Author Topic: Possible option for the next version?  (Read 11344 times)


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Possible option for the next version?
« on: May 28, 2009, 07:27:55 AM »
Thanks a zillion times for the chance you gave us to use your builder xP (though I stopped playing CoX.)

With my long-gone time from CoX community, I'm I'm thinking to play CoX once again, since my account is still alive. (Yup. I forgot to cancel my account subscription xP)

Reading the patches and plans, trying to update myself, I figured out that there will be 60 Month badge called City Traveler, which allows you to select travel powers at level 6.

Not that I'm complaining or something, but the version I just downloaded doesn't have the option for that.

So I'm wondering if there would be an option for that.

Again, thanks a trizilfu-kion times for the builder you made. xD

(And hurray me now. Just a few more months to go to get City Traveler badge =D)
Jin, the God of Gods.

A unique existence possessing six accounts with full 48 character slots on freedom.

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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2009, 03:31:25 PM »
Thanks a zillion times for the chance you gave us to use your builder xP (though I stopped playing CoX.)

With my long-gone time from CoX community, I'm I'm thinking to play CoX once again, since my account is still alive. (Yup. I forgot to cancel my account subscription xP)

Reading the patches and plans, trying to update myself, I figured out that there will be 60 Month badge called City Traveler, which allows you to select travel powers at level 6.

Not that I'm complaining or something, but the version I just downloaded doesn't have the option for that.

So I'm wondering if there would be an option for that.

Again, thanks a trizilfu-kion times for the builder you made. xD

(And hurray me now. Just a few more months to go to get City Traveler badge =D)
City Traveler was announced well-after Mids released the current version.  There was no real hurry to get it out, since they announced the badge ~5 months before anyone would start seeing City Traveler.

Fast-forward to the recent anouncement:  Mids has stepped down, and Steiner is taking over development.  I've made sure to bug him about the City Traveler bit (as I've just recently got the badge myself).  He's got an idea (god help us) ;) on what to do to easily implement this.  The problem is that Mids was the only one to ever even see the code behind the Planner.  So it's gonna take a bit of time to get a new version out.

There has been a workaround found, though :D  This is by no means a permanent "fix" for it, but it should hold you over until Steiner can get his updated version out.

EDIT: Cath sniped me to the link, but I'll put it here anyways


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 03:32:08 PM »
How about a diminishing returns button for the pvp crowd.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 05:22:10 PM »
lol. If the numbers are cut & dry and don't float based stupid variables it will be a great addition.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2009, 05:27:06 PM »
as i saw steiner reads this topic too , I'm gonna go suggest a new option for i16 designer :

"option to save our favorite enhancment sets"

for example , when i start a new hero , generally I slot 3 rech IOs to hasten , or if im not going for set bonuses , i go slot all attacks with 2 acc 2 damage 1 rech and 1 end redux.

or when i purple enh powers , i usually dont put +damage IO , for 5 slotted powers.

would be good to save the usual ENH packages and put them into powers with only 1-2 powers.

as I'm suggesting this , im not well with any programing and coding, otherwise i would like to help to add this option to designer


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2009, 05:33:26 PM »
It's possible... but let me spin it...

How about "templates". In a nutshell, it would just be like your idea, but everyone starts with a clean slate right. You go in and add your "IO template" and give them unique names (if you want or just do the Acc/Dam "Shorthand System" as I've dubbed it).

With this system we can find a way to right-click and fill powers with IOs based on templates AND it wouldn't be designed for just a set group of people, ya know. I'll even make it so it can be imported like the other databases so we can all share Power IO Templates.

What do you think... if you got any spin on it, add/subtract, all good this is just off the top of my head and unrealized so any spin on this would be welcome.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 05:50:02 PM »
as long as i have my own templates ready for me (and yeah , "template" is the correct word for what i have tried to say :) ) I'm all go for new steps on the system. but i think "share" system would be a bit hard on resources , rather than saving our own templates on local computers , or i just got the wrong idea from the latest post :)

also , thnx for the reply :) good to know that the "IO set templates" are doable :)


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2009, 06:39:17 PM »

Oh, the sharing would be you going into your data folder in mids and grabbing the "io_templates.mxd" files and sending it to a friend for them to use. (Scenario, not exactly how it might go.. but you get the idea)

So ya it would be a local file you can just post to an upload site for others to download.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2009, 07:27:57 PM »
well then , at least we got a starting point for template feature :) I will keep posting new ideas as i "blink" :)


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2009, 11:17:34 AM »
got another idea :

how about to add a section called "buffs and debuffs". with this addition , we can see how our toon will look like with certain buff and debuff effects on it. for example , i would be happy to see how my toon performs on speed boos + AM is on.

would be good to have it like accolade powers section , and click them to activate buffs.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2009, 12:34:41 PM »
That's a bit heavy... I mean there are a lot of powers in the game, not even necessarily the other arch (de)buffs that would have to be in there as well... but I can see how well this would go over with the power-user crowd.

This idea we're going to put on a shelf because it's gunna a be a little bit before I can get enough time to actually hammer an outline out to see if this is even possible...

Great idea though, just really loaded ya know. We keep going in this direction it will get to point where people don't even play the game anymore, they just calibrate builds on MxD, lol.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2009, 04:50:18 PM »
i understand that you are heavy on load :) well we cant expect everything from a charge-free program that takes long to update with this game machanics..

but if its hard to put the buffs into the editor (which i see why) we can add some random buffs on us , like +20 rech , +%10 acc , like this.. just typing as i thinking :)


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2009, 05:02:35 PM »
There we go!

That sounds doable. Like a list of (de)buffs that the user can flip on and off... versus having every power in the game, THAT is far more doable, being we can probably just get that kind of data exported from RedTomax's power quantification into a nice list.

I'll check them both out, because the more I think about it the more I think it should have the powers in there, because people aren't going to know right off the top of their head what each power is doing to/for ya...

I also have to look through all of the original requests and weed out the things that still need to be done, and for some cases might actually go along with this.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2009, 05:55:18 PM »
if this goes with this pace , i'll want my name on editor's info too , along with other ideas' owners  :P


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2009, 06:01:09 PM »
Ok, what was your name again?

Bunch, funch, lunch?


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2009, 11:05:07 PM »
"bunch of ideas from tunch" would be ok  :gonk:


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2009, 07:49:31 PM »
There we go!

That sounds doable. Like a list of (de)buffs that the user can flip on and off... versus having every power in the game, THAT is far more doable, being we can probably just get that kind of data exported from RedTomax's power quantification into a nice list.

I'll check them both out, because the more I think about it the more I think it should have the powers in there, because people aren't going to know right off the top of their head what each power is doing to/for ya...

I also have to look through all of the original requests and weed out the things that still need to be done, and for some cases might actually go along with this.
Perhaps several virtual powers that use sliders - for example, virtual powers for damage buffs, tohit buffs, defense buffs, resistance buffs, recovery buffs, etc. That way the end use can mix-and-match values (instead of having to select virtual powers for Speed Boost and Accelerate Metabolism, for example, I can just up the slider on the "recharge buff" virtual power to 80). That makes the code end a bit easier to maintain and presents a cleaner front to the user without having to add in each specific buff/debuff, though it comes at the cost of the user knowing enough about the powers to know which values they should add.

Judgement Dave

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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2009, 10:44:02 AM »
That sounds doable. Like a list of (de)buffs that the user can flip on and off... versus having every power in the game, THAT is far more doable, being we can probably just get that kind of data exported from RedTomax's power quantification into a nice list.

I'll check them both out, because the more I think about it the more I think it should have the powers in there, because people aren't going to know right off the top of their head what each power is doing to/for ya...
I'd suggest using numeric values or sliders for various buff/debuff effects rather than having a list of (de)buffs.

What happens when the planning player decides that they want to see the effect of being hit with 3 stacked slows when they already have double SB and AM on them??  And was each (de)buff applied by a defender, controller or mob X?? Was that in PvE or PvP?? Do we want to allow for any diminishing returns??

Trying to allow for all that could get very, very messy if you are selecting from a list of (de)buffs but is relatively easy if you're just allowing statistic/attribute modifiers to be entered numerically (in which case the user does the maths to calculate the desired value).

Though I'd be tempted to mix the (de)buff modifiers with the templates and provide modifier templates - and let the player add/subtract templates at will. Would take some of the mathematical pressure off the player whilst maintaining flexibility.


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Re: Possible option for the next version?
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2009, 07:31:01 PM »
I have 2 suggestions for this great program:

1) a field for which server the character is on

2) a free-form text field, where we can copy our bio and any other character related info.  4k to 16k should be plenty of space

Thanks for your consideration.
-- Rich