Author Topic: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: #4 - Task Force  (Read 33989 times)

Paragon Avenger

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Where Have All The Heroes Gone: #4 - Task Force
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:18:05 AM »
Please read "Where Have All The Heroes Gone: #3 - Red Side" before reading this.

"I called you in here because there is something big brewing." Ms. Liberty said.
"Not Kolissa's tea!" Necrophillia said.
"Where is Kolissa?" Rare Earth asked.
"Who's Kolissa?" Ice Mannix asked.
"She was my mentor." Vince Dastardly replied.
"Look, pipe down and let her speak." Super Fire Dragon said.
"Who asked you." Said Marshal Darkness.
"I thought you were in the Zig" Ice Mannix asked.
"No, I'm reformed." Marshal Darkness explained.
"Well don't come running to me for a congrats." Rare Earth informed.
"I know, it's over, Melissa, but can't we be friends again." Marshal Darkness inquiried.
"Sorry, I was late." Kolissa said arriving late. "What'd I miss."
"Kolissa!" SFD exclaimed.
"No tea for me, thanks." Necrophillia laughed.
"It's like herding cats in here." Ms. Liberty said exasperated.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:23:00 AM by Paragon Avenger »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 04:08:38 AM »
"I llike cats." Super Fire Dragon stated.
"You don't eat them, do you?" Vince Dastardly asked.
"He isn't Alf, you oaf." Kolissa replied.
"He doesn't poison his friends like some people I know." Necrophillia.
"And the creepy country weighs in." Ice Mannix said.
"Don't make me mad, or after you die I'll make you scrub my toilets." Necrophillia countered.
"And you wonder why people give you knock out drops, Deary." Kolissa interjected.
"So anybody else wonder why Ms. Liberty called us here?" Marshal Darkness inquiried.
"Yeah, why are we here, girlfriend?" Rare Earth asked.
"Melissa, you look lovely tonight." Marshal Darkness charmed.
"You used to fall for that tripe." Necrophillia asked.
"Not everyone has ready made dates, Deary." Kolissa said.
"What does THAT mean." Necrophillia asked.
"Ladies, please, let's not bicker." SFD said.
"Shut up, dragon!" Necrophillia, Rare Earth, Kolissa and Ms. Liberty said.
"Can we get on with the mission?" Vince Dastardly asked.
"Yes, as I was saying, something big is brewing." Ms. Liberty said.
"You think I sleep with my minions?" Necrophillia shouted.
"Well, to each his own." SFD said.
"Yes, we don't want to know." Rare Earth said.
"Look, I CAN make them do ANYTHING, but I wouldn't want that.  It would be like playing with myself." Necrophillia said.
"Suddenly, she's less creepy." Ice Mannix said.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 04:41:59 AM by Paragon Avenger »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 11:11:16 PM »
"As I was saying, something big is brewing." Ms. Liberty said trying to steer the conversation.
"You said that already." Super Fire Dragon said.
"Thrice." Kolissa stated.
"Thrice?" Rare Earth asked.
"It means three times." Vince Dastardly said.
"Three times what?" Marshal Darkness asked.
"Is that more than the square root of smoke?" SFD wondered out loud.
"No, thrice means the third time something happened." Kolissa explained.
"Oh, like Ms. Liberty repeating herself." Rare Earth said.
"Why is she repeating herself?" Necrophillia asked.
"People who repeat themselves are usually suffering from memory loss." Ice Mannix offered.
"This is bad, if Ms. Liberty is having memory problems." Vince Dastardly said.
"Ms. Liberty has Alzheimer's disease and at such a young age." Necrophillia said.
"How old is she?" Kolissa asked.
"She looks to be in her twenties." Marshal Darkness stated.
"I wonder how much work she has had done." Kolissa wondered aloud.
"At least two face lifts, I'd say." Said Ice Mannix.
"Now hold on one minute." Ms. Liberty insisted.
"Oh, we're going too fast for her to keep up.  We are talking about your Alzheimer's, deary." Kolissa helped.
"No, we were talking about her plastic surgery." Necrophillia said.
"You know I was thinking of getting some work done." SFD said. "Ms. Liberty, who do you recommend?"
"Really, Dragon?" Rare Earth asked.  "What did you have in mind."
"You look OK to me, I guess." Ice Mannix said. "For.a dragon."
"I don't have Alzheimer's disease!" Ms. Liberty interjected.
"We have moved on from that now, deary." Kolissa said.
"If you get more sleep, Dragon, those bags under your eyes should go away on their own." Vince Dastardly said.
"That would save you some cash." Marshal Darkness said.
"How old do you think I am?" Ms. Liberty questioned.
"It's not how old you are, but how young you feel." Necrophillia said.
"Yes, deary, no one judges you for getting Botox and face lifts and of course coloring your hair, we all do it.  But when your memory starts to go, you should step down as head of Hero Corps and Longbow." Kolissa stated.
"The head of Hero Corps should be mentally alert." SFD responded.
"Ms. Liberty has done an outstanding job.  Who are we to kick her out, especially now that she has Alzheimer's." Necrophillia said.
"Wait one blessed minute!" Ms. Liberty shouted.
"She's getting irritable." Ice Mannix said.
"That's the first sign." SFD exclaimed.
"Somebody call 9-1-1!" Rare Earth yelled.
"We are 9-1-1." Necrophillia said.
"Somebody give her mouth-to-mouth!" Ice Mannix cried.
"I will." SFD said.
"Aaaaahhhh, get away from me, Dragon!" Ms. Liberty shouted.
"We're only trying to help you, deary, now hold still." Kolissa and.
"I DON'T NEED MOUTH-TO-MOUTH!" Ms. Liberty insisted.
"Yeah, that's for burns, not Alzheimer's." Vince Dastardly said.
"No, you put a splint on a burn." Ice Mannix said.
"That's not right.  You put a splint on a broken bone." Marshal Darkness said.
"What do you do for a fever?" SFD inquiried.
"Feed a cold, starve a fever." Rare Earth chimed in.
"No, aspirin and vitamin C for a cold." Kolissa said.
"I know elevate her head." Vince Dastardly said.
"No, Ms. Liberty, sit down and put your head between your knees." Marshal Darkness said.
"Just breathe into a paper bag." SFD said.
"Somebody, quick, get her an ice bag." Necessarily said.
"I'll do it!" Ice Mannix said freezing Ms. Liberty in ice from the calves down.
"Hey, stop this immediately!" Ms. Liberty said.
"What's wrong, deary?" Kolissa asked.
"I'm not sick!" Ms. Liberty said.
"She's in denial." Rare Earth said.
"Admitting that you have a problem is the first step." SFD said.
"We are in a much better position to judge the situation than you are, deary." Kolissa said.
"HOLD IT!  HOLD IT!" Ms. Liberty shouted.
"She's repeating herself again." Ice Mannix said.
"The Alzheimer's in advanced state." SFD said.
"It's so sad.  Ms. Liberty, you were one of the greats." Necrophillia said and started to cry.
"I think we will all miss Statesm's Niece." Vince Dastardly said.
"Granddaughter!" Ms. Liberty shouted.
"She's not making sense, we should put her in a home." Marshal Darkness said.
"Come deary, it is for the best." Kolissa said as she stood up and tugged on Ms. Liberty's arm towards the door.
"Unhand me!  I do not have Alzheimer's!  I do not have memory problems.  I did not have Botox or face lifts!" Ms. Liberty explained.
"Then why do you keep repeating yourself?" SFD asked.
"They are working on cures all the time." Vince Dastardly offered.
"I'm trying to assign you guys a task force." Ms. Liberty said.
"Sure you are, deary." Kolissa said.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 03:32:35 AM »
"I think Ms. Liberty might serious.  Let's hear her out." Marshal Darkness said.
"What, that old wrinkled has been with Alzheimer's." SFD asked.
"Now, Dragon ... " Ms. Liberty responded reaching the end of her rope.
"Yeah, Dragon.  Ms. Liberty is our friend." Necrophillia said.
"Dragon, you're full of hot air." Kolissa said.
"Dragon, why do you hate Ms. Liberty?" Ice Mannix said.
"You know, SFD has been acting kind of strange lately." Vince Dastardly said.
"How do we know that this is the real dragon warrior we all love." Rare Earth.
"Yeah Dragon.  Prove you are who you say you are." Kolissa said.
"Hey!" SFD exclaimed. "Don't pick on the dragon."
"Imposter!" Necrophillia shouted.
"Seize him!" Kolissa yelled.
At that, Rare Earth encased him in rock.
"What is wrong with you people?" Ms. Liberty asked.
"Well, Ms. Liberty has Alzheimer's and SFD is an imposter." Ice Mannix summed up.
"Neither one of those statements are true." Ms. Liberty replied.
"You have Alzheimer's, remember, you are in no shape to judge, deary." Kolissa said.
"This means that Hero Corps has been infiltrated." Necrophillia exclaimed.
"How do we know who we are?" Rare Earth remarked.
"I write my name in my underwear." Vince Dastardly said.
"Check it, what does it say?" Necrophillia said.
"Hanes" Vince Dastardly said.
"Glad to meet you, Hanes." Necrophillia said.
Super Fire Dragon's rock prison crumbled away.  He turned on his toggles.
"I say we kill everybody here and let the hospital sort it out." Kolissa said.
"Great plan!" Ice Mannix.
"Wait, no, stop!" Ms. Liberty said.  "What's going on here?"
"Just having a little fun, deary." Kolissa said.
"Supers." Ms. Liberty sighed.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 10:15:00 PM »
"So why are we just sitting around Ms. Liberty's office?" Necrophillia asked.
"Glad you asked," Ms. Liberty said.  "There is something brewing."
"It does seem like a big waste of our talents, just sitting around." Ice Mannix said.
"I would rather do some missions." Vince Dastardly said.
"Or a nice Task Force, deary." Kolissa said.
"I have the Task Force Commander accolade." SFD stated smugly.
"That's nice, deary." Kolissa said. "Now let the grown ups talk."
"That dragon can get annoying." Marshal Darkness said.
"I wish we had something to do." Rare Earth said.
"We could find something to do together." Marshal Darkness offered.
"Isn't he the dreamiest." Rare Earth asked.
"Gag me with a spoon." Necrophillia gagged.
"Look who's talking." Ice Mannix said.
"Can we get back on track, people." Ms. Liberty asked
"Yes, deary, why are you wasting our time?" Kolissa asked.
"It's probably her Alzheimer's, she doesn't mean to waste our time." SFD said.
"We're superheroes, we fight crime, remember?" Vince Dastardly said to Ms. Liberty.
"Yeah, let's go kick some butt." Ice Mannix.
"We can't go until you-know-who releases us." Rare Earth said.
"Have you finished doing whatever it is that you wanted to do, deary?" Kolissa asked.
"She probably forgot." Vince Dastardly said.
"Let's just go." Necrophillia suggested.
"She might not notice that we have gone." Ice Mannix.
Everyone stood up, and started walking towards the door.
"Get back to your seats.  And let me finish." Ms. Liberty said.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 12:21:25 AM by »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 04:39:38 AM »
"As I was saying, there is something big brewing." Ms. Liberty said.
"I've meant to ask you, Necrophillia," Marshal Darkness started. "What do you feed your zombies?"
"Purea Zombie Chow, of course." Necrophillia stated. "It makes their coats shiny."
"I once had a shiny coat." SFD said. "But then I bought a new coat."
"Shut up, Dragon!" Ice Mannix shouted.
"Why you always dissing the dragon?" Rare Earth asked.
"Yeah, Ice, dragons are people too." Necrophillia said.
"SFD is cool, any enemy of his is an enemy of mine." Vince Dastardly threatened.
"I call him 'Ice Maniac' when he gets like that." Rare Earth said.
"He can be rather maniacal at times." Marshal Darkness commented.
"Maybe we should kick him from the team." Kolissa suggested.
"Hey, wait a minute." Ice Mannix said.
"What is it, Ice Maniac?" Rare Earth asked.
"I love it when you put some fool in his place." Marshal Darkness admired.
"Oh Marshall." Rare Earth cooed.
"Somebody get a hose." Necrophillia said.
"Don't stand in the way of true love, deary." Kolissa said. "Or whatever that is."
"Marshall and I have an unique relationship." Rare Earth explained.
"Yes, it seems to work for them." SFD said.
"What do you know about it, Dragon?" Ice Mannix said.
"That does it, step outside." Vince Dastardly insisted.
"Fight, fight, fight!" Necrophillia, Kolissa, Rare Earth and Marshal Darkness chanted.
"Now Vince," SFD said. "I appreciate your support, but Ice is just being Ice.  He's still sore that I got him killed so many times."
"How many times did you get him killed, dragon?" Ms. Liberty asked. "Your report didn't mention that."
"HUNDREDS" Ice Mannix shouted.
"No not hundreds, not even a hundred." SFD said.
"Your report didn't mention even one, Dragon." Ms. Liberty said.
"We got to write reports," Rare Earth said. "This is worse than High School."
"Yes, we got to write after action reports,." Kolissa offered.
"Yes, and Kolissa's are usually fiction." Ms. Liberty said.
"I quit, I don't want to write reports, I want to run missions." Vince Dastardly said.
"Yeah, why are we sitting around looking stupid, when there are bad guys to arrest?" Necrophillia asked.
"Don't quit, we need you brother." Marshal Darkness said.
"So what is the mission?" Ice Mannix asked.
"To write reports about what we did over our summer vacation." SFD joked.
"Let's see, I stopped a war!" Kolissa exclaimed.
"Yes, deary, but what have you done lately." Necrophillia said imitating Kolissa.
"That's pretty good, now do James Mason." SFD said.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 10:54:48 PM »
"As I was saying, something big is brewing, and ..." Ms. Liberty said.
"I can't do James Mason, but I can do Mae West." Necrophillia said. "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"
"That was very good." Ice Mannix said.
"I don't go up and see people, because I'm afraid of heights." SFD said.
"Shut up, Dragon.  You can fly.  You aren't afraid of heights." Rare Earth said.
"Well maybe he flies because he's afraid of heights." Vince Dastardly said.
"Or he's afraid of heights, because he CAN fly." Marshal Darkness reasoned.
"How profound." Rare Earth said.
"Somebody, separate those two." Necrophillia said.
"Necrophillia, deary, stick to doing voices." Kolissa said.
"Yeah, she does a great Kolissa voice.  You'll swear that she is in room the with us." SFD said.
"Dragon, I'm right here." Kolissa said.
"Wow, SFD is right.  That sounded just like her." Vince Dastardly.
"Why, I can almost see her sitting across from me, ow!" Ice Mannix said as Kolissa fired a poison dart at him.
"I think you can almost feel one of her poison darts." SFD said.
"Sorry, deary, I didn't see you standing there." Necrophillia said imitating Kolissa.
"Oh, I saw him alright." Kolissa said.
"Yeah, and I can do more than just almost feel one of those darts of hers." Ice Mannix said.
"Getting back on track, there is something big brewing." Ms. Liberty said.
"Good job, Necrophillia, that sounded just like Ms. Liberty." SFD said.
"I can't do her voice, you have to have had a famous uncle." Necrophillia said.
"If that wasn't you, who was it?" SFD asked.
"Now Dragon, you know that it was me.  And Statesman was my grandfather." Ms. Liberty insisted.
"Oh sure, anyone can claim to have a famous grandfather." Ice Mannix said.
"Super Fire Dragon is my Father." Vince Dastardly said.
"Kolissa is my uncle." Said Marshal Darkness.
"What?" Kolissa asked with daggers for eyes.
"I got carried away." Marshal Darkness said.
"Luke, I am your sister." Necrophillia said imitating Darth Vader from'Star Wars'.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 04:51:42 AM by Paragon Avenger »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2014, 04:57:27 AM »
"Now do Ms. Liberty." Super Fire Dragon said.
"Now Dragon, I'm trying to assign a Task Force." Ms. Liberty said.
"Time for play is over, we must act!" Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"OK, Ms. Liberty, we shall act.  What should we do?" Vince Dastardly asked.
"There is something big brewing." Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"Now Necrophillia, I'm running the meeting." Ms. Liberty said.
"Quiet you, let Ms. Liberty talk." Marshal Darkness said to Ms. Liberty.
"Thank you Marshall, now as I was saying, something big is brewing." Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"This sounds exciting.  Tell us more." SFD said.
"Well, I am assigning a Task Force to this team." Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"Oooooo, a Task Force." Ice Mannix said.
"That's right, Ice." Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"I'm in, where is this Task Force?" Kolissa asked.
"Independence Port." Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty.
"Peregrine Island." Ms. Liberty said.
"I am so really, girlfriend, what will be up against?" Rare Earth asked.
"Sky Raiders!" Necrophillia said imitating Ms. Liberty still.
"Carnival of Shadows!" Ms. Liberty.
"Those Trolls in Skyway City won't know what hit them." SFD said.
"Yeah, to Talos!" Vince shouted.
"Death to the Tsoo!" Ice Mannix shouted.
"No, no, no, that's wrong!" Ms. Liberty shouted.
"Yeah, you guys, pay attention. It's the Crey in Bricks." Kolissa said.
"Death to the Bricks Crey." Marshall Darkness shouted.
"Your mission is to destroy the Theromatical Device." Necrophillia said still imitating Ms. Liberty.
"Arrest the leader of the Carnival." Ms. Liberty said
"That Therogigger dohicky is as good as dead." SFD said.
"We'll make that Thermometric Digitalizer wish it had never been born!" Ice Mannix shouted.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 10:03:34 AM by »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2014, 10:34:00 AM »
"So, we ready to roll?" Super Fire Dragon asked.
"Yes!" Cried Kolissa.
They all stood up and started towards the door.
"Peregrine Island, arrest Carnival of Shadows leader." Ms. Liberty interjected.
"Right, that Theromernal Defossicaler will soon be functioning at less than optimal capacity." Vince Dastardly said.
"Anybody got team transport, Kings Row is too far to walk to?" Rare Earth asked.
"Yeah, gimme a second to set it to Founders Falls." Necrophillia said no longer imitating Ms. Liberty.
After a flash of light and whirling sounds, the team transport appeared.
Each team member vanished in turn.
"They better have that thing set for PI!" Ms. Liberty exclaimed.
Ms. Liberty sat in her chair exhausted.  "Supers!" She sighed.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2014, 04:51:02 PM »
Much to everyone's surprise, the team arrived in Peregrine Island.
"Ice, you made it!" Vince Dastardly said.
"Vince, my ole buddy. Glad to see you." Marshal Darkness said.
"Oh, Marshall, honey." Rare Earth said.
"Rare Earth, girlfriend, you made it." Necrophillia said imitating Rare Earth.
"Necrophillia, have some tea?" Kolissa joked.
"Kolissa, they let you out of the Zig?" Super Fire Dragon asked.
"Dragon, she was never in the Zig." Ice Mannix said.
"OK, whatever, anyway, I'm the tank so follow me, any questions." SFD said.
"Let's see, Carnival of Shadows, Carnival of Shadows." Vince Dastardly said flipping pages in a big book.
"Vince, what are you doing, deary?" Kolissa asked.
"I'm looking up Carnival of Shadows in my copy of 'Jane's, All The World's Villains'." Vince Dastardly answered.
Kolissa grabbed the book and threw it across the street.
"Why read books when you can kill stuff the books tell you about." Kolissa said.
"OK, go in and wait at the door.  Ice, you are not Leroy Jenkins.  Kolissa, you are not Fusionette." SFD instructed.
"Dragon, we know what to do." Ice Mannix said.
"Fusionette!  Ha!  Very funny, Dragon!" Kolissa said.
"Fool Dragon, who do you think you are, Chester Cheatah?" Rare Earth said.
"Melissa, you are so clever." Marshal Darkness admired.
"Chester Cheetah?  That's who you think the dragon is like?" Vince Dastardly asked.
"Chester Cheetah, hocks Munchos Potato Chips." Necrophillia said.
"Yeah, and the little kids take the box away." Kolissa said.
"And they say, 'Turning tricks is for kids' , I love that." Necrophillia said.
"No, Chester Cheetah was an admiral in the United States Navy." SFD said.
"That's not right, it was Doritos, not Munchos." Vince Dastardly corrected.
"Yeah, and he had a little mustache." Ice Mannix said.
"He would drive up in his car, and ask the girls if they wanted a ride and then he would say, 'Exit stage left, even'." Necrophillia said.
"Do ALL your stories involve prostitution, deary?" Kolissa asked.
"No of course not." Necrophillia said offended.
"OK, tell us one, deary." Kolissa challenged.
"I can't think of any on the spot like that." Necrophillia said.
"I looked it up on my phone, Chester Cheetah hocked Cheetos for Frito-Lay.  He famous line was, 'Cheetos, cheese that goes crunch'." Ice Mannix said.
"That sounds completely wrong.  SFD was being nothing like that." Marshal Darkness said.
"Yeah, Ice, stop picking on the dragon!" Vince Dastardly said.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2014, 07:01:56 AM »
"OK, we need some ground rules." Kolissa said.
"Why do we need rules for the ground?" Super Fire Dragon asked.
"Yeah, the ground will pretty much do what it always does." Vince Dastardly said.
"No you idiots." Kolissa stormed. "Rules for the team."
"Rules so we doesn't gets grounded, I get it, girlfriend." Rare Earth said.
"Melissa, you are so smart and sexy." Marshal Darkness said.
"Eeew, rule number one, stop that." Necrophillia said.
"What kind you rule is that?" Rare Earth asked.
"Shouldn't we vote on the rules?" Ice Mannix asked.
"What kind of process and procedure for making rules should we have?" SFD asked.
"What would happen if somebody broke a rule.  Who's going to enforce these rules?"  Marshal Darkness asked.
"Wait a minute, we need a process to help us decide what our rule making is going to look like." Necrophillia said.
"How far down do we need to go on deciding on the processes for making policy for creating rules?" Kolissa asked.
"How about we elect a chair to govern the rule making process?" Necrophillia asked.
"I ain't voting for no stupid chair, a sofa maybe." SFD said.
"No Dragon, a chairperson." Kolissa said.
"Dragons are people too." SFD said.
"OK, who all wants to set the policy and procedures for helping us make ground rules?" Kolissa asked.
"Me" said Ice Mannix.
"Me" said Necrophillia.
"Me" said SFD.
"Me" said Kolissa.
"Not me, the job sounds boring." Rare Earth said.
"Not me either, I like one or more of the candidates in the field already." Marshal Darkness said.
"I want to drop out, I didn't realize that it was a job." SFD said.
"What did you think it was?" Kolissa asked.
"An honorarium." SFD said.
"Not me either, I'll just watch." Vince Dastardly said.
"OK, please vote for the chair to set policy for deciding how to make ground rules." Kolissa said.
"Hey, who said that you could tell us what to do?" Necrophillia said.
"Necrophillia!" Kolissa threatened.
"Yeah, vote, he he." Necrophillia said.
"OK, I'll announce each vote and show the other candidates." Kolissa said.
"Nope, I'll announce the votes and show the non-candidates" Marshal Darkness said.
"That sounds fair, after all, he is a marshal." SFD said.
"Fine!" Kolissa said.
"One vote for Kolissa." Marshal Darkness began.
"One vote for ... pie.  Dragon, vote for one of the candidates."
"Hey, that wasn't me." SFD said.
"I was hungry." Vince Dastardly admitted.
"OK mmoving along.  One vote for Necrophillia. One vote for Ice.  One more vote for Ice.  One vote for Kolissa.  We have a close race.  Last vote is for Kolissa.  Kolissa wins." Marshal Darkness said.
"Thank you, thank you.  My fellow teammates, I promise to create a simple but effective  ... " Kolissa started her victory speech.
"Change the channel, this is boring." SFD said.
"Yeah, what else is on?" Vince Dastardly asked.
"You idiots, this isn't television." Kolissa said.
"Yes, but we agree.  You won.  Now set it up and let's ground these rules." Ice Mannix said.
"Fine." Kolissa said and began writing out the policy for making ground rules.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2014, 10:07:40 PM »
"OK, I took the liberty and decided that we will vote on the policy and processes and procedures for making ground rules.  If the package passes, we can begin implementing it." Kolissa explained.
"OK, let's hear these policies, processes and procedures." Ice Mannix said.
"OK, first we will vote on all rules.  For a rule to pass, it must receive a majoority and at least 3 votes.  The Chair will not vote, but will resolve all ties.  No admendments will be allowed, to keep it simple.  Anybody caught breaking a rule will be told to cut it out.  After the first warning, any further rule breaking will be noted in the after action report. Being a habitual rule breaker might result in kicking from the team." Kolissa said.
"Those policies, processes, and procedures make sense, Kolissa.  You have done a fine job.  We will vote on passing them, and I will tally the votes.  If it passes, you will tally all votes after that." Marshal Darkness said.
"OK, Marshall, but first we got to wake up the team." Kolissa said.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 04:29:04 AM by »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2014, 10:20:13 PM »
Everyone agreed to the processes, policies and procedures for making ground rules for the task force.
"I move that there be no kissing or hugging or kissing during the task force." Necrophillia said.
"Do I hear a second?" Kolissa asked.
"Tick-Tock, there that was a second." Super Fire Dragon said.
"All those in favor of banning kissing, hugging and kissing, say 'Aye'."  Kolissa said.
"Aye" said Necrophillia.
"Aye" said SFD.
"Aye" said Vince Dastardly.
"Aye" said Ice Mannix.
"Motion carries." Kolissa said.
"What motion?"  SFD asked.
"Sorry, Dragon.  I mean that the ground rule passed."  Kolissa explained.
"I move that we don't do this."  Ice Mannix said as he gave Vince Dastardly an ice covered left hook across the jaw.
"So we can't do this?" Marshal Darkness asked as he gave Ice an upper cut to the chin.
"What about this?" Vince asked as hit gave SFD a right jab to the stomache.
"No!  And we can't do this neither, bee itches." Rare Earth said she grabbed a hand full of Necrophillia's hair and gave it a solid yank.
"Can we do this?" SFD asked as he kicked Rare Earth in the groan.
"Noooo." Rare Earth moaned.
"Dragon, if you did that to me, that might be trouble."  Ice Mannix threatened.
"Yeah, Dragon, touch her again, and you're dead." Marshal Darkness warned.
"My hero!" Rare Earth exclaimed.
"Hey, don't take it personal, just having some fun."  SFD explained.
"I say we kick SFD from the team.  Who's with me?"  Ice Mannix proposed.
"All those in favor of kicking SFD from the team say 'Aye'." Kolissa said.
"Aye."  Ice Mannix said.
After several seconds of silence, Kolissa said, "Motion fails.  Dragon, be more careful."
"Yeah, yeah." SFD muttered.
"Ok, let's agree to stop fighting each other, until after the task force, at least." Vince Dastardly said.
"All those in favor say, 'Aye'."  Kolissa said.
"Aye."  said SFD.
"Aye."  said Necrophillia.
"Aye."  said Marshal Darkness.
"Aye."  said Vince Dastardly.
"Aye."  said Rare Earth.
"Aye."  said Ice Mannix.
"Ok, no fighting teammembers until after the task force." Kolissa said.
"You didn't say, 'Motion Carries'."  SFD said.
"She doesn't got to say that every time, fool dragon."  Rare Earth said.
"Motion carries."  Necrophillia said imitating Kolissa.  "There, are you happy, Dragon?"
"Yes, very, thank you." SFD said.
"Ok, any more motions?" Kolissa asked.
"Just, one.  I'm the tank, so follow me and Vince you take out the bosses around me.  And we got no healers, so pack plenty of greens and wakies." SFD said.
"Ok all in favor say, 'Aye'." Kolissa said.
They went on like this for several more minutes, covering the way the team should interact.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2014, 03:39:56 AM »

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2014, 05:32:45 AM »
"Task Force Arrow, Task Force Arrow, Calling Ms. Liberty, over." Kolissa said into her two-way communicator wristwatch.
"Kolissa?  Is that you?  What is Task Force Arrow?"  Ms. Liberty replied.
"That's the name we gave our Task Force."  Kolissa explained.
"Ok, Blue Lightening is out.  Why did you call?"  Ms. Liberty answered.
"Blue Lightening is a cool name, I want to join THAT task force."  Super Fire Dragon said.
"Shut up, Dragon!" Kolissa said.
"Yeah, we all agreed to the lame name, 'Task Force Arrow' so we got to live with it."  Marshal Darkness said.
"Lame?  You came up with the name.  And now it's lame?"  Necrophillia asked.
"Well, it's lame now."  Marshal Darkness said.
"Yeah, girlfriend, it wasn't lame until we all heard about that Blue Lightening task force." Rare Earth said.
"I move that we disband this task force and join the Blue Lightening task force."  Vince Dastardly said.
"You're out of order."  Kolissa demanded.
"I move that we give Task Force Arrow the nickname Blue Lightening." Necrophillia said.
"You're out of order too, but that's a great idea.  All those in favor, bark."  Kolissa said.
"Bark?"  SFD asked.
"Well, I got tired of hearing everybody say 'Aye' all the time."  Kolissa explained.
They all starting barking.  Five minutes later, "Ok, ok, motion passes.  Geez." Kolissa said.
"Hello,  hello, is this thing on?  Can you hear me?"  Ms. Liberty said over the communicator.
"Ooops, I forgot about her."  Kolissa said to the group.  "Yes, Ms. Liberty, this is Kolissa.  I'm calling to let you know that we are in position."  Kolissa said into the wristwatch communicator.
"Great.  You guys left an hour ago.  Proceed into the warehouse and arrest the Carnival of Shadows leader."  Ms. Liberty instructed.
"Do you have any last minute instructions or mission changes for us?"  Kolissa asked.
"No."  Ms. Liberty said growing impatient.
"Ms. Liberty, be advised that we have decided to call our task force, task force arrow.  And we have given the task force the nickname Blue Lightening."  Kolissa informed.
"Thanks for the information, now get in there!  Ms. Liberty out!"  Ms. Liberty shouted over the communicator.
"I wonder what's eating her?"  SFD wondered out loud.
"Yeah, maybe something is happening back at HQ."  Ice Mannix said.
"Maybe we should run back there and check it out?"  Vince Dastardly suggested.
"Let's review the transmission.  Maybe Ms. Liberty was talking in code."  Necrophillia suggested.
"We didn't establish any system of signals.  You might be right."  Kolissa pondered.
"The Malta Group has been very active in the area lately."  Rare Earth offered.
"What if she wasn't talking in code?  What if she really is mad at us?  What if we all get laidoff?  Replaced by younger heroes with something to prove."  Necrophillia worried.
"I don't want Ms. Liberty mad at me, that's for sure."  Raer Earth said.
"I'll protect you from her fury."  Marshal Darkness volunteered.
"Oh, Marshall."  rare earth cooed.
Just then Necrophillia turned on garden hose on them.
"Sorry, I did not see you standing there."  Necrophillia said.
"Hey, you got me wet!"  Marshal Darkness shouted.
"Oh dry up."  Ice Mannix said.  "I couldn't resist."
"That was one of the ground rules, no PDA's."  Kolissa reminded the group.
"Fine.  But Necrophillia, you do that again, honey, and they won't find you or your zombies."  Rare Earth threatened.
"Ok, ok, let's calm down.  We got to act as a team.  Task Force Arrow, aka Blue Lightening must prevail."  SFD said.
"Fool dragon."  Rare Earth said softly.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2014, 05:17:05 AM »

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2014, 04:04:17 AM »

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2014, 06:21:03 AM »
"Ok, like we discussed it.  Vince, use stealth and scout out the map."  Super Fire Dragon instructed.
"Roger will co.  Over and out."  Vince Dastardly said as he went invisible.
"What did he just say?"  Rare Earth questioned.
"Something about Roger somebody, I think."  Necrophillia answered.
"No, he was doing that new code language."  Kolissa offered.
"Ok, what does it mean?"  Marshal Darkness asked.
"I have no idea."  Kolissa said.
"Maybe he was trying to tell us that we are in grave danger."  Ice Mannix said.
"Yeah, with that Dragon in-charge."  Necrophillia laughed.
"Oh thanks a lot."  SFD said sarcastically.
"It was just a joke, lighten up."  Necrophillia said.
"You guys have been picking on me for this entire task force and I'm fed up."  SFD complained.
"Oh no the scary giant lizard is mad at us.  HELP!"  Rare Earth yelled.
A Bronze Strongman and two Harlenquin Jugglers came running over.
"Great, just great."  SFD said as he started to attack the Carnival of Shadows.
Rare Earth encased the Strongman in rock.
Necrophillia let loose her zombies and they attacked the jugglers.
Kolissa did a mind link to help the team focus.
Ice Mannix started pounding on the Strongman.
Marshal Darkness layed down a tar patch so they couldn't get away.
Kolissa killed the last juggler with her dart gun.
"Kill stealer."  Ice Mannix said to Kolissa.
"Hey, we're on a team, I can't kill steal."  Kolissa responded.
"Well, glory stealer then."  Ice insisted.
"Look, we all get credit ..."  SFD said.
"Shut up, Dragon."  Ice Mannix interuppted.
"Did I kill nobody?"  Rare Earth asked.
"You didn't do nothing."  Ice insulted.
"Hey man, we all helped."  Marshal Darkness interjected.
"I'm going that way, away from you losers."  Ice Mannix said as he walked down the hall of the warehouse.
"What is his problem?"  Necrophillia said.
"Yes, he is a live one."  Kolissa said.
"What is THAT suppose to mean?"  Necrophillia asked.
"What an idiot."  SFD said.  "Ice is going to get himself killed, again."
"Suddently, he doesn't sound so bad."  Necrophillia cooed.
"Eeewww!"  Rare Earth said.
"Necrophillia, that is one of the rules.  You have been warned."  Kolissa advised.
"What'd I say?  What'd I say?"  Necrophilla asked.
"Focus people.  We have a task force to complete."  SFD said.
"Yes.  that is a good idea.  Focus on the task force."  Marshal Darkness added.
"Ok, let me check in with Ms. Liberty."  Kolissa said to those in the group.  "Come in Ms. Liberty, this is Task Force Arrow aka Blue Lightning calling Ms. Liberty."  Kolissa said into her wristwatch two-way communicator.
"Yes, Kolissa.  So how did the task force go?  Did you defeat the Carnival of Shadows leader?"  Ms. Liberty said via the communicator.
"Well, no.  We're calling to check-in with you."  Kolissa said to the communicator.
"Tell me that you're inside the warehouse or there will be trouble."  Ms. Liberty threatened.
"We have entered the warehouse and ..." Kolissa reported via the communicator.
"THANK GOODNESS!!!"  Ms. Liberty shouted over the communicator.
"Yes, we have sent Vince dastardly ahead to scout the map."  Kolissa continued her report.
"Good idea, I like it."  Ms. Liberty said over the communicator sounding happy for the first time during this story.
"We engaged the Carnival of Shadows when we accidently generated aggroe."  Kolissa reported to the communicator.
"I see, go on."  Ms. Liberty replied via the communicator.
"Ice Mannix got upset at something and started out on his own."  Kolissa advised her communicator.
"That guy!  Any news from him?"  Ms. Liberty inquired from the communicator.
"Nothing yet."  kolissa answered.
"Ok, so what is your next move?"  Ms. Liberty asked through the communicator.
"Honestly, we will probably stand around yammering for several minutes and then take a break."  kolissa said into the communicator.
"I am going to go down there and wipe the floor with ... "  Ms. Liberty said sounding not as happy as before.
"Kolissa out."  Kolissa interuppted Ms. Liberty.
"It sounds like Ms. Liberty is having another relapse."  Necrophillia said.
"Oh, the poor thing.  I wish we could help her."  SFD offered.
"Maybe we should get her a card.  To cheer her up."  Marshal Darkness said.
"And some flowers, everybody likes flowers."  Necrophillia suggested.
"Eeewww!"  Rare Earth said.
"What?"  Necrophillia asked.
"She said 'flowers' I don't know what you heard."  Kolissa helped.
"Oh-ok, sorry, Necrophillia.  It was a reflex."  Rare Earth explained.
"Look I think something is approaching."  SFD said.
At that they all took up alert positions.
"Hi guys."  Vince Dastardly said becoming visible again as he walked over to the group.
"Oh, it's only Vince.  What did you find out?"  SFD said.
"About what?"  Vince Dastardly asked.
"About the warehouse, you were sent to scout it out."  Kolissa stepped in.
"Oh, you said scout the map.  So I did."  Vince dastardly said.
"You were supposed to also get the locations and strength of the enemy."  Necrophillia scolded.
"Oh, now you tell me."  Vince dastardly said.
"Ok, this time, scout the map, note the location and strength of the enemy and find the AV."  SFD said.
"Audio-Visual Equipment?"  Vince dastardly asked.
"Who trained this guy?"  SFD asked in disbelief.
"I did."  Kolissa said.
"I can't believe he don't know nothing, girlfriend."  Rare earth said.
"Well I was kind of busy, stopping a war!"  Kolissa countered.
"Oh, are you going to bring that up again?"  Necrophillia said.
"Deary, I have some more tea for you."  Kolissa said to Necrophillia.
"Hey, I'll take some tea."  Marshal Darkness said.
"You don't want her tea, trust me."  Necrophillia said.
"So what am I supposed to do with filmstrip projectors?"  Vince Dastardly asked puzzled.
"No, no, no.  AV means Archvillain."  SFD said.
"That makes no sense.  AV sounds like it stands for two words. Archvillain is only one word.  Besides Arch is easier to say."  Vince dastardly said.
"He's got you there, Dragon." Kolissa said.
"Just go do it already."  SFD ordered.
Vince turned invisible again as he walked away.
"AV, Arch, AV, Arch.  He's right."  Marshal Darkness said.
"Shut up, Marshal!"  SFD said.

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2014, 06:10:55 AM »
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 06:23:17 AM by »

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Re: Where Have All The Heroes Gone: Task Force
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2014, 02:57:12 AM »