Author Topic: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call  (Read 6320 times)


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Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« on: April 20, 2013, 01:54:21 PM »
The banners thread is seeing pretty good progress, but banners alone aren't all we need, so I figured it might be a good idea to make a checklist of things we need to set up and organize to have Call Jack covered on all angles.

Disclaimer, my opinions are my own, don't necessarily reflect anyone else's because vampires or something, I dunno, yadda yadda yadda, you know the spiel. Also, I'll be keeping the OP as updated as I can, so watch this space. No, not this space, the space below this space.

Banner art

The banner situation is a little paradoxical, as the messages of the banner ads need to influence two separate groups. The first, naturally, are the readers. The goal here is fairly easy, to interest and inform them which simplifies things because unlike most ads, we're not trying to convince them to give us money or stuff like that.

The second group is NCsoft and that's where things get complicated. On one hand, the banner campaign is there to remind them that we're still here and making unpleasant kinds of noises given how close Wildstar is getting to release. However, and as much as I hate it, we can't come off as threatening. Or rather, we can but shouldn't because they'll be much, much less willing to work with us if that ends up making them look weak and willing to negotiate under duress. Consequently, we need to leave them a way to claim that they did this because they care about their players - given the situation, a fake benevolence is preferable to genuine dickery.

So, suggestions - place focus on City of Heroes and Jack's offer, and if possible, underscore it with subtle reminders to the readers about all the games NCsoft has closed down and sat on so far. Using NCsoft's own resources, such as their company motto or the blue-orange-white color motif {but not the actual logo or anything they have trademarked} to drive home the point that this is addressed at them and that they're being kept in the spotlight whether they like it or not. Also quotes from the PAX panel, AP33 logos {there was a wonderful "villain never stops, hero never quits" one that I can't seem to track down anymore - I swear I had it saved too} and the words "Call Jack".

Ad money and placement
We need to pool together enough money and I think we'll be able to. However, we also need someone to hold and manage that money. I have to admit I know next to nothing in that regard, so we need somebody to step up to take the role. Personally, I'd volunteer TonyV, given that he's been trustworthy with money so far, but so far he hasn't involved himself with Call Jack much, so he may not appreciate being volunteered.

Remember, without someone to manage the finances, we'll be all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Information center
The banner ads will need to link somewhere and is the prime location. Question is, do we know who runs it, and would they be willing to either set up or have someone set up an information page somewhere under that domain?

Points to address;
  • What is Call Jack?
  • What is City of Heroes?
  • Why was it shut down {we don't have an answer to that, but we can list the reasons it wasn't}
  • What can they do to help?
  • What did we do to try and save CoH {capes and masks campaign, dev dinner, open letters, Disney pitch, Gamasutra article about the buyout attempt, anything I've missed}
  • Link to Titan forums

This is all I can think of for now - if anyone has corrections or additions about anything, mention it and I'll add it to the OP.

So, to recap;
1} More ads. Dangle the carrot, but keep the stick in plain view.
2} Find someone to manage the ad money. That can be a multi-person job.
3} Track down whoever runs the SaveCoH site as well as someone who can put together a presentable information page.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2013, 05:19:15 PM »
I'd like to help with layout and design, and I know a bit of html and css. I'll draw up a webpage layout...
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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2013, 07:44:36 PM »
Is this more a campaign just to get NCSoft to decide to sell CoH to anyone than it is specifically aimed at getting NCSoft to sell the CoH IP to Jack Emmert? Because it doesn't sound like he or PWE are going to buy it really.  Everyone saw this official post on the CO forums concerning this topic back on April 10th, right? 

It never hurts to remind MMO gamers of what NCSoft is like to deal with, but it might not be so great for anyone to be focusing on Jack Emmert about much of anything here.   Scroll down a bit.

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# 133
04-10-2013, 10:58 AM
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Since both Jack Emmert and I have been getting questions about what he said at PAX East, we had a quick email conversation to figure out what went down (I wasn't at the panel).

Jack's got an emotional attachment to CoH, and when he said he'd take a call from NCSoft, it was an off-the-cuff remark born from his love of the game. If NCSoft gave him a call, he'd be happy to talk to them, but that's all that there is -- there aren't any plans at Cryptic or PWE to bring back City of Heroes. There's no plan, just a wistful hope that it gets another issue someday.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 07:50:26 PM by Surelle »


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2013, 07:48:36 PM »
Emotion: Depressed
Reason: Crushed hope
Reaction: Obliterate all that oppose us
Result: Victory


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2013, 11:12:51 PM »
How is this for a start?

Sorry. Photobucket reduces the quality a bit. But you get the gist.

My initial thought was to have a continuous page, sectioned off: Our Story, The Reaction, We Rally, etc... the list would go on. The header would be static and float over the scrolling content. Probably have a drop-down menu so you can section jump.

Not sure yet if we want the very first section be about current news, or would we rather have people understand our fight before we dive into our current plans.... still pondering that.

If anything, hope this idea helps gets the ball rolling. :)
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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2013, 01:46:30 PM »
How is this for a start?

Somewhere between "pretty damn good" and "holy crap".

Is this more a campaign just to get NCSoft to decide to sell CoH to anyone than it is specifically aimed at getting NCSoft to sell the CoH IP to Jack Emmert? Because it doesn't sound like he or PWE are going to buy it really.  Everyone saw this official post on the CO forums concerning this topic back on April 10th, right? 

Yep. It doesn't say that Jack or Cryptic wouldn't try to buy the game if the offer was made - it just says that they don't have any plans to do so, which makes perfect sense since it's up to NCsoft to decide whether they want to sell or not. Once {or if} NCsoft decides to let the ball roll, then there's actual room for planning.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2013, 04:21:37 PM »
Love the comic book layout! Perfect!


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2013, 04:53:04 PM »
Very nice, VyoletRose.  If I had any artistic abilities, I'd have to add a hero or two with:
  • A sad face
  • An unkept/homeless look

And put the "Your mmo could be next" text next to him/her.  Maybe include a few, different sized heroes/villains off the the left with the text in bold heroish looking font as a banner ad.  Maybe even include a few players from other mmos that have been killed.  Especially if they're all owned by NCSoft.

Just a thought.
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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2013, 05:47:10 PM »
Cool, thanks guys :) Glad this layout could work for us.

The comic book theme would help tell our story, and we can incorporate little tidbid/blurbs that are uniquely CoH. Like one panel could be the definition of Altitis - was it coined by us? or about secret rooms in the game, how i24 was jokingly called the "fix-it" issue.

It's important that we have articles linked. One window would list the initial articles that came out right after the shutdown notice. Another list would be a collection of articles covering the Dev Dinner. We could include quotes from magazines about the game here and there as fillers. I'm probably going to add a current news bar to the right. And I'm going to have to call for screenshots.

I thought of the page as a vertical timeline that tells a story, but I'll need help with the story part. How we would tell it, section titles (think chapters), screenshots to use, etc...

Don't want to thread-jack, so if this should be a separate thread, I can get one started :)
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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2013, 11:12:46 PM »
Is this more a campaign just to get NCSoft to decide to sell CoH to anyone than it is specifically aimed at getting NCSoft to sell the CoH IP to Jack Emmert? Because it doesn't sound like he or PWE are going to buy it really.  Everyone saw this official post on the CO forums concerning this topic back on April 10th, right? 

It never hurts to remind MMO gamers of what NCSoft is like to deal with, but it might not be so great for anyone to be focusing on Jack Emmert about much of anything here.   Scroll down a bit.

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# 133
04-10-2013, 10:58 AM
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Since both Jack Emmert and I have been getting questions about what he said at PAX East, we had a quick email conversation to figure out what went down (I wasn't at the panel).

Jack's got an emotional attachment to CoH, and when he said he'd take a call from NCSoft, it was an off-the-cuff remark born from his love of the game. If NCSoft gave him a call, he'd be happy to talk to them, but that's all that there is -- there aren't any plans at Cryptic or PWE to bring back City of Heroes. There's no plan, just a wistful hope that it gets another issue someday.

Surelle has a valid point here.

Jack isn't in a position to do anything.

The banner ads should avoid any use of Jack or his off hand comment.

I'm certainly not trying to bring the tone down here, but we need to be realistic here.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2013, 11:42:19 PM »
Folks, I have been working on a webpage and yet Vyolets blows mine out of the water.

That is very well done and is exactly what we need. I will be happy to contribute to any ads.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2013, 11:58:18 PM »
How is this for a start?

Sorry. Photobucket reduces the quality a bit. But you get the gist.

My initial thought was to have a continuous page, sectioned off: Our Story, The Reaction, We Rally, etc... the list would go on. The header would be static and float over the scrolling content. Probably have a drop-down menu so you can section jump.

Not sure yet if we want the very first section be about current news, or would we rather have people understand our fight before we dive into our current plans.... still pondering that.

If anything, hope this idea helps gets the ball rolling. :)

FYI, I've been tinkering with filtering screenshots of CoH demos to make them look more like comic art. So if there's things you wanted to do with this that you couldn't find good shots for, it's quite possible.

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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2013, 09:02:57 AM »
Is this more a campaign just to get NCSoft to decide to sell CoH to anyone than it is specifically aimed at getting NCSoft to sell the CoH IP to Jack Emmert? Because it doesn't sound like he or PWE are going to buy it really.  Everyone saw this official post on the CO forums concerning this topic back on April 10th, right? 

It never hurts to remind MMO gamers of what NCSoft is like to deal with, but it might not be so great for anyone to be focusing on Jack Emmert about much of anything here.   Scroll down a bit.

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# 133
04-10-2013, 10:58 AM
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Since both Jack Emmert and I have been getting questions about what he said at PAX East, we had a quick email conversation to figure out what went down (I wasn't at the panel).

Jack's got an emotional attachment to CoH, and when he said he'd take a call from NCSoft, it was an off-the-cuff remark born from his love of the game. If NCSoft gave him a call, he'd be happy to talk to them, but that's all that there is -- there aren't any plans at Cryptic or PWE to bring back City of Heroes. There's no plan, just a wistful hope that it gets another issue someday.

This is a good point.  I have the same question.  I like the idea of a campaign to try and get NCSoft to sell the game, after all that is the only thing stopping it from coming back.  Lots of people would give it a home, NCSoft just won't let it get a new one.  But the quote from that link shows that Jack and PWE have no interest at all in buying CoH.  They admit it was just Jack throwing out a knee-jerk reaction because of his attachment to CoH.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2013, 12:33:07 PM »
This is a good point.  I have the same question.  I like the idea of a campaign to try and get NCSoft to sell the game, after all that is the only thing stopping it from coming back.  Lots of people would give it a home, NCSoft just won't let it get a new one.  But the quote from that link shows that Jack and PWE have no interest at all in buying CoH.  They admit it was just Jack throwing out a knee-jerk reaction because of his attachment to CoH.

I hate to sound all pie-in-the-sky, here, but "there are no plans" is not "I didn't mean really call me." There is no telling what would happen if NCSoft actually called, but it gives us hope. Evidently, several people have gotten a little more excited than was warranted, as evidenced by Eliot's MMR in response, but that is no reason for us to not renew efforts to get NCSoft's attention.

The problem that may undermine us is the more vitriolic portion of the community. I am not trying to say that we should censor ourselves, but the "burn them and send them to hell" faction will certainly raise eyebrows, assuming that they even listen.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2013, 06:04:00 PM »
Put out a call for screenshots for the webpage project, if you want to check it out.

Also, do we have a way to use the domain for this project? Is there a way to get a hold of the person that maintains that site?
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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2013, 07:49:32 PM »

This needs to be posted in forums where people are getting all excited about WildStar. There is a lot of "Won't happen to us" syndrome going on when you try to explain that NCSoft as a publisher might mean bad news and a short leash for game made by a NA studio.

Really hope Carbine has a rights or buyout clause in their agreement.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2013, 09:17:01 PM »
Put out a call for screenshots for the webpage project, if you want to check it out.

Also, do we have a way to use the domain for this project? Is there a way to get a hold of the person that maintains that site?,8214.0.html
Someone needs to because it's 4 months out of date now. It looks bad as if we've given up.


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2013, 10:19:13 PM »
The domain registrar has a whois blocker on their info, so a lookup just shows their office's contact info. I wasn't aware that you could do that, but whatever. I could swear it was set up by someone here, but the search function only shows the references from the past week. I'll dig through the old threads when I have a few minutes.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2013, 11:15:55 PM »

This needs to be posted in forums where people are getting all excited about WildStar. There is a lot of "Won't happen to us" syndrome going on when you try to explain that NCSoft as a publisher might mean bad news and a short leash for game made by a NA studio.

Really hope Carbine has a rights or buyout clause in their agreement.

You know, I was thinking today that this angle would be far the best.  Instead of presuming to speak for anyone, never mind representing anyone without said person's express permission, we should run our own ad like this one everywhere Blade & Soul and/or Wildstar ads are run. 

The only thing that needs to get added to this ad is a City of Heroes logo inside the star, and an NCSoft logo somewhere in there too.  You've heard of the KISS method (Keep it Simple, Stupid) of expression, no?  We need to be overly clear on what we're saying if anything:  City of Heroes was killed off by NCSoft.  Do you want to invest in the next game headed for a shutdown?


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Re: Call Jack - checklist and volunteer call
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2013, 10:08:50 PM » was set up by Leandro, I believe.
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