Titan sentinel issues

Started by SashaFire, May 30, 2021, 05:47:26 PM


Hi all. I just found Titan Sentinel again today and have everything downloaded. But each time that I try to get it to recognize my CoH account to get my characters badges it says nothing found.  So I have a few questions. Is there a loading order like coh then sentinel or maybe sentinel then coh (I tried both but who knows really). Also does the email need to be the same for both accounts? 

When I log in on the cohtitan.com my info works fine but when I use the same information on the Sentinel it says "Unable to log into the Tracking Site." 

I am really looking forward to using this is I can get it running, any help is appreciated!


Titan Sentinel only worked on the live game back in 2012.  The app is at end-of-life.

For the private servers running today there are other badge-tracking solutions available.
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