Author Topic: Needed: News and info editor for Paragon Wiki  (Read 1495 times)


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Needed: News and info editor for Paragon Wiki
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:02:24 PM »
Hey all,

I'd like to make the Paragon Wiki more of a news and information portal on our campaign than it is right now.  The problem is that right now, all of us are totally swamped with various efforts.  So I want to put the call out for a new Paragon Wiki editor who will be responsible for maintaining the front page of the Paragon Wiki and make it more portal-like.

What you'll need to be doing is keeping up with various press articles and major milestones (like tweeted by Felicia Day--I'm still recovering from that one!), posting interesting things supplied by the community, maybe linking to or embedding a video now and then or posting a particularly relevant picture (after sizing it to fit!).

Anyway, if you're at least passingly familiar with wiki markup and you've got some time to haunt the forums, Twitter, and Facebook pages, please give me a holler at and we'll see if we can get things rolling.


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Re: Needed: News and info editor for Paragon Wiki
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 06:08:06 PM »
Even if you aren't familiar with wiki markup, there are quite a few of us here that can help you with that.  Formatting something that's already been written is far and away easier writing something from scratch, so even if we're busy with other things right now, someone should be able to help with that pretty easily.

And the learning curve for wiki markup isn't a difficult one, so you'd probably be up and running without any training wheels pretty quickly.
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