Post a picture of something to beat the last one

Started by Nos482, December 05, 2012, 12:19:32 AM

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Power Gamer on June 27, 2017, 10:43:45 PM

I always thought that mens aftershave should smell like flowers.
Womens pefume should smell like motor oil, or bacon.
Come on people, smell like the thing the opposite sex finds appealling, right.

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Power Gamer on June 29, 2017, 03:59:43 AM

Honey, did you shave off that nasty bread...good lord!

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

"Frank! It's the love boat to Cuba! Shuffle board and pineapples filled with rum. Know what they do? They put little paper umbrellas sticking out the top so that when it rains, it don't thin out the liquor."

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: LadyShin on July 14, 2017, 04:47:29 PM

Well Oogway found work.
(from the Kung Fu Panda Movies)

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Super Firebug

Quote from: Power Gamer on July 14, 2017, 04:49:25 PM

"Honey, are you SURE that's catnip in that catnip mouse?"
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Power Gamer on August 02, 2017, 07:24:03 PM

Power_Gamer in court at left:  "No your honor, I never use the stuff."
Power_Gamer last night at my house at right:  "This is some primo stuff."

Power Gamer

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Power Gamer on August 03, 2017, 03:20:04 AM

Is that a threat?  It sounded like a threat.  I think that was a threat.

Power Gamer
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Power Gamer on August 20, 2017, 03:31:47 AM

Great, now I have Grumpy Cat after me too.

Power Gamer

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: LadyShin on June 28, 2017, 08:02:14 AM

What I used to finish Fallout 4, what a crazy weekend that was.