Author Topic: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)  (Read 10075 times)


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Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:32:36 AM »
Hey chompers it's me once more. I'm just a minion but something hit me there's a lot of lost capes over CO. TSW and many other games. Even DC. We need to find these people get the community to band together on said games. Tell them about Titan, tell them about caperadio, tell them about taskforce hail mary.

We need to keep the community together much as I can. For CO I can help more as I'm playing it. This also goes for Strays in STO too given it's cross game channels.

/join_channel CoX or is it /channel_join CoX either way it's late but this just hit me after talking to another lost cape who didn't know about them. Seriously reach out find others from COH help them. Be awesome to the people on the games your on now. Show why we had the best MMORPG community I have EVER SEEN.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 10:45:37 AM »
This feels more like getting us to play other games rather than trying to band us together, but if you actually mean it then absolutely, those of us who are playing those games should absolutely do what you're saying.

(Also, you're not a minion, you're a lieutenant. :P)


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 12:10:47 PM »
Perfidus, we have to stop meeting like this.

I think this is a great idea!  I personally didn't even think about it.  It's important to remember that not all 'lost capes' are SaveCoH diehards like some of us here.  Some of them may still be unaware about Titan's efforts.  One of my SGmates only found out about the efforts the day before the shutdown (to be fair, he hadn't logged in since the announcement).  Nice catch, Jetfire.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 03:38:38 PM »
Either Jetfire is a master chess player, or you're reading more into that than I am. I get what he's saying and don't see it as a push to play other games, mostly since it's not targeting one publisher. If it were saying to reach out to just STO and CO, for instance, I'd be more inclined to agree with your sentiment.

As it stands, there is a sort of divide among the players of CO, at least in my limited times watching the general chat. I haven't seen anything like the incident shortly after Black Friday where they were being so rude than a GM had to step in.  There is a definite clique that sees drawing us over as good for their game, as an increase in population is always good for a game. But, there's still a voice that wants to keep their game for them. I haven't really spent enough time watching to know if that's more than just a couple of people, but it is morbidly fascinating, sociologically.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 03:43:38 PM »
Either Jetfire is a master chess player, or you're reading more into that than I am. I get what he's saying and don't see it as a push to play other games, mostly since it's not targeting one publisher. If it were saying to reach out to just STO and CO, for instance, I'd be more inclined to agree with your sentiment.

As it stands, there is a sort of divide among the players of CO, at least in my limited times watching the general chat. I haven't seen anything like the incident shortly after Black Friday where they were being so rude than a GM had to step in.  There is a definite clique that sees drawing us over as good for their game, as an increase in population is always good for a game. But, there's still a voice that wants to keep their game for them. I haven't really spent enough time watching to know if that's more than just a couple of people, but it is morbidly fascinating, sociologically.
Those who don't want us probably still see as the competition, and some kind of stubborn pride wants to keep us out and miserable because we "lost".  And I can easily envision fights that involve one person saying, "CoH sucked that's why it's dead", and a City refugee, being offended retorting with, "It's better than this piece of *insert word for feces here*" and a fight ensuing. 

I agree that reminding City refugees that we're still together is productive, but there's no need to force the issue on those who have moved on. 


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 03:47:26 PM »
the closest thing to an mmo i actually play is fallen earth, but im almost always here on the forums, the moment coh comes back im gonna drop fallen earth like a sack of hammers


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 04:00:00 PM »
the closest thing to an mmo i actually play is fallen earth, but im almost always here on the forums, the moment coh comes back im gonna drop fallen earth like a sack of hammers

Amen. I have yet to find another permanent home.... NOTHING out there comes close to anything CoH had, community or game play. Where ever I am when CoH comes back, it'll be toast.
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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 04:16:22 PM »
I understand what you're doing, and its great, but i'm not ready to carry that torch.   I lost my cat last October, and I haven't replaced him.   I still miss him.  Its typical for me to have very long mourning periods.   Either CoX will comeback, or it will be quite some time before I try a new mmo I think.

Candie Firestar

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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2012, 08:07:24 PM »
Some of us from Triumph server have formed a Guild on SWTOR, the Paragon City Exiles on the Jedi Covenant server.  We also have a guildportal site.

I have 2 characters I play on a regular basis there:  candiefirestar and Hanna-solo.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2012, 08:18:32 PM »
*looks up from a checkers board* 

Seriously all I'm thinking about is just trying to find parts of the community and keep it together and keep people in contact. As well I want to go back to Paragon as much as any of you do but it hit me about people who didn't know about here. I just wanted to try to keep people from vanishing into the night really. ._. Also the people I'd ran into had no idea about hail mary or any other efforts to save COH. This is why I brought it up it's to help keep us together hopefully for the return someday to our home. :/ ]

I listed those games as it seems to be where most of the people are going that I knew of from first hand  :/
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 09:04:27 PM by Jetfire99 »


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2012, 08:50:19 PM »
I've tried Champions many times, but I just can't get into it. It's better than DCUO, though. Maybe joining the CoX channel will make the game more fun.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2012, 10:13:33 PM »
The COX Channel on Champions Online does make it feel more like home so I am happy that I found others from City.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2012, 05:01:04 AM »
[...]Show why we have the best MMORPG community I have EVER SEEN.

One little correction had to be made there! *g*
Have started CO again this week and will look for other exiles and the CoH chanel there. Very good call!


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2012, 05:41:42 AM »
I was a nearly eight year vet on CoH, and it was my first and only MMO until it was announced that it was closing.  Then, being a dyed-in-the-wool tights wearer (old school comics fan), I dinkered around with CO--WHILE keeping up a good presence on CoH and doing everything Titan Network said--so that I wouldn't have to go cold turkey from my tights habit.

So, I'm there, but still logging into these boards almost every day and doing every single thing that is asked to save Paragon if possible (even though I'm on my honeymoon in Hawaii!).  Yes, CoH has a better community and was a better game, but CO's community is relatively good and the game has it's strong points, and it's a good home UNTIL there is CoH again in some form.

BUT, that's not my point.  My point is that I don't understand the occasional hate that pops up when people mention playing other games--especially CO!  This thread got relegated to the backwater of "other games" pretty quickly when it isn't even about playing other games--it's about a way to keep the CoH community together that requires simply accepting that the community is playing other games until CoH is back and working with that.

Anyway, Jetfire has a great idea, and accepting the fact that people ARE playing other games and that CO is a perfectly logical temporary home for Paragonites, and so using CO and other games as a way to keep the community together until there is a CoH to play, makes perfect sense.  Playing other games is not traitorous!

Anyway, CoH forever, and Titan network and Tony ROCK!  I just don't understand the occasional irrational "the first rule of playing other games is we do not talk about playing other games" attitude.  I don't think it's necessary or helpful.

My two cents.  May not actually be worth that much :P.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2012, 05:59:14 AM »
I don't have a problem with people playing other games. It's understood that it's what the bulk of us will do, especially those of us who spent less time in CoH. However, upon the announcement, I made no attempts to do anything but play CoH. I had faith we'd be saved. And I wanted to spend as much time as I could in my home, even though almost everyone I knew left more or less immediately to other games. Something I found to be a betrayal, not just to the game, but to me. They didn't care what RP arcs we had going, they just left without a word. When we ultimately weren't saved, and the sun set, I was left pretty much up the creek. I had nowhere to go. And I still have nowhere to go - let me explain.

I have tried CO. It is an abomination, in my opinion. Maybe it's better if you throw money at it, but I won't throw money at it until I know if I like it. So it's lose-lose for me. If I don't like something I'm not gonna feed it money in the hopes I can come to tolerate it. Also, eternal duckface, ugly character models, a world and canon that doesn't take itself seriously, and a single server community where you have to deal with far too many jerks to get to the good stuff. It's not for me, it'll never be for me.

I've tried STO. Better looking faces, but clunky, uninteresting combat, both on ground and in space. I'm not a trekkie, I'm just a Star Trek fan. Again, another single server game. So you deal with the same problem, random jerks running around happily breaking canon, etc. STO is a game that could certainly use an RP server. The one thing this game and CO did right, is have a Bio screen. But this is to be expected, they're Cryptic games.

I tried GW2. Something I never thought I'd do. The only reason I tried it is because it was a gift. None of my money went to NCSoft. It's a beautiful game. Does some things right. The problem is leveling revolves around repeating content, even as soon as level 8. There is one questline, and you're left to fill in the gaps all on your own. In other words, to me, it comes across as an empty husk. Not to mention the fantasy setting limits my ability to create characters.

As an RP'er, who also likes to play the games I RP in, there's no other game for me. Not one... or maybe I shouldn't say that, I've yet to try TSW. I can't afford a sub fee at the moment. So for me, there is no other game, no other possible home. I can RP elsewhere... I don't need to settle.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2012, 08:15:38 AM »
Well, I'm not settling, I'm having fun.  And, while I do like the way that CoH took itself a bit more seriously, any game that takes itself too seriously--especially one where you run around on tights...

But, in the end, opinions are similar to certain orifices--ubiquitous and odiferous.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2012, 08:34:15 AM »
You'll never see me hating on people going to CO. Unless they're my personal friends who choose to abandon me and my rp with them, for a game that isn't very good. Thankfully no one is here that meets those two criteria. Enjoy yourself in that game.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2012, 12:26:37 AM »
TSW has it's fair share of COH folks. See thread here , included in post 1, how to get on CoH channel etc.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2012, 12:43:41 AM »
Yeah, a few of my good friends went there. When I can afford it maybe I'll poke my head in.


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Re: Lost Capes (Lost COH players in other games)
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2012, 01:29:15 AM »
I have tried CO. It is an abomination, in my opinion. Maybe it's better if you throw money at it, but I won't throw money at it until I know if I like it. So it's lose-lose for me. If I don't like something I'm not gonna feed it money in the hopes I can come to tolerate it. Also, eternal duckface, ugly character models, a world and canon that doesn't take itself seriously, and a single server community where you have to deal with far too many jerks to get to the good stuff. It's not for me, it'll never be for me.

I'm beginning to think the same thing.  I've tried it...tried two different ATs...and didn't notice a lot of difference.  I think CO lacks the depth COH had.  Just to much like card board cut outs to me.  With COH, I had a free trial...and that was enough to convince me to pay for it....CO is giving me nothing to convince me that I should spend a single dime on it.

I've tried STO. Better looking faces, but clunky, uninteresting combat, both on ground and in space. I'm not a trekkie, I'm just a Star Trek fan. Again, another single server game. So you deal with the same problem, random jerks running around happily breaking canon, etc. STO is a game that could certainly use an RP server. The one thing this game and CO did right, is have a Bio screen. But this is to be expected, they're Cryptic games.

Ditto.  I both CO and STO installed on my laptop.  By tomorrow morning, both will probably be uninstalled.  Along with DCU online as well.

As an RP'er, who also likes to play the games I RP in, there's no other game for me. Not one... or maybe I shouldn't say that, I've yet to try TSW. I can't afford a sub fee at the moment. So for me, there is no other game, no other possible home. I can RP elsewhere... I don't need to settle.

I could never really get into RPing online.  I wanted to.  I used to RP with the Champions PnP version and it was okay, but eventually I moved to GURPS Super.  With out COH, I may see if I can get some gamers I know interested in starting up a Supers PnP campaign.   And I totally forgot about TSW...I may give it a try.  But right now, I am still in the "I refuse to pay for an online only game again" stage...  If a game really reaches out and grabs me like COH did, that may change....but I really can't see that happening....unless our beloved COH comes back or is reborn in a new Plan Z.
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