Author Topic: Best Controller  (Read 42741 times)


  • Underling
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Best Controller
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:11:41 PM »
A Ice/ Storm controller was my second character but could never finish him. I eventually finish a illusion/ rad but when villians came out dropped it for Thugs/ rad.

My dream was to finish my ice/ storm I fought along side a few and was jaw dropped once when I saw a controller drop tornado and then a water spout. I never returned to the game intime to finish my ice/storm .

With the game returning, I know its a small crowd who played controller what was your favorite combo.

Also if you could help me choose, Iam stuck between illusion/storm or ice/ storm.


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 10:20:13 PM »
I had an Ice/Storm Troller named Cape COd.  He wasn't doing much direct damage, but unleashed chaos'aplenty and put the troll back in Controller.  Fun, but not for everyone.  Illusion is a notoriously strong powerset, and it's hard to argue against it.  That said, there's something very satisfying about blowing a mob into the corner and then dropping two ice patches under their feet.

If you want something a little different, I also had an Ill/Dark Controller named Occultation who was a fanboy of the Shadow, the Spider, and others of cape-hat-cowl fraternity.  He...well...let's just say that he waltzed through Praetoria's storylines with nary a scuff on his tailored suit.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 10:23:27 PM »
I had an ice/storm that I got to 50, if I was solo it was slow leveling which was most of the time :(. I do have to say it had great holds and immos. When our game comes back this is one of a few that wont comeback for me.
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 10:41:53 PM »
Fire/Dark is probably the best overall combination. Most controllers are very strong defensively, but it's offense (especially AoE offense) where they're a bit lacking, so you want to look at the ones that are high on damage. Fire is highest in most cases, and /Dark is a very strong defensive secondary that also adds to offense.

Other options I would look at would be Plant/Cold, Illusion/Storm, Dark/Storm, and Electric/Poison.


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 11:14:56 PM »
If you are looking for something a little different that might give you a more offensive outlook for your new controller, you might consider a */NA.

I've recently convinced myself that Nature Affinity is an awesome set. Easy to see that it's biggest positive is the HoTs it can provide. It also adds  -Dam, -ToHit, hold, -Res, Resistance, Regen and the Absorb ability. All together these represent a very nice bundle of goodies. Then there is the tier 9. The tier 9 is very intriguing in that it offers a hard to come by, but very nice end discount of 93.1% for controllers and a aoe +Dam of 66%.
The caveat to the whole set is that the Tier 9 is hard to make perma, but you can get pretty close.

To get the most efficiency out of NA you would want to use a primary that is more offensive. This makes fire an odds on favorite to run with it. I would also consider Dark and Plant to be very good pairings for this set.

I know it's not as offensive as a /Kin or an AV killer like /rad, but pairing with NA provides a decent amount of defensive options while still being an offensive set.
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 12:48:06 AM »
Mine was the illusion/storm troller.  Stealthy enough to sneak in.  Powerful enough to go toe to toe with most pve things.  And had storm powers to play havoc.  If used carefully, some of those storm powers could alter the battle significantly.

I've been known to corner mobs with hurricanes and then unleash PA on them.  Can't run.  Can't kill what's beating the hell out of the mob.  And can't hit me most of the time due to acc debuffs.  Add def debuffs from freezing rain and most enemies didn't last long.
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 12:51:22 AM »
I made quite a few controllers.. I could not tell you which was the most fun because I enjoyed them all. Fun is a very relative thing... what is fun to one could be totally boring to another..

However I had these @ close..


Controller I wish I had Made...

Fire/Rad.. I think this would have been one of the better ones.. You can build a very basic Fire/Rad and be pretty darn good..

Controllers I deleted or retired because I didnt like them...

Grav/Kinetic (he was retired as the Grav/Time was much better)

What I made that was better than what I deleted..

Earth/Fire Dominator was FAR better than the Earth/Thermal
Fire/Psi Dominator.. much better than the Fire/Thermal
Elec/Elec Dominator...

In the end I leaned more toward Dominators.. but I enjoyed the Grav/Time and Illusion/Dark Controllers a great deal..

Paragon Avenger

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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2014, 01:34:28 AM »
I had an Earth/Rad, the pocket tank is awesome.
Rad is debuff, but since I solo'd him.  I min the secondary.
His defense was his holds.

Also had Ill/kin.  Didn't like men, people always wanting Speed Boost.
If you go for bubbles, make sure people can see through them or you'll be soloing too.


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2014, 02:40:50 AM »
How was electric control I just noticed this in the skill calculator I just downloaded. Wasn't released when I left.

Would elec / storm be good? I found this video and it looks fun.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 02:49:14 AM by zanderscotx »


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2014, 02:47:37 AM »
I though Elec Control was an average set. It had a few different control tools.. the sleep patch.. holds.. standard Immobilize.. and a Confuse as well.. so as a control set it was pretty solid.. the Pets were ok.. not great.. like fire imps.. not as bad as say Jack Frost..

As a theme i think it would pair well with /Storm.. but you would definitely want the -kb IO in Tornado or it will knocks foes all around... it will probably be a late bloomer but very solid..

However I felt it lacked damage.. I liked it better on my Elec/Elec Dominator..


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2014, 02:49:25 AM »
My favorite controller was Imperious Rex, an ill/rad. (And yes, I created him in 2004, I imagine long before the Imperious Task Force came about)
As you can imagine, I got the name from the words Sub Mariner would exclaim preceeding certain battles.

I also got the name Ukase Rex from the words Doc Doom used as a pass code to get Ultron 5 to do his bidding in Marvel's "The Secret Wars" comic series. Absolutely loved that series.

I also had an earth/rad, and an earth/kin, a grav/kin, a plant/rad, an ice/emp and I forget how many others. I never did try */dark, but hope to do so. In my limited experience - for me - the ill/rad was the "best". With perma-pa, I could solo monsters - not defeat them, but hold my own. Never could get the dps high enough to get them, not without a heavy or several other temp pets. But, AVs, elites - they were dealt with easily enough. It took concentration, making sure I got the PA placement reticle in position fast enough to keep me from getting the aggro. Other than that, it didn't really matter. PvP - even without PvP ios, or a PvP build, he was pretty solid.

All that being said, there probably isn't a "best Controller". Maybe a "best controller for your playstyle" would be more precise. And, I think to answer that, you'll have to play them all, lol.
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  • Underling
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2014, 02:53:31 AM »
I though Elec Control was an average set. It had a few different control tools.. the sleep patch.. holds.. standard Immobilize.. and a Confuse as well.. so as a control set it was pretty solid.. the Pets were ok.. not great.. like fire imps.. not as bad as say Jack Frost..

As a theme i think it would pair well with /Storm.. but you would definitely want the -kb IO in Tornado or it will knocks foes all around... it will probably be a late bloomer but very solid..

However I felt it lacked damage.. I liked it better on my Elec/Elec Dominator..

Was there a specific combo ( any set) to keep people in the tornado?


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2014, 03:10:35 AM »
the Overwhelming Force -KB IO which you could either buy at the auction house... or run the Summer Blockbuster event which would give out a random Overwhelming Fore IO at the end.. so you had a 1 in 6 chance of getting it..

This IO turn off Knockback and changes it into Knockdown.. This proved to be very overpowered in some powers (Tornado being one of them) So if I remember correctly the chance to knockDown was reduced and the KB turned off... This meant that Tornado would no longer scatter targets.... and if focusing on one target it would turn into a mini buzzsaw..


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2014, 12:12:38 PM »
The only troller I ever ran bast 20 was a Mind/Kin , Great for soloing ran him to about 48 or so since he was a side toon.


  • Underling
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2014, 07:37:12 PM »
My absolute favorite was my Plant/Storm -- one of the fastest trips from 1 - 50, the first character I extensively IOed, the only character I seriously pursued Incarnate powers with, etc.  Will be the first character I recreate if/when the COH I23 revival happens.


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2014, 09:57:03 PM »
My strongest controller would have been Too Much of Anything, a dark/storm villain.  Here is part of what I said about him on his page (linked with name):

It is sad that he only reached level 41.  I was really looking forward to having seven pets unleashed at once.  He might have been the ultimate controller considering his other amazing powers such as Steamy Mist, Freezing Rain, Fearsome Stare, and Possess.
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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2014, 10:03:09 PM »
Its a common choice, but even though I liked pretty much all the controllers I played (I was leveling Grav/Time at shutdown and was enjoying that combo a lot) I still think Ill/Rad is arguably the best all-around controller.  It not the best at anything, but it was good at almost everything and bad at almost nothing.  Heals, buffs, debuffs, indestructible pets, stealth, rezzing, and EMP was probably the bet emergency power around.  If it had one weakness, it was ironically that it had only mediocre hard control.  But if you could master its "chaotic control" there was little else it could not do.

If I had to choose between Ill/Storm and Ice/Storm, that's a tough call.  It would depend on what I was looking for in that controller.  Ice/Storm would be the more "controlly" controller, whereas Ill/Storm would be the more "chaotic control" controller.  Controllers tended to have two different ways to "control" for a team.  Controlly controllers locked everything down.  Grav/* for example is a very controlly controller.  Chaotic controllers did the opposite: they wrecked havok on the enemies with knock, confuse, terrorize, repel, and pets.  Illusion/* is a classic chaotic control controller.  */Storm has obvious chaotic control elements and in an Ill/Storm combination you'd probably try to play into those strengths of chaotic control.  On the other hand Ice/Storm has some discordance with Ice Patch and knockback.  You could focus on chaos: stand on the patches for protection and use storm for chaotic control, or you could focus on patches for focused control and emphasize the non-knock elements of Storm like Snow Storm and Freezing Rain.  You have more flexibility with Ice/Storm, but also more chances to trip on your own toes than Ill/Storm.

I actually tend to like Ice control better on Dominators that have more melee offensive options.


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2014, 10:06:15 PM »
I was really looking forward to having seven pets unleashed at once.

One thing I did miss about my pre-I5 Ill/Rad.  Two sets of PA, three Phantasms, three decoys, and two spookies.  On average, fourteen pets.  Holds?  What's a hold?


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2014, 11:48:56 PM »
I had an Ill/Rad and it was very good.. one of the best combinations for controllers in the game.

I think it was very very strongly rivaled by Ill/Dark and I would say that Ill/Dark might be slightly better in some respects. Everthing you get from Illusion and -regen, stun, -tohit,-res, a team defense buff. a +regen/Recovert tool AND an extra pet in Dark Servant.. very very good build.. worked very well.. got him to level 50 before the shutdown.

I also had a Grav/Time and it was an excellent build.. I liked it MUCH better than my Grav/Kin. I was able to get to Perma Chrono Shift and Perma Indomtibale Will..

I had an Ice/Storm controller and it was very much a very flexible build.. the -KB IO in Tornado was a HUGE difference in that build..


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Re: Best Controller
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2014, 12:08:04 AM »
One thing I did miss about my pre-I5 Ill/Rad.  Two sets of PA, three Phantasms, three decoys, and two spookies.  On average, fourteen pets.  Holds?  What's a hold?

Hehe I remember those days. My friend and I used to play together, me on my Fire/Rad and him on his Fire/Kin. He buffed me with speed boost, I buffed us both with AM, and we were able to spawn new imps constantly. The entire floor was covered in them. There were so many, we actually had lots of trouble getting through doorways, lol. Probably had like 20-30 imps between the two of us. And yeah, I guess it was just a bit overpowered :)