Author Topic: So... what are you toons doing while waiting for the rebirth of Paragon City..  (Read 48818 times)


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My namesake Bold, is busy trying to restore/rebuild his SG, and getting a handle on leadership
Peppy was married Dec. 1, 2012 (Isn't that terrible?) and is probably becoming more and more of a domestic and spending less and less time harassing Archanos (Her favorite pastime).
I think, all and all, most of my toons are in a rebuilding phase of their lives, bonding with friends/family, and taking it slightly slower on the streets. That'll change when we get our city back.


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I want all my stuffz :gonk:. Okay, not really. I'd be totally fine re-rolling, and I bet we'd all get over it within minutes just to be able to actually play again.

I probably suck at playing by now, and would have to re-learn anyway. I cannot see how they could combine databases from all (12, was it?) servers, with all the character name overlap. A clean slate might be nice in some ways. It would free up lots of supergroup names that were "still there" but never really used, and eliminate all the existing name-sitting characters.

But if we do have to re-roll everything, I will definitely be running the fire/fire tanker first, then the warshade, since either of those can easily help fund everything else I want to do.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 12:42:13 AM by chuckv3 »

Thunder Glove

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I've said this before, but as far as I'm concerned, it's business as usual for my characters.  I can't log in and experience their adventures with them, but they're still having them.

I remade a couple of them on Champions (with mixed success), and will probably remake some of them on City of Titans (and/or Valiance Online and/or Heroes and Villains) when I can, but those will be explicitly alternate-universe analogues, not the same characters.

If CoH comes back without our characters, I'll remake my favorites (possibly with slightly tweaked powersets - I definitely want Thunder Glove to be Elec/Elec instead of Elec/Inv) and start over until they "catch up" to the version of them in my head, at which point the timelines will merge.


  • Minion
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I am the keeper of all our old SGs toons. All are resting quietly in many different places for safety's sake. Once in a while my hard drive will make some "strange" noises and I believe there is an SG party going on in there!

Glad they were all saved in different places. A hard drive crash a few weeks ago wiped out everything. I don't even want to think how the SG would have chosen to end my presents on the planet!!!
Keeper of the toons from the SG, Sugar Coated Suicide, Freedom
Older'n Dirt and proud of it!


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I am hoping they just need to be pulled out of limbo like captain kirk out of the event horizon!
If not well Flaming Ice is just freezing ice cubes then melting them.


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What have my toons been doing?

Assuming all is well in Paragon City and that they get to come back intact. . . .

Waddle the Penguin has been bouncing around the City, wondering what happened to all his friends.  He is a lonely creature, puzzled and missing his Poppa, his fellow PENGUIN Project creations, and his teammates.

Manuel Pistola has likely been chilling at home, waiting for the chance to pull out his sniper rifle, orange aviator sunglasses, and bomber jacket again.

Tubbius Regalis has had to go underground, on the run from former associates in the Rogue Isles due to his "defection" to heroics.  His loyal gang of thugs is with him.

Tubbius, meanwhile, has been helping folks try to rebuild lives as he can.  This plant controlling empath believes he's Santa Claus, so doing the right thing in the face of confusion and loss is what he knows best.

If they don't get to return as they were. . . .

Well, being busted back down to Security Clearance Level 1 and appropriate power levels isn't the most appealing of fates, but if that's what it takes, so be it!  :)


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My main, Rai Aegeus, attempted to return to his small village located in a remote jungle of South America.  However, after all that was seen in the city and all the cosmic battles he witnessed/participated in, he soon realized he could never return to his "simple" life ever again.   :-[ Disturbed but not completely lost, he decided to spend his time in seclusion, away from everything he had ever known and the people he once loved.

Occasionally there have been stories of a small being seen wandering in the shadows of various cities around the world, helping others in their times of need, but nobody can officially confirm the validity of these claims.  One fact always remains the same though:  He is gone in a flash as soon as he is noticed.

Perhaps one day he will return to that strange and wonderful city that he once protected...  ;)
Patiently lurking from the shadows...


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Bob the Boulder returned to life as a handyman, but also works as a volunteer fireman (granite is handy for rescues, but he does fall through floors from time to time).

Dirk Dangler returned to the adult film industry.

Tweenage Rampage is in anger management counselling to train her out of the habit of launching a hail of bullets in all directions when annoyed.

SNAFU Manchu still plots, and still does something stupid each time, so is in and out of jail.

Debbie does Talos has got her name back now NCSoft have gone, and is back at college and still in the cheerleading squad.

Mexican Pete has hooked back up with Deadeye Dick and is now wanted across most of the southern US - lock up your daughters.

Toxic Texan has gone into politics.

Airhead Heiress now has her own reality TV show, but is regretting some of the videos she made.


  • Minion
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Weeping about PvP.

[jk] Standing in atlas being lazy probably.

Angel Phoenix77

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  • I am Phoenix !!
a few of my characters jumped through a portal and ended up in Millennium City for awhile, they are waiting for the portal to open back to Paragon, back home.
One day the Phoenix will rise again.

Mistress Urd

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Playing Eve Online. At least of a couple of them are there.

Hopefully, they have character data saved. If I have to start fresh it would require me to see how the game will be managed for the long term.


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Blackstar5 has been semi- retired, but if CoH comes back ( and I know we will have to re-roll) He will come out of retirement to save Paragon once again.
Pale_Ryder5 has returned to the lower planes waiting to return to the Rouge Isles so he can feast on the souls of the innocent and evil alike.
Eazy_Ryder is on his Harley just hoping to unleash some good old fashioned street justice on any evil that crosses his path.
So many toons that I want to re-make, dated as this game was, nothing has felt right to me since.


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Trying to take over the world.

Black Gold

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Most of my characters returned to their magical realm to avoid the "impending disaster"  Others just went into their secret identities and are waiting to be recalled to action. (And their getting impatient) :P


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Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition for PC. The Games for Windows version has quite a few mod tools and tutorials out there for texture editing, coloring, part swapping, etc. In my case, I edited the model for C Viper to use a different head/hair model and altered a few colors to match.

The game was also recently released for Steam, but the modding capabilities were severely crippled by this version thus far.


  • Lieutenant
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Stuck in a Temporal Stasis - a Nemesis Plot gone horribly wrong (they're stuck in it too - they thought that they had found a way to be immune before starting the Stasis). Meanwhile, those in Ouroboros are trying to figure out a way to undo this Stasis. The problem is that whenever anyone leaves Ouroboros, they're stuck in the Stasis also (so far their efforts to make someone immune to the Stasis have also failed)!
My Reality:
#1 I love my wife!
#2 I miss CoX!
#3 Refer to rule #1!
#4 I seem to have an itch!


  • Underling
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  • Paragon City Forever
In early September 2012, Kyle Arvida developed a type of phase shift specifically engineered to keep his entire SG base from being affected by its surroundings.  Prior to the darkness overtaking Paragon City (which he constantly monitors, but cannot see either form or movement from since), he and 11 of his most elite generals took refuge in the base with enough resources to last indefinitely if necessary.  The majority of his time is spent sleeping, reading, working out, doing maintenance on the base, and tinkering in the SG labs to invent new and more effective armor, enhancements, and weapons tech for his eventual return to Paragon.  Of course, there are the occasional wild parties that end up with beer bottles, wine glasses, broken furniture, IOs, and random salvage strewn all over the base, but it's hard for heroes to be cramped into 5,000 square feet when they're used to the world being their playground.

Every day, Kyle gets up, stretches, walks to his window, and peers into the blackness, hoping to finally see something...a building, a person, or any recognizable form.  But so far, nothing.  Still, he is optimistic.  He has a feeling, deep down, hard to identify or explain.  But he somehow senses that the terrible events that led to this involuntary confinement - this stasis - are somehow changing, even if he can't see any direct evidence of it yet.  But the feeling is like knowing how to fly - when you know, you can just do it, easier than explaining it.

Kyle used to be tired.  He faced conflict after conflict; battle after battle over years, and then decades.  Injuries never quite healed and pain never seemed to fade.  But he was happy to answer the call.  There was always work to be done to protect Paragon City.  But now, things are different.  19 months later, he is fully rested, stronger than he's ever been, and mentally, he's completely at peace.  The brief respite that never seemed to come finally came.  And now, he's ready for battle.  So when Paragon finally beckons to him that she is ready, he will respond happily:

Get ready, Paragon City.  We're coming home.  The heroes are on their way home.
Captain Kyle Arvida of the Iron Alliance on Protector


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 Dr Jonas Starks has done more work on the Excalibur Exosuit. In addition to creating a new rare metal by fusing Impervium with Rikti Alloy, he recently discovered that he can create a small energy field capable of deflecting some attacks by channeling some of the energy that powers his attacks through the armor.

 Initial results have shown that the field is highly effective at reinforcing the armors defensive properties. Early Data indicates that 45% of all blunt force, slashing and piercing style attacks will not penetrate the shield and in the event that they do the Armor itself will resist upward of 88% of that damage. This combined with the nanotechnology incorporated into the armor which allows it to completely heal itself approximately every 105 seconds is why it has truly earned the name Excalibur after the unbreakable sword of legend.