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Missing Content

Started by RedTomax, January 29, 2008, 11:27:03 AM


The following cotent is AWOL:

City of Heroes
Level 10-14
Recover the tome from the Vahzilok (Wilson Zucco, Sanjay Chandra, Alfonse Rubel) -- mission complete & debriefing missing

Defeat a few Council troops (Lorenzo DiCosta, Willy Starbuck, Wes Schnabel) -- missing entirely

Level 20-24
Justin Greene's details
John Strobel's details
Hugh McDougal's description
Vic Garland's image

Any help collecting the missing information welcome, as my i11 character has alread outlevelled anything listed here, so it will be a long time until I get a chance to collect this data myself.


I've got a few Heroes in that range, so long as I can get the contact I'll do what I can.  Probably won't happen until this weekend though :/.


I've got a character just about to hit the range. I may be able to chip-in too.


Added details of missing contant level 20-24 hero side if anyone happens to get either of those contacts (see first post) I'd really appreciate it if you could post up what their contact descriptions are as I have no characters with access to that information.