Default character ordering

Started by ineffablebob, November 01, 2008, 09:28:11 AM


I seem to remember seeing this before, but can't find it now. I'd like to be able to set the order in which my characters appear when I hit the Manage link on CIT. I can use the column headers to sort, of course, but I have to do that every time to get the order I want. Maybe this is already an option I'm just not seeing someplace?

Character List
HeroStats Developer
Proud Member of Legion of Valor and Fallen Legion


No, not an option yet.

Shades pegged that quite recently... I'm seeking away to manage it...

It's going to take the use of a db table and cookies... But I'm hoping to get it working with jquery/ajax so it will be a matter of drag and drop as before.

Fallen Angel Eyes

Good to hear that this is being worked on. I was looking for this feature a few days ago too and was wondering if I just wasn't seeing it.


What would be a great addition to the character list would be if the sort could be persisted. 

If I sort by Character name and then delete or modify a character, when I return to the list it's back to it's original sort order (which doesn't seem to be by any column at all, my old characters are sorted by Faction and then Name and my new ones are tacked on the bottom???)

It would be great if I could sort the list by Name for instance and have that preference remembered between visits.


Yea, This would probably have to be mapped by the database.


I just pushed live a new build of the site with custom sorting options!

You can now click and drag your characters around in the table, OR you can sort by a column header.  Once you've got it the way you want it, click the new "Save Sorting" button above the table.

Just a note: if you save after doing the manual click-n-drag method, any new characters will end up at the bottom of your list and you will have to manually position them the way you want.


Having a hard time getting this to work  :gonk:...cant drag and drop my toon's, but i can sort by lvl,archtype ect. but when i save it and refresh the page it goes back getting sortet by't  me or is't a BUG  ???


It's working for me in IE7 and Firefox 3. 

You should try and clear your cache.


Works in IE6, just click and hold the Column where the Characters' Name resides.  The Hand icon will grab and Highlight the entire Row in a Blue color.  Then drag and you'll see instantly the movement, let go when satisfied.

I like the way this works, it's beautiful!


That's brilliant, thanks guys!   ;D


it won't save my settings btw ...
when i click Save Sorting, and revisit the page, i get the same Sorting page again ...


Quote from: Shades29A on November 05, 2008, 07:17:25 PM
it won't save my settings btw ...
when i click Save Sorting, and revisit the page, i get the same Sorting page again ...

You're doing something wrong then, because I can change my sorting, completely log out, clear cache, and log back in to multiple browsers and it keeps my sorting :P

Are you getting the message box confirmation that the settings were saved at all?

Fallen Angel Eyes

Hooray! Thanks so much for this. It's working just fine in Seamonkey 1.1.12 :)


Got the damn thing working now...dont know how but..hey it works...and now it's great. ;D..btw any update on when the "check if your toon's have this badge" button returns and the "You are missing this, this and that badge for this Accolade/badge" option returns


Glad you got it working!

Now that Faces is re-launched and fairly stable, Mav and I are turning our attention to CIT again. Expect a flood of updates in the coming weeks (but probably sooner) :)


Just tried this out, looks good. Thanks!

Character List
HeroStats Developer
Proud Member of Legion of Valor and Fallen Legion


Quote from: SuckerPunch on November 05, 2008, 07:48:13 PM
You're doing something wrong then, because I can change my sorting, completely log out, clear cache, and log back in to multiple browsers and it keeps my sorting :P

Are you getting the message box confirmation that the settings were saved at all?
i must've been too quick reloading the page or something
cuz today it showed my Saved Sorting order :)


If you have a lot of characters tracked and are doing the manual sorting, it can take an extra second or two to process all the data.  Make sure you wait until you receive a "success" message alert.

I'll see what I can do to make that process more obvious so you know it's still working.


Quick note -
I click "Save Sorting", check my page, everything is good to go, brilliant.
If I click "Save Sorting" again without changing anything, my page goes back to original default.

Dunno if it's just my page or something in the code, but thought it was worth mentioning.


Just so I'm clear how this is happening for you:

- Order characters the way you like
- Click Save
- refresh / go away & come back
- Everything looks good
- Touch nothing, click "Save"
- Defaults?

If that is the case, I'm pretty sure I know why that is happening.  I'll go ahead and tackle that issue.  But if that's not the case, then I'll have to dig a little deeper.


Quote from: SuckerPunch on November 07, 2008, 02:58:48 PM
Just so I'm clear how this is happening for you:

- Order characters the way you like
- Click Save
- refresh / go away & come back
- Everything looks good
- Touch nothing, click "Save"
- Defaults?

Oh, and using Firefox 3.0.3, in case that's important.