Author Topic: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...  (Read 19547 times)


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2013, 07:37:22 AM »
Quote from: Artillerie on Yesterday at 01:47:14 am
Stop 30 Fir Bolg from escaping through the portal - hated that one (especially solo) but i have to admit, i'd jump at the chance to go for that again right now.
This always annoyed me until I finally tackled it with a Grav/Time controller. Easy button.
I'd love the chance to try it again.

Piece o' cake on a D3, too...   ;)

I hated power activation/animation rooting and always will. That's the thing I wanted re-worked in the engine code above all others. I can actually tolerate tab-to-target more easily than rooting.

Wasn't a fan of the 35-40 leveling "dead zone," although that's more of an early days complaint than anything that was still an issue for the last few years.

The gimmicky "patch o' instant death" mechanic that got used in a few TFs can die in a fire. There were TFs I ran all of once and never again because of that nonsense.

There's more, of course...but I'd tolerate any of 'em just to have the game back again. Heck, it probably wouldn't even be my "main" game any more...but I'd happily pay the sub just to play when I felt like it, with so many dear friends, only a few of whom have followed me to TSW.  :(

Kuriositys Kat

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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2013, 11:23:00 AM »
Cave maps.

I actually miss the cave maps.

...should I be worried about me?

Oh dear (with Aussie intonation) even my main misses the cave maps and and mentioning the blue cave  5 layer room would have her on the phone to her therapist for hours...

 So yes I believe we should be worried
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do!" - The Doctor


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2013, 05:34:33 PM »
For some reason, when I started playing, the lake in Perez was the place to be.  Usually 5 or 6 teams sweeping around, hunting Hydra.  The tricky part was actually getting to to the lake.

Too low for travel powers.  No such thing as jet packs or ninja run.  The trails were a lethal maze of CoTs.  So what do you do?  Tree running!  From a bus stand, hop to the wall.  From the wall, hop to the conopy of trees.  And from there, its a straight shot across the park!

Unless you bork the jump.  Then you die.

Or you happen upon a hole in the canopy and fall through.  Then you die.

Or you or one of the other newbs drag some aggro.  Then the mobs (who never bork the jump) follow you up and onto the trees.

No wakies back then, so its back to the hospital with you!  Also, debt started at level 4 back then, so screw you.

If you were lucky/good enough to make it, you could pile on a level or two.  Then you had to get out of the lake.

Good times.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2013, 08:30:43 PM »
I used to hate CoT missions - but then I spent so much time in them they became my home.

Now I miss them.

Yes, even you pancake cave, you f******d of a design.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2013, 08:41:43 PM »
...caltrops from Knives of Artemis are the biggest offenders here.

Those were actually fixed a couple years ago. Around the time Going Rogue was released, some new stacking tech was added, and all NPC Caltrops powers were changed to use it. Long story short, you'd take damage from all of the caltrops patches you were standing in, but only get one copy of the slow effect, which made them a lot easier to get out of.

Glue grenades from PPD

Those on the other hand can burn in hell. I don't know if they were changed to not stack or not, but it doesn't matter, because one glue grenade was enough to floor your movement speed for as long as it took you to get out of the patch + 30 seconds more. They rank right up there with Malta forever-stun grenades as far as extreme annoyances go.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2013, 10:30:16 PM »
They rank right up there with Malta forever-stun grenades as far as extreme annoyances go.

Malta as a whole was the most utterly gimmicky and annoying enemy group in the game.

1. As you pointed out, the stun grenades that never ended.
2. The Gunslingers with their freeze bullets that lasted a good long while, too.
3. Sappers.  Though they didn't pose as much of a problem as some things, they could still get very annoying.
4. Two Hercules Titans in a single mob, manage to kill them both.  OHAI ZEUS TITAN!
5. The Operations Officers or whichever that spawned the gun drones, that I don't think died with their spawner. (Could be misremembering that part, though.)

Just all in all they had so many annoying features... but I still didn't mind fighting them all that much cause they were still fun.
My CoH documentary class project:

Mister Bison

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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2013, 10:54:51 PM »
Those on the other hand can burn in hell. I don't know if they were changed to not stack or not, but it doesn't matter, because one glue grenade was enough to floor your movement speed for as long as it took you to get out of the patch + 30 seconds more. They rank right up there with Malta forever-stun grenades as far as extreme annoyances go.
And don't forget the flashbangs. 30 seconds of not touching anything ! Complete with super annoying "woshwoshwoshwosh" and rainbow on your head too ! Yeeeeessss !!


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2013, 01:25:15 AM »


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2013, 01:47:30 AM »

Mister Bison

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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2013, 09:38:38 AM »
Replicators :P
The whole serie is like this. I explicitely remember tau'ris demonstrating P90s to rebel Jaffahs, comparing their energy lances to terror toys rather than death tools. If you were discounting the occasional "boss" energy field, but those were rare. Replicators even went up to eleven, since energy weapon were useless against them.

And then nano-replicators came, immune to both bullets and energy weapons.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2013, 10:47:17 AM »
5. The Operations Officers or whichever that spawned the gun drones, that I don't think died with their spawner. (Could be misremembering that part, though.)

As I recall, I tried using one of those for my damage badge. I never knew for sure if it worked, but I cleared out everything but one of those drones, ate enough purples so I could rest without being interrupted, then just meandered away. The resting regen easily outhealed the damage from the drones, and they did more damage because you were resting.

I still suspect that didn't actually do anything, but it was fun to do when I meandered elsewhere.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2013, 11:58:06 AM »
The whole serie is like this. I explicitely remember tau'ris demonstrating P90s to rebel Jaffahs, comparing their energy lances to terror toys rather than death tools. If you were discounting the occasional "boss" energy field, but those were rare. Replicators even went up to eleven, since energy weapon were useless against them.

And then nano-replicators came, immune to both bullets and energy weapons.

"This is a weapon of terror. It's designed to intimidate your enemy. THIS, is a weapon of war. It's designed to KILL your enemy."

Still one of my favorite lines from that show. :p

Mister Bison

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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2013, 12:20:18 PM »
"This is a weapon of terror. It's designed to intimidate your enemy. THIS, is a weapon of war. It's designed to KILL your enemy."

Still one of my favorite lines from that show. :p
Thank for the exact quote. I did not try to translate from the language I watched the show in.

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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2013, 12:41:38 PM »
Those were actually fixed a couple years ago. Around the time Going Rogue was released, some new stacking tech was added, and all NPC Caltrops powers were changed to use it. Long story short, you'd take damage from all of the caltrops patches you were standing in, but only get one copy of the slow effect, which made them a lot easier to get out of.
I think something in I24 Beta un-fixed them then, or I was suffering from some amazingly vivid PTSD flashbacks in those last few months on CoH.  See, I originally was forced to stop playing back around I7-I9 (I forget which; it was like a month after the Invention system was released), and I remembered that Knives Caltrops would stack infinitely, making any sort of melee with them a slog.

I came back to I24 Beta to see CoH out, and it's like nothing ever changed.

Still though, tarpatch slow effects, and especially ones that stack infinitely or persist even when you're out of the effect, can die in a fire.  Hell, I'll even happily provide the fire!


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2013, 07:41:51 PM »
"This is a weapon of terror. It's designed to intimidate your enemy. THIS, is a weapon of war. It's designed to KILL your enemy."

Still one of my favorite lines from that show. :p

Except that they're not designed to kill your enemy; they're designed to wound and incapacitate your enemy, based on the assumption that the other side wants to preserve as many of their soldiers as possible -- a dead soldier takes one person out of their forces, while wounding them makes them expend resources to get the wounded soldier off the field, plus all the care to treat and heal them. This, however, doesn't work if the enemy's attitude is "leave them; if we win, we'll collect any of our wounded who survive."


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2013, 08:10:01 PM »

* The Reactor Room "Hope my team mates are good conversationalists" anxiety.

When it first came out, the Hero Respec was challenging and fun.  However, after too many teams were defeated, it was nerfed.

Rather than give people enough to fly back from the IP hospital, they should have put a first aid station in one of the rooms in the reactor building.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2013, 10:55:41 PM »
One of the most bittersweet things is that in thirty years time, all of us still alive will be able to pick up a pencil and paper, draw an exact image of the layer cake cave map, and spend an hour explaining to our grandchildren the most time/distance efficient method of clearing out the final room.  8)


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2013, 04:22:26 AM »
One of the most bittersweet things is that in thirty years time, all of us still alive will be able to pick up a pencil and paper, draw an exact image of the layer cake cave map, and spend an hour explaining to our grandchildren the most time/distance efficient method of clearing out the final room.  8)

Then after that we can explain our archaic method of communication called "E-Mail".. Yes that's right young ones, we actually had to type!

But, back on topic for me.

Hows about running through old school Hollows? The zone was huge, you had to navigate it all without a proper travel power, or hover in the best case scenario. To make matters worse you usually had to run through huge groups of highly-conning baddies, and the center of the map was pure doom if you accidentally fell in.

Groups of people stepped up to help. Defenders/Controllers would sit in the zone to rez any unlucky lowbie, and "Taxi" Supergroups were formed to help shuttle people around if needed.

It was an early glance at our amazing community. Full of people spending their time helping others, usually for nil reward.

I also remember Perez with some nostalgia fondness. Back when Hydra hunting was "the thing". I started the game right around the time that the purple patch hit. And I remember wailing on a purple-conning Vhaz boss with at least a dozen other heroes for what seemed like a good 5-10 minutes before the thing went down lol.


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2013, 07:54:04 AM »
ATTA...When The Hollows was the post Atlas place to go.  I ran Atta so many times in 7 years I became part Ogre!
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...


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Re: Ugly then... But with a Fresh Coat of Nostalgia...
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2013, 09:25:40 AM »
ATTA...When The Hollows was the post Atlas place to go.  I ran Atta so many times in 7 years I became part Ogre!

Heck ya, Atta and lots of Frost Fire too xD