Author Topic: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)  (Read 7657 times)

Victoria Victrix

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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2012, 06:50:57 AM »
I think my favorite was my darling, tragic Bella.,7170.0.html

One year of getting crap thrown at her, one year of happiness, five years of grieving and heartbreak.  Hard to sum all that up in one post.  And yet she kept picking herself back up and getting back in the fight.  I think in her I might have had one of the best rad/rad debuff specialists on Pinn.

After this post and video though, I don't know that I will actually ever bring her back.  I couldn't bear to think of her sitting alone and scared in that empty CCCP base, waiting for Nothingness to swallow her up and negate everything she had ever been, so I gave her completion and a sort-of happy ending.  I'm not sure I care to bring her back after that.  I'd rather think of her in Worker's Paradise, in Zach's arms again.
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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2012, 08:01:29 AM »
I had many, many favorites, but two stand out in my mind: Agent Andrea Blake and Agent Sorina Tavarisch.

Tava's story is still being chronicled in THE COURSE OF SUPERHERO ROMANCE, but as that's set one year behind the last in-game events of COH, there is still the matter of her being removed from the picture so Positron can get on with courting Numina.

Blake deserves a book series of her own, though... she was just so much FUN.


It's funny - the stories and moments that defined both of them came from external sources.

Tava was created to a) sort of fill one of the 5 leader slots for Star Patrol, and b) test the grav/kin controller power set. I sort of knew her backstory, but it wasn't until one night when I was casually RPing with a fellow SG member (where after helping to defeat Anti-Matter, she whips out her cell phone to call Positron and let him know, and agrees to meet him for coffee) that the whole "Tava's in love with Positron" thing came to life. And then the rest of her story came to life along with it.

Blake was created when a fellow SG player asked, "How well does the dark/psi defender play?" So I created one, who also became one of the 5 founders of Star Patrol. And my little "Danger Mouse" superheroine was born. I still want to commission someone to do an art piece of her dancing the tango with Statesman at a charity dance after she bullied him into it.

I miss them both so much.

The game may be gone, but the videos are still here...

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2012, 08:05:50 AM »
I think in her I might have had one of the best rad/rad debuff specialists on Pinn.

After this post and video though, I don't know that I will actually ever bring her back.  I couldn't bear to think of her sitting alone and scared in that empty CCCP base, waiting for Nothingness to swallow her up and negate everything she had ever been, so I gave her completion and a sort-of happy ending.  I'm not sure I care to bring her back after that.  I'd rather think of her in Worker's Paradise, in Zach's arms again.

One of my greatest regrets is never getting around to making a Rad/Rad.  I always wanted one but I just had other characters I was working on instead.

And you bring up something I have actually thought about a lot.  If CoH does get revived, would I recreate Taceus Jiwede? Could I even recreate him.  Its too late to extract him, I was initially just going to let his story end but then I started thinking if the game does get brought back would it be best to start a whole new character, or attempt to recreate my old favorite.

Thanks for the stories so far everyone.  Hope more keep coming in:)  Reading about all these characters makes me miss the game and the adventures but it in a good way, hope one day we can start em all back up.

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2012, 08:07:07 AM »
OMG, thanks, now I'm totally cackling and grinning like a deranged maniac. :D

Yeah.  It *was* rather zen.  Just running aroun with mah Heal Posse, beatin' the tar outta +3s, with Brawl on auto, and chattin' away in Pinnbadges, notching my way up to that 50.  My personal best wat the time I took out, I kid you not, 24 +2 Family minions and a couple of LTs in IP that for some reason decided they were all gonna stay ticked off at me... and they all paid the humiliating price for it. Heh.

Dammit, now I'm a little melancholy.  Still grinning, but.. Heh.
Tub, I honestly wish I could go back and run your arcs.  I need a comic book with Waddle, go make it.   ;D

I just want you to know IF the game gets brought back.  I am making a brute brawler! Damn't it must be done!


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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2012, 03:32:41 AM »
Protip:  after you click on the "quote" or "reply" buttons, the "Topic Summary" section of the webpage that pulls up shows you the last 10 posts or so in the topic, to the right of each of which is an "Insert Quote" button with which you can easily quote multiple people and therefore reply to them all without double-posting.

I have no idea if this holds for the mobile version of the forums, so disregard this if you mostly visit us while on your smart phone.
Aram:  "Man, just look at all this.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that we get to live surrounded by such wonder."
Gamal:  "We don't live over there." Aram:  "We don't?"
Gamal:  "No.  We live over there." Aram:  "... But it's all on fire."
Gamal:  "Yes it is, Aram.  Yes it is."


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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2012, 05:22:02 AM »
I can't keep away from my PENGUIN.

Waddle makes a reappearance in an ongoing serial on these boards!,7205.0.html

Let me know what you guys think as it goes.  :)

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2012, 10:12:30 PM »
Protip:  after you click on the "quote" or "reply" buttons, the "Topic Summary" section of the webpage that pulls up shows you the last 10 posts or so in the topic, to the right of each of which is an "Insert Quote" button with which you can easily quote multiple people and therefore reply to them all without double-posting.

I have no idea if this holds for the mobile version of the forums, so disregard this if you mostly visit us while on your smart phone.

I did two on purpose
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 10:51:17 PM by Taceus Jiwede »

Golden Ace

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Re: Remembering your favorite heros (and villians)
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2012, 10:27:44 PM »
Bought the game back in june or july 2004, but didn't start playing until august. Had never played an MMO before and didn't know if I would like it.  but it was about Superheroes and that brought me over. 

First character was an ice controller, as I recall I wanted to name him Stone Cold but the name was taken. ended up calling him Gold Stone, from that a theme was born.  All my characters had a Golden Theme.  I started my First Tank, my favorite, and my namesake Golden Ace in early December 04 after my current main kept getting him butt handed to him by paragon protectors. 

Invulnerable / Ice.  not too many took that route but he was a heck of a lot of fun.

so much so I couldn't get into any other characters.  I always came back to Ace. 


I miss Ace.  :(