalker came up with his own home version called 2048-Bit Certificate.
Codewalker always had a hard time understanding why just one programming language was called BASIC.
IBM's Watson computer calls Codewalker for answers to questions it can't figure out.
Codewalker once wrote a sorting algorithm that was so fast, it caught the binary tree on fire.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: healix on June 25, 2018, 09:25:19 PM
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on June 28, 2018, 11:31:18 PM
Once somebody tried to hack into CodeWalker's computer, CodeWalker took the opportunity to reverse the hack and delete all the hacker's hacking tools, and install a video of the Olson twins saying, "You're in big trouble, mister." that plays in an endless loop.

Project Managers hate CodeWalker, because by the time they finish their work-breakdown structure Gnatt charts, he is already finished writing, debugging and testing the new software.

CodeWalker's programs don't have bugs, they have upgraded features.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on July 02, 2018, 09:07:57 PM
CodeWalker wrote a war-game once.  Well somehow got lose, and invaded some island nation in the Pacific Ocean.

CodeWalker can use two keyboards at the same time.

CodeWalker has a supercharged mouse.

CodeWalker doesn't have 2 or 3 monitors to do his programming, he uses an IMax style screen.

CodeWalker has to use VR goggles to debug his code, but it is always the fault of a bad compiler.

CodeWalker can divide by zero, in double-percision.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: eabrace on July 04, 2018, 07:06:29 AM
CodeWalker can use two keyboards at the same time.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on July 30, 2018, 04:59:22 AM
CodeWalker doesn't have mental health days, hegives other people mental health days.

CodeWalker vacationed in Pisa once, they kicked him out for writing a program that would straighten the leaning tower.

CodeWalker went to Niagara Falls, thought the water was coming from a memory-leak and got kicked out for nearly drying up the falls.

CodeWalker got kicked out of the Grand Canyon for shouting, "Replace your divot!"

CodeWalker can use THREE keyboards at once.

Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on August 02, 2018, 02:08:06 AM
CodeWalker googled himself once, and nearly took down the internet.

CodeWalker used to create AE missions, but the devs had to stop him.  His stuff was sooooo much better than their stuff.

CodeWalker used to gift new low-level players by turning them into level 50's, but once the Incarnate grind started he was too busy.

CodeWalker would solo the BAF incarnate trial, for fun.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on August 25, 2018, 03:20:15 AM
CodeWalker: "I had actually decoded the SG base format embedded in demorecords about 7-8 months before ..."
Yes, while the rest of us were busy trying to get that last archetype to 50, CodeWalker was busy recreating the game, in his garage,  for his own personal use, as a hobby, with no profit motive or intention, and working alone, in the dim light of one 40-watt lightbulb hanging down from a ceiling joinst in the middle of the vacant area where his mom's Buick was once parked.

Or something like that.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on August 26, 2018, 06:46:16 AM
These are worth repeating:

CodeWalker can divide by zero, in double-percision.

CodeWalker doesn't make syntax errors, the compiler needs re-writing.
Codewalker doesn't use hexadecimal, he uses base 256.

IBM's Watson computer calls Codewalker for answers to questions it can't figure out.

Super Fire Dragon gives CodeWalker cheese.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on September 01, 2018, 04:54:03 AM
In Soviet Russia, CodeWalker writes software, in tractor factory.

CodeWalker once wrote an entire web CRUD app using only HTML and CSS.

When CodeWalker must empty his bladder, he says, "Time for some I/O".

CodeWalker once told Dr. Sheldon Cooper that he was wrong.  Dr. Cooper responded by saying, "Leonard, he said that I was wrong.  I don't like being wrong.  And I certainly don't like people telling me that I'm wrong.  Do something, Leonard."  Dr. Leonard Hofstadter responded by patting CodeWalker on the back and saying, "Thank you".

Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on September 13, 2018, 02:04:51 AM
CodeWalker can do A-queries in his sleep, also b-queries, c-queries, d-queries and even e-queries.

CodeWalker once ran a custom contest, and while the contestants were standing around waiting, he hacked their custom files and corrected the mistakes that they had made.  Captain Colorblind was the only player to complain.

CodeWalker has completely re-written City of Heroes, and corrected all the glitches and errors that that spaghetti code was famous for.  Playing his version, you die a whole lot quicker.  CodeWalker, can you turn-down the NPC AI a couple notches, please?

CodeWalker reproduced the super-computer that they have at Lawrence-Livermore, using an array of iPhone 6's with a Nintendo 64 as the job controller.  It was working flawlessly until a robo-tele-marketer called him.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on October 25, 2018, 02:46:04 AM
CodeWalker writes in rhyming code, for the challenge.

CodeWalker once wrote an application to generate web apps for eCommerce, and put three thousand programmers out of work.

CodeWalker wrote, before the game was shut-down, a player-bot for City of Heroes.  It would join teams, insult the play style of the various archetypes, draw aggroe when the team was trying to resting, push other players out of the way to click the glowie and go "AFK" during the AV battle.  And it still was better than half the players that I've teamed with.

CodeWalker once figured out a way to get the NPC "Coyote" killed in the old tutorial.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on November 01, 2018, 12:17:33 AM
CodeWalker and Legolas had an archary contest.
Legolas split CodeWalker arrow with an arrow like Robin Hood.
CodeWalker split Legolas's bow with an arrow.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on January 16, 2019, 02:56:06 AM
CodeWalker, Texas Ranger.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on January 21, 2019, 04:59:34 AM
CodeWalker decided to use XMPP for Paragon Chat, but before it could be implemented, CodeWalker rewrote its kernel.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on January 23, 2019, 03:29:54 AM
Memory leaks run in fear when CodeWalker is on their trail.

CodeWalker never has had a stack overflow error, it wouldn't dare overflow.

w3.com has established a new protocol HTML tag, <CodeWalker></CodeWalker>, it can never be used "empty".

Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: eabrace on January 23, 2019, 06:49:11 AM
When Codewalker encounters a race condition, it's racing to escape from him.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: MyriVerse on January 23, 2019, 07:26:02 PM
CodeWalker has a collection of clothes, boots and motorcycles he took from T-800s.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on February 27, 2019, 04:41:13 AM
CodeWalker defined zero raised tot he zero power, it's one, duh.

You might have heard of people writing games and such using nothing except HTML and CSS.
CodeWalker once wrote a game using only javaScript.  (the web developers are hysterical right now)

For kicks, CodeWalker used to re-program supermarket self-check-out bar code scanners to do laser-light shows.
Title: Re: Who is CodeWalker: (A tribute through Chuck Norris-style jokes)
Post by: Paragon Avenger on May 15, 2019, 05:37:33 AM
I was writing a web api and I kept getting a weird error message.  So I looked it up on line.
According to Stack-Overflow, the error is "because CodeWalker doesn't like that code pattern".

CodeWalker once invented a programming language that used nothing but abstraction.  It was too complicated for the rest of us mere mortals to understand.  Even the polymorhism was abstraction.  The inhertance was absrtacted.  And all the virtual types were abstracted.  You had to code by starting in the middle and working towards the beginning and the end at the same time, using abstraction.