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Suggestions on an Ice/Ice build

Started by Local Man, September 07, 2007, 09:14:27 PM


ok, i started to buy purples... first, the unbreakable constraint... i have 3 of them. but i lack money for apo and rag.

so far... it's really pleasant.

but i have one question : wouldn't it bee usefull to remove the membrane on build up and aim, and put instead rectified reticle increased perception ? on both, wouldn't it add +perception so i could spot more easily stalkers ? or any other hidden players in pvp areas ?



Understand that +Perception is enough perception to see the equivalent of a +Stealth IO. Stalkers commonly run Hide, +Stealth, and Invis/Stealth at all times. It won't improve you enough to overcome them, really.
@iltat, @Pinghole

Also 50: Emp/Rad (PvP), PB, Ill/Emp, Sonic/EM (PvP), Kin/Psy (PvP), Fire/Fire Tank, Ice/Dev (PvP), Ice/Thermal (PvP)
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Chain Shot

Hey guys,

Instead of starting my own Ice/Ice request, I'll just tack it to this one.

I'm only lvl 43 atm, but I'll attach what I plan on doing untill I get to 50.  Note that i'm slotting SO's atm.  (actually using 45 IO's right now, but the values will be the same, as far as I understand now.)

Set's are totally new to me, since they weren't here when I last played 2 years ago.  I'm looking forward to learning about them, but I imagine it's better to get to 50 before collecting the sets.  I don't have the inf for them now anyway.

I do plan on doing mostly pvp once I'm ready, but the build will probably need to be pve also for the countless farming that's going to be needed to get all of those fancy new sets.

Luckly, I have respecs saved up, but this is the general build I want to end up with.  Yes it has fly, but what can I say?  I like to fly, so no sj for me.

Please take a look at this and give me any suggestions.  The way I have things slotted will probably be the first thing you'll see "opportunities"

Thanks in advance hope to hear from you.

|   Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build   |


Hi there ^^

i played mine for so long i developped some habits.
so i'll tell you what "I" dont like.

first of all, i dont think range is useful on ice bolt ice blast, shiver
then aim/bu : i'll go for 2 rchrdx 2 thbuff
blizzard : thdebuff seems useless. when you hit blizzard, the -rech -speed is useful enough to kill and slow the mobs. there's hardly a mob left when slotted with 3 dmg.
chilling embarce and snow storm wont last long if there's only a endrdx.
ice patch wont be useful if you have hover...
bitter freeze ray is too long to be useful to  my mind to be used in a fast attack chain.

here you go for the first round of comments ^^


Chain Shot

Thanks Icy! makes since.
This is my 1st ranged toon, so I couldnt help but 6 slot the main attacks and put range on it.  I did have an extra slow in ranges place, should I change back? or have 3 acc?

How would you slot Blizzard? 
Are you suggesting not getting bitter freeze ray?  I got it because I was hoping it would stack w/ freez ray.  You're right though, the animation is slow.  What should I replace it with?  I remember how I HATED to be held in ice as a stalker and I wanted to return the favor by holding folks myself.  Think FR w/ fast recharge would do as well?

With Ice Patch, I usually put it down then hover/fly...still working on it.  Seems too handy w/ mobs to drop at this point but not sure how well it'll work in pvp.  I'll put it on the potential drop list.

aim/bu w/ 2 rchrdx 2 thbuff seems like a great idea.

Thanks for your help!!


You're welcome ^^

i think you can remove the slott where there is range, and give it to chilling embrace first with a endrdx, then to freeze ray for rechrdx. then you can as you said, stack holds on anyone you can fire at. ^^

i usually get combat jumping, super jump, then acrobatics. combat jumping prevents immobilize, superjump is quite handy, and acrobatics gives protection to kb/hold.
another point why i dont use fly/hover, is i dont have any snipe attack. so i need close range action, and its better for a good use of ice sword.

now if you want to pvp some, ice patch is not a that good idea.. most of toons which you'll play against are more or less classified in 2 categories : melee, or distance.
melee do have anti kb/kd, so mainly, it's quite useless.
distance.. they dont need to come near you...
instead, if you want to hold players, try freezing touch. fast and quite handy, you can use a fat combo with freeze ray, then touch,and finish with ice sword, then retreat and blast from afar ^^

If you need any information on PvP, Iltat could give you more information ^^

here you go for my guesses ^^



back from the dead !!!

here i come again, and as I lay my hands back on my full Ice blaster, i wonder : what has changed ?? do i need to respec ? i have "paid" the 160 fee for  this month to use my sets... should i go around and use only 52 SO and/or HO ?

anyone there can help me get the most of my soooo nice Blast ?? :D

hope to get someone there ^^

see you

Icy ^^


Hey !!!

here i come again !! :D
well, there's not that much people here threading...

anyway, if anyone can give comments on that, i'll be more than welcome ;)

have fun !

Icy ^^

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


ok, here i come again with my main, and i have some new improvements...

check this, and keep me posted if there are some weird things.. :D

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |