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The state of the community

Started by Goddangit, July 21, 2019, 01:59:21 AM


There is an degree of toxicity in almost any endeavor, belief, or pursuit one can think of these days.  There were always difference of opinion, but now with the anonymity provided by the web, closet a-holes felt empowered to become on-line a-holes in whatever way amused them.  Trolls take many forms, and sadly, our community is not immune to them.  But, I still think this is the best community overall, that one could reasonably hope for, especially in this era.
What was no more, is now reborn!

Marine X

There are always going to be " those guys ", but for the most part I think we are slowly getting back to the Original Core Community. It's almost every day I see someone posting how happy they are to be back or asking how things have changed in Help. It was a long wait to get back here, and a little Toxic in the beginning, but I think we are going to be OK.

As a sub-note on hunting out of Level Range, I have done this a bit lately to acquire Badges etc. but always tried to do it in a way that didn't affect others as much as possible. The hardest was UnVeiler as there are only a few places to Hunt Fake Nemesis with any success, but If someone showed up in the area, I would just do something else for a bit. Plenty room for everyone. Plenty other badges to work on.

I will confess I am a little frustrated with a handful of persons on the Homecoming Forums, who seem to delight, although they deny it, in turning almost every post into a Battleground. I have only ran into a few People from Live or PC there or in-game since it's been back, which is a little Sad since PC had such a great group of people,. Probably just on a different Server or Shard, but I would enjoy hanging out with some of the Titan People, they kept the community going as much as anyone else.
When it's too tough for everyone else,
It's just right for me.......
( unless it's cold, or raining , or dirty,
or there are Sappers, man I Hate those Guys )
                                                                   Marine X

Nyx Nought Nothing

Just going to add that on the Homecoming servers at least things have stabilized into a reasonable facsimile of the original community. Help chat is generally helpful and the large group events like Mothership Raids and Hami Raids are relatively free of griefers and trolls. The forums and Discord communities are also pretty friendly.
So far so good. Onward and upward!


Ok I'm gonna go on a rant and to get this off my chest. Players on Excelsior do daily Hamidon Raids every night at 10 pm EST. Since the GMs have change the population cap to 50 now players have been going to the zone early. For some reason players don't announce it on the LFG anymore. They only announce it until AFTER The Hive is full and people can't get in. It's like people are doing Hamidon raids incognito style without people even realizing there's a raid on going and a lot of players end up missing out on it. Sure the Excelsior channel MOTD says "10 pm" on it but, it's not "really" 10 pm it's earlier than that. It's very inconsistent. I'm also aware of the Excelsior Discord but NOT EVERYONE uses Discord. It would be very nice if someone would announce the Hamidon raid early to encourage players to come to The Hive early due to the population cap. There are a lot of players that are getting frustrated including myself of what's going on now. Since players are constantly doing this now it take away the City of Heroes experience. This is not how it used to be back in the day and I miss it. :( This is my honest opinion and this is how I feel about it. If you guys don't agree with me or don't like my rant that's fine. I just want the community to at least understand where I come from.


It's been a problem. :(  I agree.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Is the Hive completely locked after 50 are in? I thought all zones opened up a new instance after they were full... is the Hive an exception to that? If not, couldn't someone just form a second raid? If so, yeah, that sucks.


Moving an entire league there at once isn't feasible.  And with a 50 user cap with a full 48 person league, it takes three in the new zone to make someone miss out.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: Goddangit on July 21, 2019, 01:59:21 AM
Those that were always ready to share "you're doing it wrong", "that costume sucks", and of course the kill-stealer were always present, although the majority of the community were decent people and would speak strongly against such actions.  It has been my recent experience that is no longer the case.  Was my experience an isolated thing or has the CoH community, and indeed all of the gaming community become that bad?  Are the kill-stealer, the rude, the self-entitled now the norm?  I'm coming to the conclusion things have changed.  (And I take comfort in the fact there is no longer one single place; I can choose who I associate with.)  I departed SecondLife and formed an Open Simulator grid with friends I value for similar reasons.  What is your experience?  What is your opinion?

There are always bad apples, but my experience, far and few. If they spam, use foul language or whatnot- report obstinent ones to a GM.
Most of my players I met have been positive. I cherish all of the friends I met in the game.
Don't leave CoH because of an idiot's comment....We're family.