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Costume Change emotes.

Started by Thunder Glove, January 27, 2020, 10:09:15 PM

Thunder Glove

I added four of the six missing costume change emotes — Confetti Throw, Gift Burst, Inner Will, and Murder of Crows — to the CCE page (they were already on the Emotes page), but I can't figure out when, how, or even if the other two missing emotes, Rainbow and Light Magic, were added to the game.  (If they were in the client before shutdown but not officially released, I'll add them as "unreleased future content", and, obviously, if they were added post-shutdown, then I won't add them, but they're in this old topic from 2015 about Paragonchat, long before "Issue 26", so they must be from the pre-shutdown client)

Does anyone know?