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Intro and Fan Made COX Shirt.

Started by darnstrong, April 19, 2014, 10:23:49 PM


Hey all,

Thought i would pop in and say HI!. I was a long time COX player.. not as long as i would have liked.. But i hopped on soon after beta and staied till the servers would shut down, was a sad day.. I miss COX huge, COX got me through some pretty hard times in my life.

I am now the owner and op of my own Tee Shirt design and print studio as well I am a professional colourists for a few comics.. "Soul of A hero" and "RJ and Reagan in space". I found your community after doing a search for City of titans.. I am glad i found you :)..

I took a few minutes and put together a shirt i thought would be reminiscent of something that may have come out of NSoft. I hope you all enjoy it.. unfortunately i can not print it due to copyright.. but I made it big enough that you can use it for a wallpaper if you'd like. :)

I hope to get to know some of you more..



Shirt ------>>>


Really awesome work there, as an artist myself I have to say that those pieces are excellent, very focused and vibrant, the chrome tones that you've used with some of them are really wonderful too. I can't believe no one else has posted on this thread until now, this art is great! Also I'm not sure if your CoH shirts are still up, but I'd definitely consider buying one myself  :)