Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM

Started by Victoria Victrix, November 26, 2012, 06:30:02 AM

Rotten Luck

Lily I have a spare account he can use.  Inject some Paragon into his blood!
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!

Opal Aegis

Quote from: Xieveral on November 26, 2012, 07:31:08 AM
I like Kingdom Hearts but I don't want KH in my CoH :<

Awesome as it would be to have heartless Arachnos running about

I thought about that sort of crossover when i heard this pitch and my brain shorted for a second...just no....At least not in Paragon. Now the freedom phalanx helping Sora along...that would be cool (someone above mentioned such a team up)
Thinking back, Disney has done lots of superhero movies before the Marvel tie in so the interest in the whole Super Hero shebang is already deeply rooted. Having one or two of the Incredibles hero types *visit* Paragon would be interesting. One other thing to think about though is that Disney now owns Lucas arts as well...meaning they have a share in those MMO's as well...
I really really hope this goes through...they're usually pretty good about keeping the integrity of the companies and IP they acquire


Disney also seems to have quite the "try again" attitude even when it comes to IP's that aren't doing well. They may put it on the back burner for a couple years, but they usually come back to it and see if there's something new they can do with it.


Thank you, VV, Ammon, Rae, Quinch, and the two senior members of the former Paragon Studios team!  Thank you to the Community here on Titan!  I've only just now read this thread, but I saw it was talked about on Justice United chat channel.  One of my SG's already had a forum link to this thread on it's site, and I've posted to another SG.  Remember to TALK THIS UP in-game when you're on, include it your SG MotD, etc.  I'll be contacting friends about this later today as well as writing my own letters.   Thanks again for this!
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Before I begin, I will say that, due to work, I've not had time to read every last page of this thread.  However. . . .

If I may interject one quick notion, for all the players saying they don't want Star Wars/Marvel/Kingdom Hearts stuff mixed with City of Heroes, it is this:

Even if they own all of these franchises, this does not mean that they will ever mix any of their contents.

While there IS a shot online of Princess Leia standing with the Disney Princesses, that seems to be a publicity shot more than anything else.  To date, have we seen ANY attempt at mixing any of the three franchises they already have?

To state that they automatically would shove any or all of the above into the City of Heroes universe is worst case scenario, slippery stope style thinking: a logical fallacy.  It might happen as a one-in-a-million shot, but in all likelihood, it simply won't due to all the legal muck it would entail, as well as the potential mess and confusion it would engender among fans of any or all of the individual properties.


I don't know if this was added to the pitch,  but The City of Heroes Community could open up a vast untapped Human Resources pool for  Disney. (Mission Architect successes S/A Dr Aeon come to mind)  ESPECIALLY with Disney owning the Marvel Franchise now,  we have a crazy amount of Comic Book canon knowledge and can possibly help Disney and Marvel out and/or create new stories as well... Untapped writers/screenplay authors yaddayadda yadda

That's just a thought.


We would like to impress Disney with how much of a family friendly property CoH can be.  Several people have mentioned that their children are writing letters too.  Would it be out of order to consider making a blatant play for sympathy by asking to have their children send in artwork of their characters? 

If that idea is too unprofessional for the letters, maybe post them on Facebook?  Pinterest?  All of us coming to this thread here are on board.  We are the Choir.  We may have different ideas on how best to save CoH but we all want to save it.  We need other people to want to save CoH.

Someone mentioned doing artwork of the CoH characters as Disney Princesses.  I have no skill at drawing, but maybe it would be better to do the Disney Princesses as CoH characters?  I see a lot of stuff on FB and Pinterest with Disney Princess as goth characters, steam punk, even in DCU costumes.  Something that someone who is not reading these forums might see and think "These people sound fun and my daughter reads comic books.  Maybe she would like this game"

I dunno.  I'm just waking up and these were thoughts I had while scanning for new messages.  Maybe it's just not doable.  But I think that if we could find a way to get more people talking about CoH, tweeting, trending, blogging, whatever.  If we could capture more attention, it can only help.  Right?


I think that sending pictures just shows MORE dedication of the sort Team Wildcard wants to encourage with the snail mail letter campaign. That said, also posting them to social networking sites can only help. Use said sites to get others to join the letter-writing campaign, if you can!


Mailed my letters out this morning at the post office. :)
Sadly, my printer isn't the greatest for getting pics printed. So, no go on any cool pics I had.


Thank you team Wildcard for all you do!

Since I loved the logo made by Lily and we still do havethe opportunity to use the character creator, I started to play a little using both of them, and came op with this:

It's supposed to be a freestlyle version of a Disney Princess.
Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo.


I'm still in the process of grabbing ultra mode screenies. Since I don't really have much to say that wasn't covered in the original pitch, I thought I'd hijack the DTP department's color printer and write out a description - whether it's character bios or some background on what they're depicting - on the back.


I got ripped off. I helped with the pitch, and now I've just written letters as well ;)

Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

Twitter: @Skybloopink


 "We had the advice and oversight of two senior members of the former Paragon Studios team--mostly to tell us what we could and could not say."

I believe it would be in our best interests if you could advise us as to what we should/should not put in our letters. We don't want to muck up our chances by accidentally writing the wrong thing.
Keeper of the toons from the SG, Sugar Coated Suicide, Freedom
Older'n Dirt and proud of it!


Quote from: ahmpizzedoff on November 27, 2012, 05:47:39 PM... advise us as to what we should/should not put in our letters. We don't want to muck up our chances by accidentally writing the wrong thing.
Don't worry.  Anything you know is likely to either be public record or comon knowledge, and safe to say.

Our sources were more making sure that we were not wildly off-base with some of the figures we'd put into the document, but that's a reason we can't publish the actual pitch as is ... it would be a little too close to confirmation of some figures.  There's actually very little that was in the pitch that hasn't come up on Titan at some point, and is thus okay to use.


hey have you ever thought of going back to who used to own city of heroes (Cryptic)?


I believe that pitch has already been made and the answer was "no," but my information could be wrong.
We are the crazy ones, the mavericks, the dreamers, the forgotten sons. We color outside the lines for fun. We are the crazy ones! - "The Crazy Ones," Stellar Revival

"We put ourselves in "the attitude of heroes"--and we all became a little more heroic." - VV


well that sucks i kinda hope if disney does take it over they wont  screw it up


You know, Disney originally struck me as an odd choice for the game.

Then I remembered that I first picked up a copy of CoH after watching "The Incredibles." 

I loved the feel of the movie; it reminded me of the slightly goofy, old-style cheesy and tongue-in-cheek comic book characters of the past. The game let me live that out, and I've made many characters over the years modeled after that style.  After realizing this, Disney seems the perfect fit.

Even if Disney feels the need to put their own stamp on the game, and Mr. Incredible gets a statue in Atlas Park, while Frozone becomes a mission contact, I think I could live with that.   ;)


Quote from: DrakeGrimm on November 27, 2012, 06:37:56 PM
I believe that pitch has already been made and the answer was "no," but my information could be wrong.

Well, they have a pretty good track record of keeping their franchises running smoothly. Yeah, they're a business and I don't agree with some of their practices, but so far they've kept their customers happy.

Rotten Luck

One thing Disney is good at is...

Milking an IP for all it's worth!  Think about it they still advertise some of the old movies "Out of the Disney Vault" not to mention the toys and direct to DVD sequels.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!