Author Topic: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!  (Read 20230 times)


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2013, 03:28:05 PM »
I'm of the same opinion.  But for clarity, so people understand what that means:

Let's say you really, really love, say, Call of Duty 3 - I use that as an example because looking at Wikipedia it was released in the same-ish era as CoH.  Let's say you really love it, and you haven't bought any of the newer games in the series.  Guess what most gamers will tell you?  That you're stuck in the past, and you should buy the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops II (released in 2012, ref Wikipedia) right away to avoid becoming a complete loser.

That's why there are lines for the latest Call of Duty releases at stores (yes, that's why I picked on that game - because it was known for its long release-day lines).  It's a combination of people who want the latest release, and people who are afraid of being called a loser for having last year's release 2 days too long.

They're trying to apply that to City of Heroes.  The problem with that is, there is no City of Heroes 2, or 3, or 4, there's only one.  It may be old, but there is NO REPLACEMENT.  There is no similar replacement either.  The only way you can stretch the definition of "replacement" is if you wrap all MMO's together as being equal - and if you do that, World of Warcraft players are the most stuck-in-the-past losers of all.

Weeeeeellll, it could be said that many in that series is like expansion packs. Same game slightly better graphics than.last with few more weapons. Its like in some minds playing i4 of cox instead of playing i23 if that was an option.

But overall it boils down to the individual gamer. Some only play the latest newest games. Some people pick a game or two and stick with it. Dome people play games like cox for the social aspect and some believe it or not didn't give two shakes about the social aspect but liked the game itself and would have happily played it if it was a single player nonmultiplayer game while many of the first group would leave without the social aspect. The thing is that it seems that people have their various reason for playing a game but don't can't or won't understand why would someone play for any other reason than they play for. Like some can't understand how someone can or if they really played cox for years how can they not get attached? Just like some people that don't get attached to can't understand how do people get attached to a game. And within all those categories you have people that play tons of mmos some that only play one at a time and some that only played cox attached emotionally and not attached emotionally.

Then on the emotional side you have even more varients. How long is one supposed to grieve over a game loss? For some two days some forever. And again neither sides understands why grieve for two days and move on and why grieve forever and why grieve for everything between the two.

All those divisions are destractions that brought and bring us to great games like cox. We need to tap into that or else as the player base of the mmo world continue these divisions and always creating new ones its actually making it easier for game corporations to do what ever they want and get away with it. On massively and I'm not saying stop it or agree with it as a person have freedom to choose where and when to post but I.notice articles that more responses from people here on articles that is supposedly against saving coh than articles for.

Hell I stumbled across an article about heros and villians a project touted as one should support yet only about 17 responses. Even a person that known among old forum people as pro-ncsoft commented in support. Yet on the other articles of negative sort it seems there is no hesitation to go there and tell them and author how wrong they are and bicker with folks. Not a good look. And people there notice that many are quick to flood articles from here saying coh is not dead we are not.moving on etc. But not much of support they demand, or rather better term, ask support out of others.


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2013, 04:46:10 PM »
I don't get the impression that the article was about City of Heroes. So the first image was a CoH screenshot. Big whoop. One of the images had to be first, why not CoH to honor its death?

I played City of Heroes, and I enjoyed it. And no, I'm none too pleased with the manner in which NCsoft shut it down. But you know what? There are ways that NCsoft could have shut down CoH that I would have been okay with. They could have come out and told Paragon Studios they had nine months to implement a going away event. I'm not all worked up with the fact that the game is gone; the only part I explicitly disagree with is the way the parent company unceremoniously pulled the plug and laid off all their workers. That NCsoft decided to do away with City of Heroes, I don't hold that against them. They had that right as a corporation, and frankly, I'm glad I live in a world where companies aren't forced to do things they don't want to do for the sake of keeping certain people from getting upset. It was a business decision, and it was their call. No one ever said it couldn't go down that way.

So yeah, even as a member of the community, I'm going to have to express my displeasure here.

I've seen a lot of desperate and antagonizing behavior from this community stretching back as far as August. I've seen drama queens swear up and down that the world was coming to an end. I've seen a lot of hate thrown at people who had nothing to do with it, like NCsoft employees being "guilty by association," or even the Korean ethnicity because hey, NCsoft is in South Korea. And then there's this thread, calling out Massively for telling us to "get over it" because of an article that isn't specifically about City of Heroes?

As someone who read the article and considered what the intent of the author was, I can tell you that the message is this: "Online games will eventually go offline, and that's okay." I can also tell you what the message most certainly is NOT: "Online games will eventually go offline, so get over it and play a new game so I can attract visitors to the site with trendy, up-to-date blog posts." But then how does the City of Heroes community respond? Just look at the comments: the author was called a condescending idiot who should get a grip with reality. Way to represent, bro.

Is that what we are? A bunch of melodramatic, victimizing whiners with selective reading habits who are totally unable to gracefully deal with an unfortunate turn of events? You don't think so? Well take a look around: we certainly come across that way to the rest of the world.

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2013, 05:20:18 PM »
I don't get the impression that the article was about City of Heroes. So the first image was a CoH screenshot. Big whoop. One of the images had to be first, why not CoH to honor its death?

I played City of Heroes, and I enjoyed it. And no, I'm none too pleased with the manner in which NCsoft shut it down. But you know what? There are ways that NCsoft could have shut down CoH that I would have been okay with. They could have come out and told Paragon Studios they had nine months to implement a going away event. I'm not all worked up with the fact that the game is gone; the only part I explicitly disagree with is the way the parent company unceremoniously pulled the plug and laid off all their workers. That NCsoft decided to do away with City of Heroes, I don't hold that against them. They had that right as a corporation, and frankly, I'm glad I live in a world where companies aren't forced to do things they don't want to do for the sake of keeping certain people from getting upset. It was a business decision, and it was their call. No one ever said it couldn't go down that way.

So yeah, even as a member of the community, I'm going to have to express my displeasure here.

I've seen a lot of desperate and antagonizing behavior from this community stretching back as far as August. I've seen drama queens swear up and down that the world was coming to an end. I've seen a lot of hate thrown at people who had nothing to do with it, like NCsoft employees being "guilty by association," or even the Korean ethnicity because hey, NCsoft is in South Korea. And then there's this thread, calling out Massively for telling us to "get over it" because of an article that isn't specifically about City of Heroes?

As someone who read the article and considered what the intent of the author was, I can tell you that the message is this: "Online games will eventually go offline, and that's okay." I can also tell you what the message most certainly is NOT: "Online games will eventually go offline, so get over it and play a new game so I can attract visitors to the site with trendy, up-to-date blog posts." But then how does the City of Heroes community respond? Just look at the comments: the author was called a condescending idiot who should get a grip with reality. Way to represent, bro.

Is that what we are? A bunch of melodramatic, victimizing whiners with selective reading habits who are totally unable to gracefully deal with an unfortunate turn of events? You don't think so? Well take a look around: we certainly come across that way to the rest of the world.

We will all have a different "impression" when reading an article so your point is valid however so is everyone elses. If you want to call some whiners I will agree with that as well, because not all of us will express frustration, anger, sadness, etc, the same. With that being said, I think this article was mostly in regard to the closing of COH and of course it wasn't put bluntly (maybe) to say "get over it" but it was an article made to let people know that online games will die and to move on. I don't think anyone can tell anyone else what to do. If a community refuses to move on then honestly who cares? I don't, go to and you will see a plethra of people not moving on. You say you've seen desperate and antagonizing remarks where people have said absurd things, while I do not agree with the remarks or actions those people expressed, I do however understand it. This was obviously more than a game to those people, to some it was their life. Not to bring it up again but it all comes back to the way this game was shut down. I will spare you the details cause I am sure you know, but perhaps that is one of the main reasons people reacted so badly to the closure of this game. You can't expect people to remain respectful when you don't provide the same courtesy. So yes some people have been melodramatic victimized whiners, but you have to at least be able to put yourself in their shoes and if you can't then you simply can not understand what this game meant to them. Also I see alot more positive comments and optimism from this community than negative, whining, name-calling comments. You always have some bad with the good, but if you go specifically looking for it, trust and believe you will find it and you may not like what you see. :)


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2013, 06:57:55 PM »
I guessed we missed the last time they discussed this.  Long before the "just move on already" sentiment some believe Massively is advocating.

and just before the "announcement", even though this is more of "discuss" post

It's human nature to occasionally take a random, malice not intended, comment personally.  We have all been on both sides of this at one time or another in our lives.  These misunderstandings are one of the bread and butter moments of reality TV.

City of Heroes is currently the most recent, large MMO to close unexpectedly.  Unlike SW:G with SW:TOR, NCSOFT didn't have another MMO of the same genre to usher us into.  It wasn't like "surprise, here's a new super hero MMO based on the Wild Card universe, have fun.  It was more like waking up one day to find out your favorite hangout was burned down for the insurance money.  So there is a lot of anger already there.

But Mike's article is built on some of the standard talking points on how to help others work though grief and loss.  And quite often those who are grieving resist, often hostilely, toward those who are trying to help them.
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2013, 08:17:24 PM »
So yes some people have been melodramatic victimized whiners, but you have to at least be able to put yourself in their shoes and if you can't then you simply can not understand what this game meant to them.

And this works both ways. From what it seems, not much of either side tried to do this. And if I had more central location of the other side I'd be writing this to them also so dont take it (anyone) as saying one side should do it first.

What it looks outside this here forum is that both side going at each other throat. One saying get over it in various ways others saying there is no getting over it in various ways instead of trying to understand and put themselves in the other person shoes who may not be as emotionally attached to the game as they are. But they want the ones that may not e emotionally attached to put themselves i nthe emotionally attached shoes but the emotionally attacthed dont seem to be willing to put themselves in the other person shoes and that creates an unstoppable force meet the unmovable object scenario. One side has to make the first move by not attacking the other side at every article. If the other side or if it's felt the other side wont make the first move, then the emotional attached should make that first move and put themselves in the other people shoes. The worse that can happen is that the other side continue to be beligerant but then it's not your problem. Right now, both sides claim the otherside became disrespectful first and want to be understood but how many even tried to understand the ones and actually comment on it in a non-angry, non-condecending, non-better than though, non-you are nothing but a paid ncsoft shrill, non-ncsoft must be paying you good for these articles way?

If we, the ones that had some sort of emotional attachment wish the otherside to place themselves in our shoes, we sure as better place ourselves in their shoes and leave the negative judgement at home or quit thinking that they are supposed to understand what we feel but we dont have to extend that same courtesy.

It works both ways and probably not the best time when doing so for the usual snark. Or both sides will continue to go down the same road and might as well just accept it as that is how it will be be but keep in mind, the otherside dont have to do anything. We here are trying to do something trying to change something and have much more on the line. In the article about H&V in the comment section there is a few comments questioning the game based on GGs past behavior on the old forum and some deciding to not even bother supporting the game due to that. Do we want anything to do with SaveCOH or Titan to be in the same boat and people going, "oh that look neat but I'm not touching with a ten foot pole because the people behind it liked to troll the massively articles insulting authors because they dont share their view point in an opinion section." Not sayinf people are trolling but we all know that word gets thrown around easily and readily. Even though the game is gone we still should try to keep the community image alive that yes, we were hurt, yes the shutdown was fubar, but we are still friendly people.

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2013, 08:53:07 PM »
Even though the game is gone we still should try to keep the community image alive that yes, we were hurt, yes the shutdown was fubar, but we are still friendly people.

I agree with everything you say. However, what people need to keep in mind is that not all of us are friendly and polite. Also, just because someone or even multiple people are irate and vocal about what they hate/dislike,  doesn't mean we are all that way.


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2013, 09:10:09 PM »
All they're doing is drumming up page hits.  They're rarely more informative than cheerleading, and their innumerable self-referencing links are a pain.   Anymore, if I want information on an MMO, I hit up youtube in the background or a second monitor.  I get better info and can go look and see what's going on if it sounds interesting.


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2013, 09:47:13 PM »
I agree with everything you say. However, what people need to keep in mind is that not all of us are friendly and polite. Also, just because someone or even multiple people are irate and vocal about what they hate/dislike,  doesn't mean we are all that way.
Of course and have to remember that for those that are not here and or rather move on and or just indifferent and should avoid insults that generalize them as for an example I seen recently, "lemmings".

Of course those that are rude probably will continue to be rude, and those that are not probably will continue to not be rude. But unfortunately, when people under the guise of Savecox or as one that want to save it be rude and generalize the people that may have moved on or indifferent in a negative manner, some people will have and may in future return the same, which then people on this end will do the same to them and repeat process. Kind of like how it happened on the old forum where it got to the point that no one was really listening to each other and more focused on how to yell scream belittle and degrade the other person regardless of the point of the posting.
Especially the ones that dont agree with that method is posting regularly and replying to the opposite end but never, well Quich did in that in that one article, say something as simple as, "hey man, look I'm hurt about this too but it dont help attacking people that dotn feel the the way you do." It can be taken as standing idley by agreeing with it especially when no hesitation is shown to get on that person case when they either attack a savecox member and or fire back at the person that attacked them under the guise of savecox. We heros right, well some of us? We dont just save those that agree with us. We stand for what is right. And when people see that, that savecoh we are heroes this is what we do will go beyond merely just some cheesy saying that belongs to an organization tha spawns arguementive people that is looking for anything that dont agree with their view. But "hey, that guy from savecoh stood up for me against his own and I dont even agree with them." They still may not agree with it and still may be indifferent but it's opportunity to gain something more important than agreement. It's opportunity to gain respect.

right now, all people on both sides to go by as a whole IS the loud angry onbnoxious few that roam around here. And a few posts dissing the other side view, (dissing is strong word too strong for this case but Rockstar wore off and cant think of another word right now) but saying nothing at all but pressing the like button of those rude obnoxious ones insead of saying "Cool it man, you're making us look bad." You think people on other sites that know nothing about savecox and titan network would feel welcomed here when only thing they mostly see from savecox banner is those rude ones and no one else that is commenting from that same source here sayign a single word to them because they are too embroiled telling the author how stupid they are or disagreeing with another poster? If I was some random bloke that didnt know savecoh movement or titan network, I would think that it was full of obnoxious jerks and people that turn a blind eye to it. If people come here they will quickly see that those jerks are very very few but there isnt much of a welcome mat out there. And sometimes being welcoming and warm or at least giving the image of that, is the opening of understanding even if disagree. I know we can do it. We done it before. Many on each side of the fence at one point in time got along very well on the old forum for years. Are we going to let NCSoft take that away, the only thing they cant take away? Many here have shown they are heroic, and many say they are heroic, and it's easy to do heroics among peers, but what about in the wild? Where are these heroes? Well Captain Electric is another one I notice who is Captain electric here and out there and generally try to keep the peace but most people on both sides are used to captain electric doing that. How about some unfamiliar faces that frequent those articles. Next time resist the urge to attack the author and or people of differing opinions but and stand silent at people dragging our name through the mud. If a person is going to grab collars dont grab collars of those are indifferent or dont agree with. Grab their collar and the collar of the person that is from here spoutign save cox titan network and the project zs too if they get out of line. Quinch did it, and I dont think there was much fuss behind it but that is plus one in the respect department from those that comment and those that dont comment there but lurk trying to get a feel of what cohtitan is about. If a person can confront a person that is indifferent they can confront those that are being obnoxious while calling themselves "hero". Sometimes a simple reminder of "hey, sorry for that rudeness from our fellow savecoxer (hopeful, titannetworker etc) but that was on called for but I think of it "this and that way in a much nicer tone". It all boils down to character and sometimes a little nuts to stand up to our own but trust me on this on in the realm of public relations, it will do us very good to remind people and SHOW them that not all here are onbnoxious crazed jerks that is ready to pounce on anything any article that mentions closedown and COX and move on in one sentence regardless of the numerous games also mentioned there.

Many of those same people claim they want people to allow them to have their opinion and right to continue fighting but yet they show very little to none and sometimes straight disrespect to those that would like the same respect but just indifferent or moved on. All while spouting cox. It's like this extreme example coming up, If I was (and dear god I would never in my life do this) went site to site saying "I'm from the Immortal Squirrel worship group. If you dont believe in the squirrel you all, all you mindless lemmings, will perish in the eternal flames that is powered by the sacred acorns." and more than few join in, people probably will view the Immortal Squirrel group as a den of nutcases and wouldnt believe it's merely a group of people named Immortal Squirrel that just worships nature and is not looking for any sort of trouble. what they will remember is those vocal nutcases and everytime they see Immortal Squirrel, they will think about those nutcases. But if some other members told those nutcases to stop that nonsense, and say "yea we worship nature but anyone is welcomed whether you believe in worshiping nature or just want to learn about nature or just want to hang out in a civilized manner, are welcomed to stop on through." Then people will still remember those nutcases but this time probably will remember those others one that respected their view even if one was industrialist and not in line with Immortal Squirrel. This may give them enough of a welcome to come on over and check things out and when they realize the majority of the people are not crazed nutcases like those few vocal ones, they will take them as such. They might leave still not agreeing and still wanting to raze every forest but more than likely they will have respect of the group and might even help in one way or another even if it's funding for putting more trees in cities or relocating trees they cut down. But if they walk away with the bad taste of only those nutcases they probably will step up their efforts to ensure they stay away from that group and continue to do everything in their power to trip them up at every turn and if Immortal squirrel allows even the relative few to do it even with indifferent silence then both sides will view each other as enemies. And that solves nothing.

Especially when we spawned most of us from the same game, especially when most of us here and there are MMO players, we are brothers and sisters and like family, we have some nut jobs, but sometimes we have to reel them in to remind people that the entire family are not like that and dont condone that behavior.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 02:06:10 PM by JaguarX »

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2013, 10:24:25 PM »
I find it amusing that one of the responses to my first comment on the article is a passive-aggressive one by a moderator, Breetoplay. She said "Normally I'd delete this post for trolling, but..." and then she goes on to try to educate me as to why I'm wrong. Which is, presumably, why she didn't want to delete my post.

I also find it kinda funny that both the mod and the article's author responded to my comments. I'd say that my comments have struck a nerve with them. Which, in my experience, means that it's likely that they're at least close to the mark.

So basically: Expect a bunch of "MMO's die, get over it folks" articles from the folks at Massively over the next couple of months. Ones that, of course, aren't actually directed at the CoH community, but all of which will have at least one CoH screenshot and/or have some other reference to CoH.

Looks like someone at Massively's bucking for a job at NCSoft.
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2013, 12:31:12 AM »
I find it amusing that one of the responses to my first comment on the article is a passive-aggressive one by a moderator, Breetoplay. She said "Normally I'd delete this post for unicorning, but..." and then she goes on to try to educate me as to why I'm wrong. Which is, presumably, why she didn't want to delete my post.

I also find it kinda funny that both the mod and the article's author responded to my comments. I'd say that my comments have struck a nerve with them. Which, in my experience, means that it's likely that they're at least close to the mark.

So basically: Expect a bunch of "MMO's die, get over it folks" articles from the folks at Massively over the next couple of months. Ones that, of course, aren't actually directed at the CoH community, but all of which will have at least one CoH screenshot and/or have some other reference to CoH.

Looks like someone at Massively's bucking for a job at NCSoft.

Breetoplay isn't just a mod, she's the editor and chief at Massively, Brianna Royce.  And she's been one of the staff there that have played CoH for a while, wrote many an article, video piece and was one of the hosts for their last night live stream coverage.  And all she did was pointing out that your reaction to the article is all wrong.  The problem is there is no way to mount a defense when you come out swinging like that since it's obvious you've made up your mind already.  But because she's such a pro-CoHer that she'll try anyways.

This is the kind of reaction that hurts us PF.  You turn on a group that have supported us where other MMO websites barely noticed us because you now feel like they are dissing us just because they bring up a legitimate issue about MMOs, it is a website about MMOs, that they close.  Okay, touched a nerve, I understand but, and I am only saying this because I care, there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.   ;)
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2013, 12:40:41 AM »
Didn't bother reading the article... I don't care, I've read a dozen like it before. Each one is the same: The author is stressing over the fact that people are trying to revive something that they lost. Apparently this irks them so much they have to write whole columns and spend ages preaching against whatever it is...Simply because it didn't happen to them and thus doesn't matter.

To anyone who wants the COH community to keel over and die.... Get over it. Ain't gonna happen.
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2013, 01:27:05 AM »
Didn't bother reading the article... I don't care, I've read a dozen like it before. Each one is the same: The author is stressing over the fact that people are trying to revive something that they lost. Apparently this irks them so much they have to write whole columns and spend ages preaching against whatever it is...Simply because it didn't happen to them and thus doesn't matter.

To anyone who wants the COH community to keel over and die.... Get over it. Ain't gonna happen.
Maybe you should read the article, since that's not what the author was doing at all. ;)
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2013, 02:34:04 AM »
Breetoplay isn't just a mod, she's the editor and chief at Massively, Brianna Royce.  And she's been one of the staff there that have played CoH for a while, wrote many an article, video piece and was one of the hosts for their last night live stream coverage.  And all she did was pointing out that your reaction to the article is all wrong.  The problem is there is no way to mount a defense when you come out swinging like that since it's obvious you've made up your mind already.  But because she's such a pro-CoHer that she'll try anyways.

This is the kind of reaction that hurts us PF.  You turn on a group that have supported us where other MMO websites barely noticed us because you now feel like they are dissing us just because they bring up a legitimate issue about MMOs, it is a website about MMOs, that they close.  Okay, touched a nerve, I understand but, and I am only saying this because I care, there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.   ;)

+1 this.


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2013, 03:13:25 AM »
Maybe you should read the article, since that's not what the author was doing at all. ;)

Didn't bother reading the article... I don't care, I've read a dozen like it before. Each one is the same: The author is stressing over the fact that people are trying to revive something that they lost. Apparently this irks them so much they have to write whole columns and spend ages preaching against whatever it is...Simply because it didn't happen to them and thus doesn't matter.

To anyone who wants the COH community to keel over and die.... Get over it. Ain't gonna happen.

yeah give it a read, it's not what you think. It's talking about all games, that get shutdown.

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2013, 05:56:51 AM »
Guys and gals, don't roll over and "accept things" when some corporation and its "just business" policies shafts your friends without notice. Paragon Studios was just as dedicated to us as we were to them. In so many ways, they were our friends.

A lot of you are starting to over-complicate this.

This isn't a natural disaster, this isn't the loss of a loved one, this was a product of human volition, completely controlled and controllable. And in the context of dignity and respectability and loyalty to some of the best developer talent, it was unacceptable behavior.

By the way, for anyone who wants a good read, I just ripped Eliot a new one.

(Hmmm, the comment is there but the Livefyre link won't auto scroll to it.)

Eliot: When I said about a month ago that the community needs to accept the state of things, I knew in advance that I was going to be attracting a lot of hate mail, no small portion of it from people I like and whose passion I respect. I still felt it was the right thing to say, and I still wrote it, and I took the nastiness in stride.

Cap'n: This is where there's a disconnect between you and so many of the rest of us. I accepted City of Heroes' closure on December 1, right after midnight. There it was, in my face: City of Heroes' closure. I'm both bewildered, and sorry, that it took you until last month to exit denial; but for me, it was easy enough to see that it was closed, seeing as how I couldn't log in. But let's put that aside; What you've done that is less bewildering and more offensive, is suggesting that we all accept NCSoft's behavior as "okay", the firing without notice of one of the most dedicated, most loyal to its fans, most talented studios in the industry as "okay"--and don't even try to argue yourself out of that. You've done this. You have. No matter what you say, you've implied this by your treatise on merrily moving on.

You can move on all you want, but don't look down your nose at those who've got the guts to keeping standing for something they believe in, in the face of utterly unacceptable behavior. The worst thing that you did last month--made even worse by your inability to realize it even in retrospect--was to tell ANYONE besides yourself that it was "time to stop digging up the grave". YOU don't get to tell an ENTIRE FAN BASE when THEY should stop fighting for what they're fans of. There's only one person who has the final say about when it's "time to quit", and that'll be the last man or woman in the fight. If men like you called all the shots, there'd be no Electronic Frontier Foundation, no fair labor and employment laws, no Star Trek, and the Circle of Thorns would've gotten that awful first round of graphical updates. With enough stone-walling, any corporation could convince you to roll over and start making comparisons between losses owing to their behavior and losses elsewhere in your life, in an attempt to reconcile yourself with the adoption of a completely spineless position.

You're entitled to your frame of mind, certainly, but it's not better or more rational than my frame of mind. I'm an angry customer who has a valid complaint about something, and who doesn't want to reward NCSoft's revolting "it's just business" policies any more than former members of Paragon Studios are likely to want to see that kind of behavior stick around in the industry. I don't accept that behavior because in a dignified, respectable context, IT IS UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 06:11:26 AM by Captain Electric »


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2013, 07:42:21 AM »
By the way, for anyone who wants a good read, I just ripped Eliot a new one.

Honestly Cap, why the FRAK would you do that to his #9Reasons article?  Fine, you didn't like his previous article, post it there but to attach it to this is stupid and petty and simply reinforces in the eyes of mundanes that CoH players are a bunch of zealots that drank the cool aid and waiting for the Rikti mothership.  What?  He's no longer allowed to speak the name of the game because he questioned the true faith?  He's excommunicated from the Church of Paragon and you must now smite him at every opportunity?

We need people like him and Bree and Massively, people who loved the game and a site that covered our game closer than any other MMO dedicated website out there.  We shouldn't be ripping them anything, we should be working with them to keep our message alive.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 07:48:43 AM by FatherXmas »
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Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2013, 08:02:09 AM »
I suspect that at least some of these people crying "Enough already; move on!" are people who do not play very many MMOs.

I think that could swing both ways.  It may not even be directly related.  It's all attitude really.  I have played tons of MMO's.  MMO's that have been shut down and MMO's that I just choice to stop playing.  I also have no trouble moving on past them, but that is because I generally don't have a hard time moving on past anything in life.  However moving on and forgetting are two very different things.  And while I moved on in my life, that doesn't mean I have moved on from the idea that CoH can/should come back.  I feel this article fails to point that out.  Moving on is such a broad term and personal decision.  Telling a person to move on, or the opposite telling a person not to move on, is not going to have the desired effect.  You can continue moving forward in life while retaining or holding on to something from your past.  Living in the past is a bad thing, but just because you miss or want your old MMO back doesn't mean you live in the past.

Having said that, the people who choose to completely move on in the sense the article is talking about don't deserve to be treated like quitters or people who just want to fit in with the newest coolest thing.  Some people just like to move around in life.  Even when CoH was out I took breaks when new MMO's or single player games came out that I wanted to play.  It wasn't because it was new and hip, its because it looked cool and I wanted to play it.

 There is a lot of judgement being passed on both sides it would seem.  Which is kind of funny, because both sides are asking not to be judged.  "Don't call me a doo-doo head, you doo-doo head!"

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 08:16:33 AM by Taceus Jiwede »


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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2013, 10:22:33 AM »
I really don't agree with the premise of the artice.  Games like the original EverQuest have shown they can be run indefinitely - they may not bring in huge revenues, but that's not the point.

NCSoft had the option to sell to a number of interested parties, and chose instead to sink the IP.

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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2013, 11:13:00 AM »
Premise is still valid.  Everquest and UO will likely die someday.  It may not be soon but at some point Sony and EA will pull the plug.
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Re: Yet another Massively article telling us to Get Over It!
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2013, 12:01:36 PM »
My comment echoed what someone else had said here, to the point of a game reviewer not really having the time to for close emotional ties to a game or its community. I really wanted to make an analogy to a gynecologist getting jaded having to look at girly bits all day, but I figured that would run a little too close to violating their standards. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."