Sentinel 1.0?

Started by Hobbes, February 19, 2012, 12:03:32 AM


There's a few threads hinting at the new Sentinel 1.0 tracker, telling of the wonders it will accomplish with ease and grace, how it will see all in their true forms! HOW IT WILL TRANSPORT PARAGON CITY IN THE FUTU...

*cough*  ;D

On a more serious note, any news on the development of the new tracker? I'm really interested in the possibility of having a salvage list all in the same place instead of running log on / log off marathons to micro-manage my dozens of mini stacks all over the place.


I think Guy's pretty much proven the concept for everything he wants Sentinel 1.0 to do, but it would be throwing data to the servers with nothing to catch the data at this point.  CIT is gradually being upgraded bit by bit, but until the databases are set up to store the info and the web interface is set up to capture the data for storage, I don't think Guy's planning to push forward too far.

('Course, he could pop in here and tell me I'm a liar, too.)
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Eabrace is as close to the fact of the matter as any announcement that's been made is concerned.

A while back a design consideration was decided upon that will grant all of Titan Network's applications access to the tracking materials, with Sentinel being one such application. Prior to the split of the development assets, all of the tracking was being done within Sentinel itself, hence the "1.0 branch" of the project, but that hasn't technically been the case ever since the secret spin-off took off. In the spirit of not letting the cat out of the bag too early, we've just stuck with the Sentinel 1.0 name.

The 0.9 branch is certainly showing its age, as the game continues to update and evolve, whereas Sentinel continues to wither and decay. Like Eabrace mentioned, the biggest chokepoint is that we need to write new server-side and database and website and all sorts of stuff because the current incarnation of Sentinel can track so much and we need to be able to do something with it.

At the risk of making a vaporware announcement (don't worry; the thing actually does exist), you can look forward to the following as soon as we get the time to package it all up for the end-user.

Due to the epic factor, you might want to listen to this while reading this list:
  • Enjoy instant updates with an adaptive recognition algorithm that should reduce or eliminate the need for new manifests every game update.
  • Track characters in all running instances of the game simultaneously, including those on the Test and Beta clients where applicable.
  • Review information on characters that are not presently logged in. Character histories are recorded and available even when offline.
  • Super Group membership and Prestige will be tracked, and we're looking into some applications for base floor plans we've uncovered.
  • Inventory will be tracked, currently with support for the following:
    • Inf
    • Inspirations
    • Enhancements
    • Salvage, including Merits and Incarnate Components
    • Recipes
    • Incarnate Abilities
    • Items stored on the consignment
    • Salvage stored in the Vault Reserve
    • Items stored in the character's Super Group base
  • As an opt-in feature, you'll be allowed to report zone event activity to Titan Network automatically as they occur.
  • Also as an opt-in feature, you'll be allowed to track your Friends and Global Friends lists.
  • Export builds (Mids format) and costumes (.costume files) for all slots simultaneously on the current character.
  • New character information can be tracked such as titles (including selected Badge title), Alignment Points, slot capacities (build, costume, vault, market, etc.) and dimension of origin (Primal or Praetorian).
A reminder that the way we're doing this will enable all Titan Network software access to the tracking engine, and we even have a developer who's working on an unrelated project that will take advantage of this. It's all quite interesting, though it's also a lot of careful work that all of us are involved with, so it'll be a bit yet before any of this is in the hands of the public.


Quote from: GuyPerfect on February 19, 2012, 05:02:02 AM
Inventory will be tracked, currently with support for the following:

  • Salvage, including Merits and Incarnate Components
  • Recipes
  • Items stored on the consignment
  • Salvage stored in the Vault Reserve
  • Items stored in the character's Super Group base

It brings a tear of joy to my eye while I do the Happy Dance of Joy!

I cant wait for these options to be working.   ;D

Thanks a lot for the infos.


Quote from: GuyPerfect on February 19, 2012, 05:02:02 AM
Due to the epic factor, you might want to listen to this while reading this list:

Is this one of those "better grab the headboard" kinda warnings?
Find me on Homecoming:


No, it means need some epic music for epic list. (-:


Quote from: GuyPerfect on February 19, 2012, 05:02:02 AM
Due to the epic factor, you might want to listen to this while reading this list:

Truth in advertising.


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