TPP's and H&V's existence

Started by Mister Bison, December 04, 2012, 07:59:20 AM

Mister Bison

Quote from: Roughtrade on December 07, 2012, 05:35:27 AM
At the risk of being labeled a unicorn for this; why don't you just stop posting about it?

I don't think many people were confused about either project and their divergence at all after the first forty eight hours.

I think people continually posting back and forth about meta-topics about who and why the projects are different and incessantly apologizing and dissecting one aspect or another is just counter productive. 

Let's stop talking about talking about the projects and just, yanno, get to work.

Your Mileage May Vary, etc, etc, etc...

It's just I see the same names debating the same topics in most of the threads about this subject and mostly they seem to be causing or trying to reignite bad feelings about one or the other.
I don't know about the others, but I wouldn't stop posting about it because I didn't have enough information about that. Before my thread, there was a single, unheared post in one lost topic who wrote about it. Nor the TPP nor H&V commented on their difference so I tried to take the third party hat to do it.

Sometimes "I don't understand WHY" is an honest lack of information, not unicorning. Sometimes, unicorns will be unicorns. In both cases, it's easier for everybody to come here and not spread it all over the forum in 4 or more threads.

Though I do believe there are horned equidaes snooping here about business plans and what not ;)


In fiction, especially sf/f Lore is called Worldbuilding and all things flow from it, seminars are given about it, books (by masters) are written about it, and, as a writer, you'd better damn well have your own bible, 90% of which is in your head and not seen.  I had one series where I never revealed THE RULES of why a certain thing happened at a certain time (and surprised my characters), but I knew, and I knew I would have to set up certain conditions to trigger those rules, and that when those rules were met the event would be triggered -- so I kept an eye on those bits all the time...

Worldbuilding, Lore, is key.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance