Author Topic: New efforts!  (Read 7402283 times)


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27220 on: April 06, 2017, 03:29:08 PM »
Well, Jack moved on to Daybreak and Posi moved on from STO a long time ago, so that's a tough one; but any CoH is better than none.   However, since NCSoft has refused to rez the game in any fashion for going on 5 years now, I expect the chances of ever officially playing CoH again are zero.  Speaking of Star Trek...."It's dead, Jim" about covers it.  Maybe an emu will pop up at some point, which would be fantastic (even though they are typically mutilated/malware/hacker/botter havens).  That's the most likely scenario I feel we're ever going to have at this point.

PS/ And yeah, Sinistar, I hear you there.  I played Tabula Rasa too.  NCSoft actually forged Garriott's signatures on the paperwork to shutter it for good while he was vacationing (in space, lol).  He won millions in a lawsuit against them later at least.  But I think this is all a pipe dream anyway.   *shakes head*
Daybreak games are the biggest scam artists in the entire industry. That bums me out knowing jack is a part of that.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27221 on: April 06, 2017, 06:41:00 PM »
NCSoft actually forged Garriott's signatures on the paperwork to shutter it for good while he was vacationing (in space, lol).  He won millions in a lawsuit against them later at least.

I do wonder if the idiots who attempted this are still at NCSoft or not. Certainly if fools who tried something so stupid or made the haphazard decision over CoH, not to mention the fact Nexon's not trying to buy them anymore, they could be functioning differently and worthy of a little bit of slack.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27222 on: April 06, 2017, 06:48:17 PM »
I do wonder if the idiots who attempted this are still at NCSoft or not. Certainly if fools who tried something so stupid or made the haphazard decision over CoH, not to mention the fact Nexon's not trying to buy them anymore, they could be functioning differently and worthy of a little bit of slack.
As far as I understand it, they are not.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27223 on: April 06, 2017, 07:51:38 PM »
As far as I understand it, they are not.

Well, it seems in the case of a City of Heroes resurrection or sequel, it really doesn't matter who's there and who isn't because all of them have been ultimately against it for about 5 years now, no matter how legitimate the offers and backers.  It's unfortunate, but I guess CoH players may be able to congregate in the future at one or more of the successor games if those turn out good.  We'll just have to wait and see, and wander off to play other games meanwhile.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27224 on: April 06, 2017, 08:22:02 PM »
Okay everyone, stop and think for a moment.  I want CoH back as much as anyone else here.  However for all that say they would return to CoH if NCSoft relaunched it,  please remember this is the company that sunsetted the game way ahead of it its time,  they didn't even try to keep it alive on a zombie server until a new dev team could be brought in.  It was all "tough luck, the game is closing, please play our other crap games that are coming out *Cough* Wildstar."

If NCSoft relaunches CoH what is to stop them from killing the game again?  Answer: NOTHING

Please note: this is not a vendetta cry.  These are facts.

While CoH fans want the game back, flocking back to NCSoft and willing to pay the monthly fee again and dumping extra cash into the paragon store to repurchase items to a game that NCSoft, a very untrustworthy company, still owns may not be the best move.

Also, let's not forget Richard Garriott and what NCSoft tried to pull with him.

I would love to see CoH be resurrected, and in that regard, I was as hopeful as anyone here that the TFHM negotiators were trying hard to bring that about.

However, as long as NCsoft has *any* stake in the property whatsoever, I would not play. They have demonstrated repeatedly, afaic, that they care not a whit for their developers OR their customers, and under *no* circumstances will they *ever* see a penny of my money -- I don't trust them in the slightest, and will never do so again.

Which brings me to my second point -- the MXM dev said that the plan to put Statesman into his MoBA goes back a couple years, which leads me to question if there was ever any "good faith" negotiations regarding the sale of CoH/V from NCsoft at all.

If a third, completely and provably unaffiliated party, were to bring the game back, I'd hop back aboard in a heartbeat. But as long as the stench of NCsoft lurks around it, it's nothing but poisoned carrion to me, and I'll give it a very wide berth indeed.

"Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me again, get pancaked" (to hijack an old phrase and repurpose it accordingly).



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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27225 on: April 06, 2017, 08:23:39 PM »
Daybreak games are the biggest scam artists in the entire industry. That bums me out knowing jack is a part of that.

I dunno, what used to be Perfect World Entertainment has a bone to pick with you*Cough* Bait and switching lockboxes *cough*.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27226 on: April 06, 2017, 08:39:48 PM »

I would love to see CoH be resurrected, and in that regard, I was as hopeful as anyone here that the TFHM negotiators were trying hard to bring that about.

However, as long as NCsoft has *any* stake in the property whatsoever, I would not play. They have demonstrated repeatedly, afaic, that they care not a whit for their developers OR their customers, and under *no* circumstances will they *ever* see a penny of my money -- I don't trust them in the slightest, and will never do so again.

Which brings me to my second point -- the MXM dev said that the plan to put Statesman into his MoBA goes back a couple years, which leads me to question if there was ever any "good faith" negotiations regarding the sale of CoH/V from NCsoft at all.

If a third, completely and provably unaffiliated party, were to bring the game back, I'd hop back aboard in a heartbeat. But as long as the stench of NCsoft lurks around it, it's nothing but poisoned carrion to me, and I'll give it a very wide berth indeed.

"Fool me once, shame on you ... Fool me again, get pancaked" (to hijack an old phrase and repurpose it accordingly).


Yeah, I hear you there about the fact that Statesman was begun being put into MxM in 2014, which is when TFHM was supposedly negotiating to lease the CoX IP.  Apparently no one at NCSoft was taking any of that very seriously, as they immediately green-lighted Statesman in MxM instead. 

I can understand people still missing CoX (I always will), and not wanting former CoX players to give up and possibly leave the CoH Titan forums so that the potential fan base for the successor games becomes even more fragmented.  However, when the new games come out, interested parties will cluster around the games they're interested in anyway.

And we always have the ever-evolving Paragon Chat, which is a lot more than a lot of gamers have from their shuttered games.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27227 on: April 06, 2017, 10:45:25 PM »
In some ways, it's like being in the alternate universe Zeta Tau 14-9, where NBC cancelled Star Trek in 1968 despite the efforts of deeply loyal die-hard fans to save it.

Instead, viewers in that timeline had to make due with poor substitutes; situation comedies, westerns, game shows and dreck. Shows like "Welcome Back Beaver", "Celebrity Bingo", "Bonanza: The Next Generation", "James T. Hooker", and Paramount's "Friday Night Fantasy Fight!" where had guys portray nearly-forgotten Hollywood tough guys to duke it out boxing. The even put a spaceship captain in the ring on one episode. Wasn't that nice of them?

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27228 on: April 07, 2017, 12:06:08 AM »
I think we made a mistake with NCSoft when we agreed to stop voicing our opinions and protest in silent. I am not blaming anyone or pointing fingers. We had NCSoft on the ropes and we let them bounce back. They were shocked at the outcry, then we were told to keep calm, don't make them mad, if we do they will not talk to us. Well the only time they did talk to us is when we did speak up. I blame myself for not seeing the bigger picture. I blame myself for taking the easy way out and remaining silent about the game and community I loved. I blame myself for not screaming at the top of my lungs. I blame myself for not being hero enough to stand up to NCSoft, a bully who could care less about us and our community. I blame myself for standing on city hall steps in Atlas Park holding a torch and protesting in silent. I blame myself for the closure of COH, because when it was time to be a hero and stand up and be counted I stood by in silent hoping some one else would save the day.

We never had NCSoft against the ropes, they didn't care how pissed we were.

Okay everyone, stop and think for a moment.  I want CoH back as much as anyone else here.  However for all that say they would return to CoH if NCSoft relaunched it,  please remember this is the company that sunsetted the game way ahead of it its time,  they didn't even try to keep it alive on a zombie server until a new dev team could be brought in.  It was all "tough luck, the game is closing, please play our other crap games that are coming out *Cough* Wildstar."

If NCSoft relaunches CoH what is to stop them from killing the game again?  Answer: NOTHING

Please note: this is not a vendetta cry.  These are facts.

While CoH fans want the game back, flocking back to NCSoft and willing to pay the monthly fee again and dumping extra cash into the paragon store to repurchase items to a game that NCSoft, a very untrustworthy company, still owns may not be the best move.

Also, let's not forget Richard Garriott and what NCSoft tried to pull with him.

Guess you gotta ask yourself which one is more important in that very unlikely situation they bring it back.  Playing your game again or holding a grudge.  NCSoft doesn't care either way, and while they could and probably would sunset it again no MMO lives forever.  But no one playing it would get it sunset even faster.  Even if someone else got the game it wouldn't last forever.  In 20 years its unlikely any MMO's that are currently out will still be out besides maybe WoW.  I haven't forgotten what NCSoft did, but if I were to rate the way people have wrong me in my life NCSoft would like maybe be a 4.  I've forgiven much worse for nothing in return.  Regardless of who brought back CoH it would sunset again eventually.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27229 on: April 07, 2017, 12:10:53 AM »
Okay everyone, stop and think for a moment.  I want CoH back as much as anyone else here.  However for all that say they would return to CoH if NCSoft relaunched it,  please remember this is the company that sunsetted the game way ahead of it its time,  they didn't even try to keep it alive on a zombie server until a new dev team could be brought in.  It was all "tough luck, the game is closing, please play our other crap games that are coming out *Cough* Wildstar."

If NCSoft relaunches CoH what is to stop them from killing the game again?  Answer: NOTHING

Please note: this is not a vendetta cry.  These are facts.

While CoH fans want the game back, flocking back to NCSoft and willing to pay the monthly fee again and dumping extra cash into the paragon store to repurchase items to a game that NCSoft, a very untrustworthy company, still owns may not be the best move.

Also, let's not forget Richard Garriott and what NCSoft tried to pull with him.

Well, I would happily play CoH again if NCSoft brought it back up, but I would consider it just a temporary holdover while CoT or SoH spins up to playing speed. Since I would only consider it as a temporary amusement rather than my main entertainment/hobby, I wouldn't be nearly as bothered if they would pull the plug again.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27230 on: April 07, 2017, 12:14:43 AM »
In 20 years its unlikely any MMO's that are currently out will still be out besides maybe WoW.

If I had to take that bet, my money would be on Eve Online.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27231 on: April 07, 2017, 12:19:20 AM »
We never had NCSoft against the ropes, they didn't care how pissed we were.

Guess you gotta ask yourself which one is more important in that very unlikely situation they bring it back.  Playing your game again or holding a grudge.  NCSoft doesn't care either way, and while they could and probably would sunset it again no MMO lives forever.  But no one playing it would get it sunset even faster.  Even if someone else got the game it wouldn't last forever.  In 20 years its unlikely any MMO's that are currently out will still be out besides maybe WoW.  I haven't forgotten what NCSoft did, but if I were to rate the way people have wrong me in my life NCSoft would like maybe be a 4.  I've forgiven much worse for nothing in return.  Regardless of who brought back CoH it would sunset again eventually.
This is very true, if/when Ncsoft brings out we would know it could be only temporally. and sooner or later they will close it down again. I felt bad when they closed it down the first time, and I felt angry for a long time. However, I have put aside my anger. And I would be over joyed at playing once again.
Anger can only get people so far, it however, wont get what you want. (I do not trust Ncsoft, but I would go back and play City of once again. And this time I would know there is a time stamp on it.)
One day the Phoenix will rise again.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27232 on: April 07, 2017, 12:45:39 AM »
I was angry, and still am to a degree. I have played some of their other games, and may yet play others.

I'd play CoH again if they restarted it; at least for a while. But it's old now, and I think that would become more and more obvious over time.

I think it could shine again, but it would need significant and continuing investment, and that's an even longer shot than some minimal maintenance only restart.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27233 on: April 07, 2017, 01:45:29 AM »
Well, I would happily play CoH again if NCSoft brought it back up, but I would consider it just a temporary holdover while CoT or SoH spins up to playing speed. Since I would only consider it as a temporary amusement rather than my main entertainment/hobby, I wouldn't be nearly as bothered if they would pull the plug again.

Long after CoT or SoH or VO have come and gone people will still be working on bringing back CoH or playing it if it returns.For any of its faults
CoH was not just another game.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27234 on: April 07, 2017, 02:14:22 PM »
In my gut I feel coh will return for a new generation and a new game... just ...not that MXM


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27235 on: April 07, 2017, 03:15:09 PM »
In my gut I feel coh will return for a new generation and a new game... just ...not that MXM

Who knew space starfish guts worked the same as human ones?

Twisted Toon

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27236 on: April 07, 2017, 03:52:41 PM »
  In 20 years its unlikely any MMO's that are currently out will still be out besides maybe WoW. 

I don't know. The Realm Online might have something to say about that.

More than 20 years and still going.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27237 on: April 07, 2017, 06:26:26 PM »
AKA TheDevilYouKnow
Return of CoH - Oh My God! It looks like it can happen!


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27238 on: April 07, 2017, 07:25:42 PM »
The SOH man (Casey E. McGeever) said that there are too many COH successors right now for another kickstarter to success.  Also, in my opinion, since COH was closed 5 years ago, not as many people are checking for news on COH successors.  Also SOH kickstarter had problems accepting donations from internet browsers that had certain security settings. One of my browsers, which had cookies disabled, wasn't able to activate the pledge buttons.

For those who had donated to the KS, SOH said that they will be drawing some alpha and beta testers from the donors (


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27239 on: April 07, 2017, 08:01:09 PM »
I do agree with them on the to many successors issue.  I mean even before Ship of heroes we were already up to three of them, with one of them being an off-shoot of another(Heroes and villains which, speaking of them, has 'anyone' heard anything about them lately? Should we even count them as active I wonder?  Afterall they had to start the hatred CO players have for CoH players and the whole making them want all successor attempts to fail).

I'm sure some people are 'happy' that it shut down so early, first and foremost; you may be, but the rest of us aren't.  For whatever reason you want the successors to fail, keep them and keep that to yourself.  We want our successors, nothing will keep us around your rotted game forever.

Now with that vent out of the way.....

I think early access on steam may have to be what we go for in the successors inevitably.  Lets think about it, how else will fruit salads gets to pitch in where support needs to go to avoid becoming just more healing healing healing?

How else will masterminds be sure they can have the proper feel of a mastermind or even an improvement?

How else will we get a balance such that we aren't all fighting the same mob over and over and over again and actually fighting the kind of diverse enemies we had to deal with and also encourage people to fight more then just one easy to fight group?

How else will we avoid the holy trinity in general if say the few who are beta testers turn out to just be the few among us who suffered the problem of never learning defenders ect?

An early access would give us an opportunity to make sure it's done right.

Those are just my 2 cents.

Edit: Of course, we'd have to make sure if it was early access that everyone make it clear to some people that the game may change over time.  Likewise I would recommend good GM's to keep trolls under control; my second paragraph speaks it all about 'that'.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.