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STO: Basic Skill Tree Info ?

Started by Samurai Cowgirl, July 22, 2013, 01:17:30 AM

Samurai Cowgirl

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has any guides/links to share on the more general side for the skill tree in STO.  Questions beyond the wiki like:What space skills are a bit more useful than others? What skills are just stinky dogs and to be avoided? (Yup, I've found some) Are the "red" skill blocks worth the investment? Is a "Yellow-Green" skill level ship viable or not useful?

Lots of builds out there, just little explanation (and lots focused on end game gear), but I am starting to see common themes. Even with this, wiki, and test server I'm still not sure what some skills actually do.

I'll toss a few you tube videos below for anyone else in the same predicament (Space Tac/Eng focused). If any one else is in the same boat I can my random thoughts.


Links:      Overview      Tactical Tree   Engineer Tree      Sci Tree               Builds & Off line Skill Builder If you've not seen it
Always be Stylin!