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Community => Comics and Other Media => Topic started by: FlyingCarcass on November 29, 2017, 04:40:01 PM

Title: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: FlyingCarcass on November 29, 2017, 04:40:01 PM

Looks like Thanos is finally going to get his turn to be the main bad guy.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Tenzhi on November 29, 2017, 05:28:25 PM
Bruce Willis got big and purple...
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Vee on November 29, 2017, 06:25:39 PM
He's a purple headed warrior in search of a quivering mound of love pudding.

Oh wait, this isn't the movie quote thread.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on November 29, 2017, 08:26:41 PM
Loved the trailer.  I thought it had just the right amount of tease without too much spoilage.

A few observations:

Hulk/Banner appears to be playing the role that the Silver Surfer played in the Infinity Gauntlet arc by crashing into Dr. Strange's sanctum.

Wakanda plays a major role in the movie.  There is speculation that the Soul Gem might be there, which would explain why there's such a huge battle there.

There's clearly a set of different things going on in the movie, Empire Strikes Back style.  There's the New York events with Strange, Wong, Stark, and Banner, plus Spidey.  There's Wakanda with Black Panther, Rogers, Black Widow, Bucky.  There's Thor and the Guardians.  And there's Wanda and Vision.  Since Banner amd Stark (presumablu in the Hulkbuster) end up in Wakanda, that suggests this is likely at or near the climax of the movie.  It is probably in the same place the airport battle is in Civil War.

There's also a set piece that appears to take place on an alien planet where Thanos fights at least Spiderman and Iron man directly.  I wonder if this is Strange's doing, to try to relocate the fight away from Earth.

Thanos starts with the power gem, then gets the space gem, and apparently at some point gets the mind gem.  The power gem was left with the Nova Corp.  That suggests a possible story trajectory: Thanos steals the power gem from the Nova Corp, then:

Minor Spoiler for Thor Ragnarok:
Spoiler for Hidden:
confronts the Asgardians vis a vis the stinger in Ragnarok and gets the space gem from Loki

which gets him the space gem, Thor ends up with the Guardians and Hulk ends up crashing to Earth, and then at some point his forces capture the mind gem from Vision or at least try to take it from him.  By the time the Avengers really start to marshal against him Thanos already possesses two Infinity Stones and is going to be too powerful to defeat.  I think the movie is going to pay off on Thanos' line: in time, you will know what it is like to lose.

Now I'm going to go stand in line and wait for tickets.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Golden Girl on November 30, 2017, 12:09:42 AM
Will they digitally remove Captain America's beard?
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Vee on November 30, 2017, 01:03:06 AM
Will they digitally remove Captain America's beard?

I don't think Sharon's in this one.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Dev7on on November 30, 2017, 03:17:26 AM
There's Wakanda with Black Panther, Rogers, Black Widow, Bucky.

Don't forget War Machine and Falcon.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on November 30, 2017, 04:58:00 AM
Don't forget War Machine and Falcon.

It is unclear if they start there or that's part of a major convergence where everyone eventually shows up there.

Also, there's an interesting theory floating around that it isn't Tony Stark in the Hulkbuster armor, but Banner.  The theory goes that Banner was afraid of turning permanently into the Hulk in Thor Ragnarok, something definitely reverts him to Banner form when he crashes into the Sanctum, and Banner decides to work on improving the Hulkbuster armor so he doesn't have to turn back into the Hulk and still be useful to the Avengers.  There's even a scene in the trailer with Banner and Black Widow where it seems like he might have been working on a Hulkbuster component (an arm).  There's also the now regular occurrence of a LEGO set hinting at this, although LEGO set toys are only batting 50/50 on this kind of leak.

If this theory is true, it obviously doesn't work for long.

Why I think that scene is near the end is because War Machine and Falcon were on opposite sides of Civil War: technically Falcon is an outlaw, and War Machine is technically still operating under the Sokovia Accords.  I think they are going to keep the groups separate initially and only merge them closer to the end of the movie as they "reassemble" the Avengers to face Thanos.  The exception: Vision and Scarlet Witch.

New idea #1:

I think there's more to retrieving the Mind Stone than just ripping it off of Vision's head.  They tease that in the trailer, and that suggests to me there is more to that scene than what we saw.  Maybe Scarlet Witch interrupts that attack, maybe the Mind Stone doesn't want to leave Vision's head.  But I think Marvel generally tries to tease with misdirection, or show one scene out of context to keep audiences guessing.  So if they are showing the Mind Stone being attacked, maybe that's not the moment when it is seized.

New idea #2:

What if everything we are seeing is based around the location of the Infinity Stones and Thanos trying to acquire them.  Under this theory, the big ship is in New York because that's where the Time Stone is i.e. Strange's Sanctum.  The scenes with Vision are because he is the location of the Mind Stone.  The scene on the Asgardian ship is because Loki has the Space Stone.  That could mean the alien planet is actually Nova Prime and it may have been devastated by the Power Stone or the fight to get it.  We don't see the Reality Stone which is with the Collector.  But that would lend even more credence to the notion that the Soul Stone is in Wakanda, because every other location in the trailer is connected to a specific Infinity Stone.

I find it interesting that the two Stones we either don't (yet) know the location of or don't see the location of are the Reality Stone and the Soul Stone.  That's interesting because those two Infinity Stones are connected to life and death (the Soul Stone) and the power to remake reality (the Reality Stone).  You could say that these two stones are the "reboot" stones.  They could have the power to bring the dead back to life and undo any damage to the universe created by the other stones.  If you want to be able to kill off the Avengers but have the ability to bring some of them back, the Soul Stone is the way to do it.  And if you want Thanos to  be able to wreck havoc with the entire cosmos but have the ability to return it to some semblance of normalcy later, the Reality Stone would be the way to do that.

Maybe the climax of Infinity War is Thanos defeating the Avengers and acquiring the Soul Stone, and the Part 4 movie will center around the surviving heroes seeking out the final Reality Stone as part of a plan to defeat Thanos.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Tenzhi on November 30, 2017, 06:00:41 AM
I was assuming the Soul Gem would prove to have been used in the creation of Him...
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: doc7924 on November 30, 2017, 02:07:44 PM
I don't think Sharon's in this one.


He is a fugitive since Civil War = no time to shave I guess.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: CG on November 30, 2017, 02:44:44 PM
Don't the Wakandans have access to talk with the dead - past ancestors/kings?  Sounds soul stoney to me.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on December 01, 2017, 09:18:03 AM
Don't the Wakandans have access to talk with the dead - past ancestors/kings?  Sounds soul stoney to me.

It seems to all make sense to me.  A large something crashed onto Wakanda and that's why they are the only source of Vibranium on Earth.  Moreover, there's something special about Wakanda that at least some Wakandans can speak to the spirits of their ancestors, and although we haven't directly seen it yet in the MCU the animals in Wakanda have spirits that can communicate with the people in the comics.  Maybe the soul stone crashed in Wakanda along with the meteoric vibranium, and the soul stone has had centuries to affect the animals in Wakanda and also have some impact on the spirits of those that live and die there.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on December 01, 2017, 09:36:26 AM
Because there are spoilers for Thor Ragnarok and a lot of speculation about Infinity War, here's my theory on what the trailer says about Infinity War in spoiler tags:

Spoiler for Hidden:
So here's how I think the movie plays out given the trailer.  The movie will open on Nova Prime, home of the power stone.  The Black Order will make short work of the Nova Corp and gain possession of the power stone and the scene will end with Thanos making his first appearance to claim the stone from the Black Order.  Roll credits.

The next scene of the movie will center on the Asgardian ship with Thor and Loki.  The Black Order will capture the ship and kill the crew.  Thor and Loki will work together to try to save as many of the Asgardians as possible, and Loki will hand over the Space stone as part of a gambit to negotiate with Loki.  In the process of trying to save the Asgardians Thor will be propelled into space and the Hulk will somehow be propelled to Earth.

The Hulk crashes into Dr. Strange's sanctum where he reverts to Banner and plays the part the Silver Surfer played in the Infinity Gauntlet story: he will herald the coming of Thanos.  This brings Tony Stark to the sanctum to hook up with Banner.  By this time the Black Order descends on New York where Spiderman senses the danger.  Tony calls Steve Rogers on the flip phone Rogers left for him (I think that's the phone in the trailer) and asks Strange to send Banner to Wakanda.  Stark, Strange, Wong, and Spiderman fight the Black Order in New York.  With Thanos in possession of the Power and Space stone they are no match for him, but Thanos doesn't want to simply obliterate them, he wants them to see him win all the stones and witness what he will do with them once he has the full gauntlet assembled.  It is unclear if he acquires the Time stone or if Strange somehow manages to keep it out of Thanos' hands.

The Black Order also attack Vision who is living with Scarlet Witch to try to take the Mind stone.  Rogers appears and fights them, but its unclear if they take the stone or not.  I think it is possible they take the stone but the Vision survives.

In Wakanda Banner works on the Hulkbuster armor.  He doesn't want to turn into the Hulk as he is still afraid if he turns into the Hulk the Hulk will take over as he did in Sakaar, and he figures by upgrading the Hulkbuster armor he can in effect be the Hulk without having to turn into the Hulk and still be useful in a fight.  Wakanda becomes the last stand for the Avengers where Thanos' army and the Black Order try to take the Soul stone from Wakanda, and Thanos with the infinity gauntlet takes on most of the Avengers.

I have a suspicion that the reality stone is not going to appear in Infinity War: it will make its appearance in the second movie.  The second movie will be more of a space/interdimensional fight where Dr. Strange, the Guardians, Thor, Ant Man, and Captain Marvel will feature prominently.  And I think Loki will be central to how Thanos is eventually defeated.

That's what I got from the trailer so far.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Dev7on on December 04, 2017, 11:44:32 PM
Wakanda plays a major role in the movie.  There is speculation that the Soul Gem might be there, which would explain why there's such a huge battle there.

I thought Heimdall have the Soul Stone his eyes are orange. Why would Wankanda have the Soul Stone?
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Vee on December 05, 2017, 12:38:04 AM
Don Cornelius left it there for safekeeping.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Tenzhi on December 05, 2017, 12:44:15 AM
I thought Heimdall have the Soul Stone his eyes are orange. Why would Wankanda have the Soul Stone?

It arrived on the Soul Train.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on December 05, 2017, 03:22:14 AM
I thought Heimdall have the Soul Stone his eyes are orange. Why would Wankanda have the Soul Stone?

Although we haven't seen much of Wakanda yet in the MCU, extrapolating from the comic books and what little we've seen from Black Panther trailers:

1.  Something crashed to Earth in Wakanda, bringing with it the only source of Vibranium to Earth.

2.  There is a spiritual element to the character of Black Panther that the upcoming movie trailer appears to show, where T'Challa has a spiritual connection to the panther god of his religion.  In the comics the religion is tied to alien beings that landed on Earth millenia ago and were worshiped by the Egyptians and the Wakandans.  Some of this spiritual story could be connected to the Soul Stone.

3.  In the comic book version of Wakanda, the Vibranium ore causes mutations in those that are exposed to it turning them sometimes into monsters.  The MCU can't really play with "mutations" and they haven't addressed any other properties of Vibranium other than it is very strong, but they could translate this backstory from Vibranium to the Soul Stone.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: doc7924 on January 01, 2018, 12:47:46 PM
Although we haven't seen much of Wakanda yet in the MCU, extrapolating from the comic books and what little we've seen from Black Panther trailers:

1.  Something crashed to Earth in Wakanda, bringing with it the only source of Vibranium to Earth.

2.  There is a spiritual element to the character of Black Panther that the upcoming movie trailer appears to show, where T'Challa has a spiritual connection to the panther god of his religion.  In the comics the religion is tied to alien beings that landed on Earth millenia ago and were worshiped by the Egyptians and the Wakandans.  Some of this spiritual story could be connected to the Soul Stone.

3.  In the comic book version of Wakanda, the Vibranium ore causes mutations in those that are exposed to it turning them sometimes into monsters.  The MCU can't really play with "mutations" and they haven't addressed any other properties of Vibranium other than it is very strong, but they could translate this backstory from Vibranium to the Soul Stone.

Well since Disney has bought 20th Century Fox Films, and now have the rights to the X-Men - they can.

Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: MyriVerse on January 01, 2018, 02:58:30 PM
They don't really need the Fox stuff for those types of mutations.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Tahquitz on January 02, 2018, 01:02:32 AM
Well since Disney has bought 20th Century Fox Films, and now have the rights to the X-Men - they can.

Still awaiting regulatory approval and shareholder votes.  Not a done deal yet.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: doc7924 on January 02, 2018, 05:51:07 PM
Still awaiting regulatory approval and shareholder votes.  Not a done deal yet.

Would be awesome though. Hugh Jackman said he was done 100% with Wolverine, unless the X-Men could be part of the MCU and he gets to work with the Hulk.

This could actually happen if the deal goes through.

And also we could finally get a good FF film from Marvel / Disney.

Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: MyriVerse on January 02, 2018, 07:03:55 PM
Don't wanna burst your bubble, but Jackman's done. About a month ago, he told Collider, no way.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: doc7924 on January 03, 2018, 06:56:25 PM
Don't wanna burst your bubble, but Jackman's done. About a month ago, he told Collider, no way.

Guess I read on old interview with Jackman.

Anyway probably would be another X-Men re4boot if they bring it into the MCU.

Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on January 06, 2018, 05:12:57 AM
Don't wanna burst your bubble, but Jackman's done. About a month ago, he told Collider, no way.

If it is the same interview I read, Hugh Jackman didn't close the door to playing Wolverine again.  He simply said he thought his time had passed already.  He was adamant about Logan being his last appearance as Wolverine but in earlier interviews he said (perhaps not entirely seriously) that if he could play Wolverine in an Avengers movie that could tempt him back.  In the most recent interview he gave, he was asked about that and he only said he thought it wasn't going to happen. He didn't say he was ruling it out entirely.  He did suggest that *someone* should eventually play Wolverine in the MCU if the Fox deal goes through.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Arcana on January 06, 2018, 05:18:33 AM
They don't really need the Fox stuff for those types of mutations.

What Fox has the rights to is literally calling superpowered beings "mutants."

As to what can happen now, it is important to note that anything can happen if the head of Fox and the head of Marvel Studios makes an agreement to do it.  That exact thing happened with Spiderman.  Marvel still has no film rights to Spiderman: they were granted that privilege as part of an agreement with Sony.  In the past, there have been barriers to making that kind of deal with Fox, but if it even looks like the deal will go through they could start making handshake deals with each other at any time if they wanted to start cooperating sooner than later.

It is less about who has what rights, and more about who's willing to make what deal.  For example, if the head of Fox studios calculates the deal will go through, he may start taking Alan Horn and Kevin Feige's phone calls, since he's likely to be working with the later and for the former soon.
Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: Dev7on on March 02, 2018, 03:33:08 AM
BREAKING NEWS!: Avengers: Infinity War will release on April 27th world wide a week early from the original release date!

Title: Re: Avengers: Infinity War
Post by: doc7924 on March 02, 2018, 02:40:34 PM
BREAKING NEWS!: Avengers: Infinity War will release on April 27th world wide a week early from the original release date!


I would hate to be any movie going against this that weekend.