Announcement: Sentinel+ character extractor available!

Started by TonyV, September 06, 2012, 07:03:04 PM


Tried to use sentinel beta after the event tonight, and it wasn't working.  The beta server and character and whether the personal info window was open were all correctly detected, but trying to run it got a window with "Character snapshot exporter has stopped working" then windows goes away and looks for a solution, fails to find one and the program closes.


I'm trying to back up my builds for Shadow and it will save the Build 1, but not Build 2. I switched to Build 2 as the active build and ran the extractor again and it saved Build 1. I deleted the back up and ran the extractor with Build 2 active and it wrote Build 1 to the file. How do I get it to write the active build to the file?

Update: This was a weird glitch. When I opened the file in my text editor to see if everything was saving, it listed only build 1 in the file between costumes and badges. However, I redownloaded the extractor and logged all the way out of CoH and back in and now both builds are showing up in the file.


I need some help, here.
The instructions are clear and simple, and I am following them explicitly, but all that happens when I open SentintelPlus is I get a screen that says this:

ERROR: Could not retrieve character information.
* Is City of Heroes running?
* Is it the right version?
* Is the character logged in?
* Do you have administrator privileges?

Press any key to continue...

What am I doing wrong?

As it is the 11th hour, here, a quick reply would be most appreciated.   :(

Dasher (Hero, Protector, @Dasher)


Dasher, are you logged in to a Windows account that has Administrator privileges?


i got it, but when i try to run it, it says bad CPU int he executor. what does that mean, and how can i fix it?
im on mac, and got the mac version


Quote from: estarriol on November 29, 2012, 10:23:03 PM
Dasher, are you logged in to a Windows account that has Administrator privileges?

Hmmm... damfino! I am the only account on the machine, and going into Contr5ol panel, it lets me access the Administrative Tools panel...

I have the awful feeling you're going to tell me that's not enough...   ?  :)


DID anyone think to put in the "my purchases" command = to list all the stuff your account should have access to from the Paragon Store - like Enhancements Trays 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the extra Inventory = Recipes/Salvage/Vault storage?

TBH, I can't recall the exact command off-hand, but I ran it before and it was a messy list, it essentially had not just stuff bought from the store since Freedom but it had (afaik) all the old "Perks & Packs" - the powers & costumes.

Seems like there would be a to save your Account Items/Character Items, and maybe "Glee-mail"?
Does anyone know if they've backed up the data-bases w/ this info? I think they'd be insane not to back it all up on the announcement Day & maybe tomorrow before or just after shutting down the game?
Did we get info on the Paragon Store/Tokens+Tiers system (basically the Freedom version of  Vet Rewards)?

IDK, seems like all this could be preserved, UNLESS they get spiteful & Bitter about us not wanting to play their new shinies games (just because we played CoH, then say AA and then came back to CoH.  And, then to TR & back to CoH, and maybe Aion (I didn't touch that one because of the account theft I figured it was best to simple not activate the Serial Code for it and my PC at the time hated the Aion Beta Client = my video cards ram overheated in character creation! more than once, and by the time I could've played it again - I had NO interest in it anymore... Didn't like the limited flying thing - I thought that was supposed to the point (at least to a large extent) - only w/ kick-azz graphics/scenery to fly over. Throttling that flight ability = based on (whatever? I forget atm - but it irked me.)
I didn't like the anti-cheating software it required to install/play either.

But SOMEONE didn't seem to think that CoH was what kept people coming back, 'Vet Rewards' helped maintain players' CoH Subs (like mine) but they got rid of that with Freedom, and made some other mistakes = mostly about trying to pump us for money via buffs that lasted according to time played = like the "Amplifiers" & the freebie Friday thing that probably showed we weren't going to be spending lots of Paragon Points in the Store = as if it was the candy/magazines & other 'impulse purchases' at the grocery store!

This may sound crazy - But, as I recall, like the day before the shutdown (it might've been a couple days they some of the SBE's went on sale - yet, only for the full sets & lots of people saw how bad a deal that was & spoke up about it.  And, what do ya know Black Pebble (?=IIRC) went and (asked somebody or somebody went and asked him?) And they put the individual SBEs - at 20% or 25% off - (The Sets were 50% off, albeit [Some were still damn expensive = 50% off of "Crazy"].

And as we're an older group of players - we're not children snatching up candy (or at least not all the time) - and when I logged back on the next day - maybe a couple days later, & the freaking game was being shuttered :o

I really hope we can pull this off, I have a couple ideas on at least one Blue-Side thing we can do to maybe help balance out the Red-side stuff that will almost surely occur after the shutdown, or soon thereafter - I'll post the one Blue-side thing I'm feel best about, creating some goodwill (to ameliorate or counter any dastardly deeds that may occur on the 31st or after = in a separate post or maybe PM some folks with the 'Action Idea' later tonight or maybe tomorrow?  :-X  I don't want a few malevolent Uni's screwing this one up!  Although I think it's less susceptible to Bad PR sabotage...  not impossible - but let's just say I think it's pretty darn "fubar-resistant"...  :D


Estarriol and all the other folks here who would know:

Yes, I have double-chekced and I am indeed running in Administrator mode... still no luck with the Sentinel+  application.  :(

Quote from: Dasher on November 29, 2012, 11:21:19 PM
Hmmm... damfino! I am the only account on the machine, and going into Contr5ol panel, it lets me access the Administrative Tools panel...

I have the awful feeling you're going to tell me that's not enough...   ?  :)


I'm going to throw this out there, expecting it not to actually help, but on the off chance that it might...

Did anyone having trouble saving character info happen to grab the wrong EXE?  There are two of them: one for the live client, one for the beta client.  The one for the beta client has the word "beta" in the name of the executable.
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Quote from: Minotaur on November 29, 2012, 03:11:33 AM
Tried to use sentinel beta after the event tonight, and it wasn't working.  The beta server and character and whether the personal info window was open were all correctly detected, but trying to run it got a window with "Character snapshot exporter has stopped working" then windows goes away and looks for a solution, fails to find one and the program closes.

This has happened to me as well with the Beta version. It seems to be hit or miss with it sometimes. The live version works like a charm every time though. I just hope the Beta version works consistently for me tonight - I was busy all month, so I've got to transfer characters and export tonight.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

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I am getting this error today, it work flawlessly until today and no it acting strangely. this bothers me greatly because none of my Virtue characters are done yet because I still been working on them.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   SentinelPlus.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   504f90f4
  Fault Module Name:   msvcrt.dll
  Fault Module Version:   7.0.7601.17744
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4eeaf722
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   000101d5
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   4105
  Additional Information 1:   0a9e
  Additional Information 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:   0a9e
  Additional Information 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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Try going to another zone, then completely exiting and restarting the game.

Not sure what causes it but for some reason certain characters / places give it issues sometimes.


So out of curiosity, does this not work on Exalted? None of my characters on Exalted will capture. I run it, and it hangs with the first two lines
"Sentinel+ Extractor v1.1 - 2320.201207182341.1
Titan Network - August 8, 2012"
and eventually gives me a Windows "tell Microsoft/send error report" error window.

I've moved S+, I've restarted City, I've restarted the computer... nothing :(
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



I've got a couple files saved from my characters on Exalted, so it's probably something else that's causing the issue.


Aha. All of my characters on Exalted are in First Ward.

Once I moved them out of First Ward, they captured fine!
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Just a hunch, but I bet it's an issue with the pop-up server trays and the temp power granted to you in that zone to go to Night Ward.


Tried again on beta in FF (was in RWZ), still not working, same problem as above, looks like I'll not be able to record my passport and bug hunter :(


Quote from: Dasher on November 29, 2012, 10:01:36 PM
I need some help, here.
The instructions are clear and simple, and I am following them explicitly, but all that happens when I open SentintelPlus is I get a screen that says this:

ERROR: Could not retrieve character information.
* Is City of Heroes running?
* Is it the right version?
* Is the character logged in?
* Do you have administrator privileges?

Press any key to continue...

What am I doing wrong?

As it is the 11th hour, here, a quick reply would be most appreciated.   :(

Dasher (Hero, Protector, @Dasher)

I was getting the same error. I saw someone mention using compatibility mode back on page one and that worked for me.


Works beautifully. Of course, many of my characters are locked and I can't use any of my game time codes :(


If you've got beta installed, transfer your chars to beta (not test/training room - BETA). Everything is free on beta - you can buy up to 36 character slots as a preemie - and any archetypes you're missing.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...
