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So... I made this with Icon.

Started by Aura Controller, June 03, 2013, 02:37:16 PM

Aura Controller

So, I made this short story of my girl named Rika in the form of pictures using Icon.
Basically she controls time and space.
But only to a certain point. Doesn't stop her from trying though.

Warning it has a sad ending.

Let me know what you think, and let me know if there is any problems with the link. Not sure if it will work.

Look I'm on YouTube!
Is it OK to advertise that down here? O.o
Also does anyone ever read these?


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Captain Electric

Yeah it seems to be a private page. I don't even get an error message though.

Aura Controller

Ok got that fixed. My bad. Never used that thing before.

Look I'm on YouTube!
Is it OK to advertise that down here? O.o
Also does anyone ever read these?

Captain Electric

Very nice story, and a very noble attempt on the part of Rika.

/emote salutes Rika from a long, long way away....

(P.S. Make her keep trying.)