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CIT Changelog

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March 23, 2012

* Internal structure for badges has been changed substantially:

* Badge Detail popup window: language links have been added to the top of the page for easy switching.
* Badge texts (description and requirements, as they appear in-game) for all known game languages have been added for all active badges.
* Other sections related to badges should behave as they usually do.
* New badges can now be added much faster and easily updated.
* PHP errors in the My Account Badges page have been fixed.
* Statistics and Character Stats: Server, Archetype and Origin Usage tables are visible again.
* Database errors in several pages related to badges should now be fixed.

June 7, 2012

Changes to the verification webservice used by Sentinel and HeroStats:
[*]The webservice no longer takes alignment or archetype into consideration when verifying badge names. As long as the badge name is unambiguous, it will verify. This change allows verification for characters without an alignment set (previously, they were refused; this primarily impacts HeroStats users). It also allows correct verification is the alignment is incorrect (previously, only badges with the same name for both sides would verify if the alignment was incorrect; this also primarily impacts HeroStats users).
[*]Badges with ambiguous names will no longer verify. This means that we will no longer have to manually deactivate such badges in CIT. Verifications prior to the ambiguity will be retained and will be reflected in characters' counts. Future verifications will be refused until the ambiguity is fixed.
[*]The webservice will now add messages to its response if a badge is rejected because it is ambiguous or unknown. (This mostly benefits HeroStats, which makes such messages available in its log.)[/list]

February 10, 2017
[*]Added "Chat" to the list of servers.
[*]Bug fixes.[/list]


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