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New efforts!

Started by Ironwolf, March 06, 2014, 03:01:32 PM


Quote from: eabrace on October 26, 2018, 07:19:13 AM
Man, I have a relatively juvenile sense of humor and I've never made that connection.

Relatively juvenile won't cut it. Gotsta be pro :D


...Yeeeeeeeah. That one's a bit of a stretch for me.

But I appreciate your commitment to juvenile-esque humor all the same, Vee! The COH community salutes thee (lol get it? Thee, Vee... 1 2 3... a b c...)
Viva la Virtue!


Quote from: Tyger42 on October 26, 2018, 02:10:21 AM
Pronounce "SEGS". Sounds similar to "sex". A bit of a stretch, but the juvenile types will likely go for it.

Like: All the developers are SEGSy?


(no, I'm not one of them)


And perhaps also SEGS /e



Quote from: duane on October 25, 2018, 12:20:59 PM
@jessejames - my fantasy too. I really hope city of titans gets the character creator out the door by end of year and one of the games are alpha by end of next.  All wishes at this point but I really miss a game.  Project Gorgon has been fun but heroes are better.
just how much money and time do you reckon itd take to be successful and to assimilate the old crew?


Quote from: Surelle on October 26, 2018, 09:31:10 PM
So does anyone have any good ideas for getting NCSoft to allow us to use CoX's code/IP?

Find a way for a donation to a museum to be a significant tax write-off.


Quote from: jessejame on October 27, 2018, 01:57:01 PM
   just how much money and time do you reckon itd take to be successful and to assimilate the old crew?

Sadly @jessejames that talent has all moved on and I just don't see them given up their current careers to go back to an old game like COH or to even develop a new one. Wow, 6 years this fall since closure... a lifetime in one's working years.

Clark Parker

It's good to belong to a SEGS positive community  ;D


Quote from: duane on October 29, 2018, 05:56:45 PM
Sadly @jessejames that talent has all moved on and I just don't see them given up their current careers to go back to an old game like COH or to even develop a new one. Wow, 6 years this fall since closure... a lifetime in one's working years.
I know this is all theoretical but maybe one day we might see something. Honestly who saw something like SEGs as a very real possibility a few  years ago? Anything can happen. money talks and if that's not enough see what it would take. Working at a tech company the environment is super chill. Not sure if anyone remembers that one part in GTA V where Micheal infiltrates that one tech company but it is litterally like that. Minus the stuff on the guys computer I hope. Truly the way to do it would be like WoW. Just have them keep updating the old material because it's got a proven track record, I can't really imagine how a brand new one would improve upon the original because you gotta think you're losing a lot of time for development for just the basics when that same amount of time could be spent pushing the envelope for something that's great already. Sure you got a new engine but it can be  updated in some cases. Just because it has the latest graphics doesn't make it great, which I believe we can all attest to since we're on here. But in this case the only reason I would start from scratch is because NCsoft is sitting on a game which has a strong market that no one else has yet to do right. Once properly done you can expect to see a million dollar genre. If I truly do make it one day In the next 30 years and it still hasn't been done this is something without a doubt that would be a good investment. Heavy costs upfront sure, but the return would far outweigh that. Not just monetarily, but community wise. You would not believe the people that I've met who this was their only outlet. Whether it's due to Illness, or just being tied down with kids. Hell my best friend on here was a grandfather who had to take care of his grandson. Another friend the courts deemed him unable to work because of his PTSD and this was his outlet from reality. It's a huge relief to be able to come home from a stressful or bad day at work and just hop on and build up your second home with new found family. This is why it needs to happen. What are we talking an initial 10-20 million for the dream team to make the dream game? Hell the CEO of Walmart makes that in a year amongst many others. That's worth it to me just gotta climb the ranks. On another note I do however like how ship of heroes is having the community vote on what they'd like to see Implemented and I believe that is helpful for any game.


Quote from: jessejame on October 30, 2018, 02:52:21 AM
Honestly who saw SEGs as a very real possibility a few  years ago?


Imagine my amusement at completing the DCUO prologue only to step "smack-bang" into everyones favourite troll, galavanting around in an impromptu costume contest...

Caliban - still giving low-level me chills ;D


With so much SEGS lately it was only a matter of time before an Outbreak.


Quote from: jessejame on October 30, 2018, 02:52:21 AM
  I know this is all theoretical but maybe one day we might see something. Honestly who saw something like SEGs as a very real possibility a few  years ago?

I have not followed SEGS closely, but my memory says that a project called SEGS was being fiddled with way, way, way back, albeit with limited progress.


Quote from: Arcana on November 02, 2018, 03:36:38 AM
I have not followed SEGS closely, but my memory says that a project called SEGS was being fiddled with way, way, way back, albeit with limited progress.
right that's pretty much how my tight lipped operation build an even better city of heroes is going too. So far I have about 183 dollars saved up to bargain with so it's been pretty limited on my end. The rest is going toward student loans so I gotta get that fixed first.

Taceus Jiwede

I can't wait for some SEG's.  Playing solo gets boring.


What was no more, is now reborn!


In other gaming news:

Trion Worlds was bought by Gamigo.

Not sure if Rift, Trove, ArcheAge, Defiance, and Atlas Reactor are going to be around much longer after this. The games were struggling as it was, now under Gamigo, aka "the final resting place for games," who knows how much time they have left.


The way Gamigo described the acquisition is they bought the assets, not the development teams.  The employees left are basically running the titles in maintenance mode, if not on contract to show their day-to-day operations to Gamigo before they're laid off as well.  25 total staff are continuing on, with 200 laid off with no notice before the sale closed.

I wouldn't count on any of those titles developing further past where they currently are.

"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


What would be the strategy to but and kill the products?  I could see a venture fund milking support/maintenance dollars out of applications that have years of support/Business customers still ahead.  Those could be put largely into maintenance and just collect, but games seems like a deathblow as customers would largely flee.

Are there some other assets to acquire? I can't see there being any real tangible assets.